Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 634: The Concept Of Super Saiyan Arms! The Jealousy In Kuang San's Heart! (Please Subsc

Saiki Kusuo: "Although I have a lot of superpowers, sometimes there are side effects. If I can telepathize with the other party, I might be able to know some insignificant things. Although my superpowers sometimes have some miraculous effects, but Sometimes it is very difficult to suppress your own superpowers."

Orochimaru: "You said that, I am more and more interested in you. I didn't expect that there are so many outstanding people in this group. If I can get your superpowers, and I can also get super races like Goku. If I have a demihuman physique, it seems that I will soon be able to create a powerful life form."

Tsunade: "Orochimaru, don't even think about it. If you do this, you can easily mess up the order of the world. And now is not the time to think about it. The point is what this predator wants. This time it was you, the pervert big white snake, who came to make trouble!"

Tokisaki Kurumi: "So Saiki Kusuo is going to spy on this predator's heart? 04 If we can hear something, maybe it will help us."

Zhou Yang: "So Qi Mu Kusuo, you should quickly sense what is going on in the other party's mind, maybe the other party has no brains, maybe he is already a dead person."

At this time, Saiki Kusuo also directly used the telepathy technique to hear the inner world of the predator. But then came the side effects.

Saiki Kusuo actually heard what kind of woman the other party liked, and also heard what TV series the predator wanted to watch, and what kind of games the predator liked to play.

Saiki Kusuo then said it outright, this predator actually likes fat girls, and what TV series he is watching recently.

Everyone heard what Saiki Kusuo said, and they were instantly overwhelmed. In such a tense battle, Saiki Kusuo was able to tell what kind of woman the other party liked, and even what kind of TV series he liked.

Tsunade: "So, can you be more serious, you pink-headed boy, and you heard something like this at this time, do you want to piss others off?"

Orochimaru: "It seems that your superpower still has some side effects, but if you become my experimental subject, maybe I can help you solve it. If you want, you can always

I. "

Tokisaki Kurumi: "I didn't expect you to be such a Saiki Kusuo. Does your telepathy work or not? Did you make it up?"

Saiki Kusuo: "I didn't expect that there would be so many troubles when I came to this world, and this person's mind is thinking about these things all day long. I can't help it. You people are really Trouble, just go straight up and kill him, but you still want me to use telepathy to see what he is thinking."

Zhou Yang: "Hahaha, but this person must have another purpose, otherwise, he would not have come to the world of the victim to steal items from other people's world."

The Predator is also hiding behind the stone peep and waiting for the arrival of the two companions, because he knows that what he wants to do now is definitely not to head-to-head with Zhou Yang's strength, because the opponent's strength is far superior to his own .

It's different from the previous thinking, because I have enough ability to deal with the zombie ninja, but a strong person like Zhou Yang should not try to defeat it with ten difficulties.

Although Zhou Yang said that it is not difficult at all to defeat the predator in front of him, but since Saiki Kusuo can read the opponent's purpose, Zhou Yang is not in a hurry to deal with the opponent.

No matter how hard Saiki Kusuo tried, he only read some irrelevant things, and he also tried to peek into the mind of the predator, but the results were mediocre

Tsunade: "Your super power seems to be a little watery. You haven't read a karma after reading it for so long. So, it seems that you are still not suitable for Orochimaru's 350 experiment."

Orochimaru: "You old woman Tsunade, talk nonsense to me again, when did I say this, I hope you don't talk nonsense, okay?"

Zhou Yang: "It seems that the side effects of Saiki Kusuo's super power are quite big, but it would be the best if he could read it. I think he must be secretly trying to find a way now, but I am not worried at all. If It annoys me, maybe he's already a lying corpse."

Tokisaki Kurumi: "The strength of the administrator is really amazing, it seems that you are getting better and better, but I hope you can get rid of your shameless nature, okay?

Zhou Yang: "Sister Kuang San, don't you want to flirt at this time? If we want to reminisce about the old days, we should find a good place and don't be disturbed by others, otherwise it will destroy our leisure time."

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