Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 633: The Majesty Of The Administrator! Super Power Wholesaler! (Please Collect! Please Subsc

Even before the predator finished his sentence, he suddenly felt someone behind him, and it was impossible to react.

Zhou Yang also directly came to the back of the predator, at an unbelievably fast speed. At this time, Zhou Yang directly attacked the predator's leg with a heavy kick.

At this time, the predator tried to mobilize the tree he had just manipulated to attack Zhou Yang, but his leg had already felt a super severe pain, and his arm seemed to have just been punched hard, but he just unexpectedly Did not feel the other party punched.

Seeing Zhou Yang, Orochimaru rushed forward with "Zero Four Seven", and directly kicked the predator's leg and punched his arm, so fast that even Orochimaru couldn't see clearly whether it was Give a punch and a kick.

Orochimaru: "I didn't expect to be able to complete so many actions in such a short time, and the speed of approaching the enemy is completely beyond my imagination. It seems that the strength of the administrator is much stronger than the zombie ninja I strengthened." Times."

Tsunade: "I haven't actually seen the strength of the administrator before, but since the last time the administrator gave some people from our ninja world to deter our world, I have already felt that the administrator's strength is very powerful."

Tokisaki Kurumi: "Although this person is usually a bit shameless, and he often teases good female group members like us, but if it is said that his strength is really far above us."

Saiki Kusuo: "I didn't expect to rely on the administrator to get rid of this predator in the end, but it seems a little difficult to petrify the administrator, because my eyes can't even keep up with his speed."

At this time, Zhou Yang directly completed a whole set of movements, and returned directly to the four people who were traveling with him.

Zhou Yang: "He wants to beat me with such strength. It seems that the opponent is still too tender, but seeing that he has a super self-healing ability, I want to see how quickly my physical skills can make him recover." self-healing."

At this time, Saiki Kusuo also opened his clairvoyant eyes, and saw that the predator was directly covering his legs and hands, with a very painful expression on his face, and secretly saying something in his mouth.

The Predator also felt Zhou Yang's extraordinary strength at this time. Why is this person different from the previous ones? He even said that he could be many times stronger. Although his self-healing ability is strong, there is no way he can match it. Stay with such a heavy two hits.

It seems that I can only call my own helper. Unexpectedly, when my big plan is being implemented, it will be destroyed by such a person. It seems that it is necessary to let other people stop their plans and get rid of this group of people who are in the way. nailed it.

At this time, the predator also directly called his companions:

"I'm in a bit of trouble here. I thought these might be the last few products, but the opponent's strength doesn't seem to be weak. It seems that we need to get rid of this group of people first."

The other two predators also felt that their plan did not seem to be going well.

"I didn't expect you to be in trouble. Who is this group of people in front of you? Are they the strongest in this world? But we already have so many scientific products in our hands, it is not easy to deal with such a group of people one...."

While speeding up his recovery, the injured predator also warned the other two predators

"Don't take it lightly, the person in front of you doesn't look like a weakling in this world, otherwise I wouldn't ask you to come over to help, you should hurry up

Stop the theft plan in hand. "

Zhou Yang saw that the predator hadn't come out for a long time, and even the tree he manipulated didn't make any movement. Could it be that the predator was so weak that he was killed in a few hits?

Zhou Yang: "You thieves, it's better not to hide, you are too weak like this, there is no way to rule the world."

Orochimaru: "Administrator, please don't shout. This person seems to be unable to withstand your attacks. It seems that the other party fell directly."

Saiki Kusuo: "Orochimaru, don't talk nonsense, it seems that this person has not been defeated, he is hiding behind there, and he seems to be talking, but if I use another ability 4.9, say Maybe you can know what the other person is thinking?"

Zhou Yang thought that Saiki Kusuo can telepathize, as long as Saiki Kusuo can telepathize what the other party is thinking.

Zhou Yang: "Saiki Kusuo, you should be able to telepathically sense the other person's heart, so we can know what the other person is thinking."

Tokisaki Kurumi: "You have too many superpowers. You can have such pervert superpowers. "Do you have any other pervert superpowers?"

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