Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 607: The Special Torture Technique Of The Sweeping Monk! The Charm Of Liu Maoxing's Cul

Hearing this, the sweeping monk also instantly tapped several parts of the body of the evil reincarnator wearing a red cloak, and the feeling disappeared instantly.

But the reincarnation of evil thoughts couldn't stop talking, because they didn't want to suffer from the itching and pain, so they recruited immediately.

Evil reincarnation: "None of us are from this world, we come from other dimensions, but we know that there are all kinds of superpowers in this world, so that we can achieve our goals."

Zhou Yang: "For what purpose, do you want to take these superpowers away?"

The reincarnation of evil thoughts: "I can't defeat other people in our space. Although we have the power to control other people's thoughts, we all use the control of brain waves to disturb other people's heads."

Tony: "Sure enough, Lala's guess is not wrong. If you want to control others, you may only use this method. It seems that Lala's hat has helped a lot.

Foodie King of Great Britain: "That's right, a certain old monk was almost controlled. If he is controlled, maybe we will beat this old monk up."

Anonymous old monk: "Don't talk nonsense, you foodie king, I just didn't show my strength, because I know I have that hat."

Evil reincarnation: "Everyone in our world knows that we have such strength, so they naturally know how to deal with us, but this world will not know our~ ability."

Misaka Mikoto: "That's why you came to Tokiwadai. Although one person's strength can't beat you, but if you gather all superpowers together, maybe you can destroy us-."

Evil reincarnation: "We also thought so at the beginning, this way we can greatly strengthen our strength, this way we can dominate the world."

Misaka Mikoto: "You really have a good idea. As long as we are here, you can't defeat us. What you do is obviously against the rules of this world.

Evil reincarnation person: "I didn't expect you to have such a strong strength. I lost in your hands. I feel like I'm not losing at all."

Zhou Yang also sneered. He didn't expect that this evil reincarnator wanted to directly dominate the world, but with their strength, it was obviously not enough.

Zhou Yang: "Is the superpower controlled by you out of control now? If you speak out, we can let you go."

When Misaka Mikoto heard that Zhou Yang wanted to let them go, he naturally had ten thousand reluctances in his heart, because this group of people had already caused great harm to their world.

Evil reincarnation: "Just cut off the brain waves, so that we can't transmit our brain waves, so that we can cut off our control." 11

After finishing speaking, Zhou Yang took out a small knife and killed these evil reincarnators directly! And the speed was so fast that there was no chance for the other group members to react.

Anonymous old monk: "Wow, administrator, you are so cruel and merciless, you will kill them all like this. You still don't keep your promise like this, and promise to let others go."

0...asking for flowers...

Misaka Mikoto: "Administrator, I didn't expect you to be such a person. You solved others in one go. Now it's all right, so other superpowers will be safe."

Tony: "Cruel and cruel, but this kind of method still looks quite ruthless. If you say you want to let others run away, you will kill them when you turn around."

Zhou Yang: "Isn't this the best way to protect the superpowers in Misaka Mikoto's world? If they still exist, then there is no way to cut off the brainwaves between them. Since we want to cut off their brainwaves , the best way is to let their brains die."

Foodie King of Great Britain: "It's so immoral! But there's no way around it, so it can be settled once and for all."

Apparently Zhou Yang's actions are a bit contrary to what he said, but he has no resistance to these group members at all, because they know that as long as these reincarnated people exist, or if they continue to survive, they may be ignorant of this world. Continue to create danger, so Zhou Yang did this, and several group members didn't feel that it was wrong. Even Saber doesn't think there is any problem, because this is the way to solve the problem.

Zhou Yang also knew that this method was the best way, so he didn't take this matter to heart, because it was just a few simple reincarnators, and it wouldn't be of any value to let them exist.

Zhou Yang: "I'm actually a little hungry, this matter has finally been resolved, let's ask Liu Angxing to bring some food over.

ps: Ask for collection! Ask for subscription! Ask for monthly pass! Ask for flowers! Ask for evaluation ticket mountain!.

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