Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 594: The World Line Of The Forbidden World! Misaka Mikoto's Crisis! (Please Collect! Pl

Zhou Yang also used the detection symbol to detect the location of the reincarnation.

Ding~The reincarnation of evil thoughts is located in Tokiwa Taichung Middle School near the seventh school district, please go and kill him as soon as possible.

Zhou Yang thought about Tokiwadai. Isn’t this the middle school where Mikoto Misaka is? He was able to invade Misaka Mikoto's world

Zhou Yang also immediately sent a private letter to Misaka Mikoto. Tell Misaka Mikoto about it.

Zhou Yang: "Sister Pao. I didn't expect these reincarnators with evil thoughts to go to your world. They may want to destroy your world line, or want to control someone in your world."

Misaka Mikoto: "I didn't expect to come to our world directly. I didn't want to challenge them [I didn't expect to come to 04 by myself. It seems that I still want to show them how powerful my electromagnetic gun is."

Zhou Yang: "You also know that this reincarnator is powerful, he can control other people's thoughts, if he controls the LV5 in your world, maybe he will have even greater destructive power."

Misaka Mikoto: "In any case, let's get rid of this troublesome matter first, otherwise if these reincarnated people control more and more people, they might pose a relatively big threat to our place."

Zhou Yang: "This evil reincarnator may be hiding in a corner of your school, but I can find him soon."

Tony, Saber, and the sweeping monk all knew the location of the reincarnation just like Zhou Yang, so they immediately came to Misaka Mikoto's world directly through the talisman.

Tony made a cool appearance as always. The luxury car that appeared this time seemed to be even more luxurious than last time. In Zhou Yang's opinion, this super long and extended car was not Tony's favorite. Maybe there was something hidden in it.

Several old friends met in the place where they were dressed in a completely new state. For example, Tony came directly in a suit and leather shoes.

But the sweeping monk on the side is very simple, with a hat with a certain Buddha character on his head, and a white beard on his face, and the clothes on his body are already a little worn out. This really looks like an old monk.

But Saber on the side is wearing a very cool knight outfit, which does not match his status as the foodie king of Great Britain.

However, a few old friends also mocked each other when they met.

Tony: "I didn't expect the old monk to be able to dress so plainly. It turned out that this outfit appeared directly. I have to say that you, the old monk, are a typical boring person."

Look at me, it looks very different. "

Anonymous old monk: "I didn't expect Teacher Tony to be the king of the hairdressing industry. You are worthy of being the leader of Stark's hairdressing industry. But you look like this, wearing a suit and tie, and combing your hair like this. It looks like a professional hairdresser."

Tony: "I didn't expect you, an unknown old monk, to be a bit coquettish. Your sullen appearance makes me think you must be a person who can mess with women."

Anonymous old monk: "Amitabha, Amitabha. You can eat indiscriminately, but you can't talk indiscriminately. Your behavior will make others and even my ancestors dissatisfied with me.

Foodie King of Great Britain: "Why are you chatting with each other, but why is Liu Angxing's food still not available? That's why I came to deal with these little reincarnations."

Zhou Yang: "How can you guys chat like this? We are here to kill the reincarnated people. Your behavior will make the reincarnated people lose face."

Tony looked at the New World that came, and it seems that the technology in this world is already very advanced, and the railway has been built to the sky, and the surrounding technology is also very advanced.

Tony: "Mr. Administrator, what kind of world is this? The technology is so advanced that it is completely different from the world of Fullmetal Alchemist that I visited last time.

Anonymous old monk: "Although I come from the relatively ancient world of 733, I have never been to such a world with a sense of technology. Is this the world of the future? Or is it just another space."

Foodie King of Great Britain: "No matter whose world it is, we have to find out the reincarnated people first, but where are the reincarnated people, get rid of them quickly and ask Liu Angxing to cook for me!"

Zhou Yang: "You may like this world very much, and there is a person here who is also very compatible with you. Guess who it is?"

Tony: "Could this be Mikoto's world?"

Zhou Yang: "Exactly, you can just try your armor. I believe that these reincarnated people are not very strong, but if they control the superpowers in the world of Sister Pao, it will be hard to say, so we still hurry up Kill him, or it may cause damage to this place.

ps: Ask for collection! Ask for subscription! Ask for monthly pass! Ask for flowers! Ask for evaluation ticket!.

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