Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 606: Orochimaru's Laboratory = Junkyard? The Many Uses Of Reincarnators! (Please Subscr

Anonymous old monk: "Now these reincarnated people have been acupointed by me, but the reincarnated people we met before were all directly killed by us. So how to deal with these people now."

Tony: "Although they are only being acupunctured now, if they control the defeated superpowers, they may bring a lot of trouble to the world."

Misaka Mikoto: "These people have caused such a big disturbance in our world, and also controlled our world. It is better to destroy them. Rather than leaving them to us, we should destroy them all."

Foodie King of Great Britain: "Of course I have no objection, but it's better not to keep Misaka Mikoto's world for these people, because I don't know what trouble they will cause

Tony: "Or give them to Orochimaru. They have the ability to control others like this. If you give them to Orochimaru, Orochimaru will definitely take good care of them."

Zhou Yang: "Hahahaha, this seems to be a good idea, but there are too many people, right? Orochimaru's laboratory will not be able to fit it. Hahahaha."

Anonymous old monk: "Anyway, they have already been acupunctured, why not bring them to Orochimaru, Orochimaru must have a way to control them.

Misaka Mikoto: "Of course there is no problem, but what happened to the superpowers under their control now?"

Zhou Yang also directly asked the reincarnation of evil thoughts wearing a red cloak. After all, Zhou Yang is not a scientist, so it is better not to rush to deal with them before confirming that other people are out of control.

The evil reincarnator in the red cloak obviously also sneered, obviously not intending to tell Zhou Yang about this situation, because he was already (aedb) dead, and there was nothing to be afraid of.

The reincarnation person with evil thoughts: "Anyway, I have already fallen into your hands, what is the difference between whether I say it or not, if you want to know, it is impossible to know in this life.

The sweeping monk saw the other party and said that, but the sweeping monk was not worried about what these people were like, because he was going to torture them now.

Anonymous old monk: "Since you are unwilling to take the initiative to speak out, then don't blame me, the next torture will make your life worse than death.

Zhou Yang didn't expect that the old monk would also ask about skills, but after hearing what the sweeping monk said, Zhou Yang naturally knew that the sweeping monk would not want to torture them with itches.

Zhou Yang: "You old monk, what method do you want to use, it won't be like that."

Misaka Mikoto: "What are you talking about? Why are you two talking so vaguely, but old monk, you still have a lot of tricks."

Foodie King of Great Britain: "Let them tell the result quickly, I'm still waiting for Liu Angxing to send me food to eat.

Tony: "You really are a big foodie. At this time, you still miss Liu Angxing's cooking hahaha. You are indeed the ultimate foodie king."

Anonymous old monk: "I will let them say it soon. Although I don't know how to read minds, my method is enough to make them tortured to death."

After speaking, I saw the sweeping monk tap the body parts of these reincarnations, and then immediately retreated far away, but these reincarnations with evil thoughts didn't feel anything.

But after a while, these evil reincarnators instantly felt that their bodies were extremely itchy "and this feeling is not ten parts but the whole body.

Anonymous old monk: "I have opened your nerves now, but I haven't unlocked your acupuncture points. As long as you move, you will die directly, so you can enjoy it."

Zhou Yang: "I didn't expect you, an old monk, to be able to use such methods. I really have to say that you are a complete slut."

But these evil reincarnators were obviously made very uncomfortable by the itching feeling, and there was a very painful expression on their faces, but their acupuncture points had already been touched, and they couldn't move their bodies at all.

But these reincarnations were able to withstand it. Even Zhou Yang felt that these reincarnations with evil thoughts were not easy, because people are not afraid of their own death, but are most afraid of being tortured.

This is why, in the eyes of some people, they would rather be killed than tell others the news. But the reincarnation in front of him is obviously very capable

But after a while, the itching didn't stop, and even the pain spread directly from the head to every corner of the body. At this time, the evil reincarnation person could no longer withstand the constant itching and pain.

In other words, he himself couldn't tell whether it was itching or pain.

The evil reincarnator wearing a red cloak: "I said, I said, please don't give me this feeling again, you kill me!"

Zhou Yang also knew that the other party couldn't take it anymore.

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