Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 595: The Appearance Of The Fff Group? The Sweeping Monk Taught By Wutian Buddha! (Please Col

Zhou Yang also hurriedly asked Mikoto Mikoto to come to his side to meet him, because Zhou Yang already knew the exact location of the reincarnation.

At this time, a reincarnated person with evil thoughts was trying to control the mind of a person with superpowers, and he put his hands directly on the head of the person with superpowers. He was chanting some spells, and then his hands were still emitting red light.

This superpower is also trying to break free from the control of this evil reincarnation person, but the superpower who tried to struggle for a while was directly controlled, and his eyes had become dull, and then he lost his sight. ability to struggle.

Misaka Mikoto also came directly to the side of the four of them. Seeing Tony who developed the fusion technique together last time, Misaka Mikoto also laughed directly:

"I didn't expect it to be Mr. Tony. Can this battle armor be able to eat my stronger electromagnetic gun? Then let these reincarnations take a good look at the strength of the strengthened LV5 later. How dare they come here? To make trouble in my world, I must show them what is the result of hell without a door.

Tony: "Hahahaha, I didn't expect to come directly to Sister Pao's world, but this reincarnation can control people's thoughts, we can't take it lightly, if he controls the superpowers in your world, maybe we He was directly defeated.

Zhou Yang: "Okay, the first reincarnation, let's kill him quickly! Let him experience the fear we bring to them~". "

This evil reincarnator also walked directly in front of Zhou Yang, but he didn't seem to care about Zhou Yang, but let Zhou Yang get out of the way.

Evil reincarnation person: "You guys should get out of the way, or you will die in my hands."

Misaka Mikoto: "It seems that this brother has a very violent temper. The person who took away other people's world actually wants to leave and wants us to get out of the way. See if he is a bit domineering."

Tony: "Hahahaha, it seems that Miss Pao is quite upset, but it seems that he is not alone. "It seems that there are ten people from your world next door." 1

Anonymous old monk: "This benefactor is still a bit tempered. He let old people like me get out of the way as soon as he came up. It seems that he still doesn't understand what it means to respect the old and love the young. An old monk like me will not let you go today." gone."

Foodie King of Great Britain: "It seems that this person is really troublesome. It seems that we have to get rid of him so that we can eat the dishes made by Liu Angxing. But who will leave this reincarnation to solve it?"

Zhou Yang saw the evil reincarnator in front of him. Why did he dress so much like the FFF group? He was wearing a black robe, and then hid his head in the hood, and only showed a pair of eyes. It really looked like FFF group ah.

Zhou Yang: "If we don't give up today, are you going to kill us too? I just want to see if you have such strength."

The evil reincarnator also sneered at Zhou Yang and the others, and the evil reincarnation was surprised that the clothes of these people were a little different, but since he can control other people's thoughts, there is no need to be afraid They will beat themselves.

If you hit yourself, you can also control their thoughts, and then directly let them be used by you.

But all this is just imagination, Zhou Yang in front of him doesn't seem to give him the time to do this, but Zhou Yang thinks how strong this evil reincarnator is, and wants the group members to test the opponent's strength first.

At this time, Misaka Mikoto also threw a coin and fired the electromagnetic cannon directly, but a superpower from Misaka Mikoto's world appeared in front of him. He directly built an ice wall and directly ate Misaka Mikoto. Super electromagnetic gun.

Misaka Mikoto: ",~ Unexpectedly, this little brother actually controls a superpower in our world. This person should have LV4, otherwise it is impossible to eat my super electromagnetic gun."

Tony: "Then let's let him try the Railgun."

As soon as Tony finished speaking, a pair of battle armor jumped out of the RV and put it on Tony's body.

Zhou Yang: "You guys are so eager to kill him, but since we are from Sister Pao's world, we can't just kill people from their world (deserved Zhao), so you guys Let’s go back a little bit for the combining skills first.”

Foodie King of Great Britain: "I think this person is just being used by others, so let's not beat him to death directly. Maybe he can break free in the end and we can rescue him."

Tony: "Let's listen to the administrator, otherwise, if we continue to bombard, this evil reincarnator and the controlled person may be wiped out directly.

Zhou Yang: "Then whose performance should we watch next?"

Anonymous old monk: "It seems that I, a sweeping monk, still have to show my ability."

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