Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 642: An Artifact As Vast As Stars! A Powerful Battle Body That Smashes Everything! (Please C

The last predator that Zhou Yang faced, seeing Zhou Yang running up to fight with him, also underestimated Zhou Yang's strength.

But Zhou Yang saw this predator. Although he said that the opponent might have all kinds of artifacts, he was not worried about how strong the opponent was. At this time, he was waiting for the opponent to see what he looked like. Super powers, able to travel through various spaces to various worlds to plunder their world's artifacts.

Predator: "I didn't expect you to want to deal with me alone. I am the most capable of the three of them. I don't need to use this artifact in my hand to defeat you."

Zhou Yang: "Don't you think my strength is just that? Otherwise, I wouldn't single you out alone, but since you said you are the strongest among the three of you, let me take a good look at you The strength~ right."

Predator: "You are still too young. I don't need to show my full strength yet. You dare to face me alone. It seems that you still have a little courage, but your courage is reckless."

Zhou Yang: "Then it depends on who is younger. Maybe I will directly deal with the three of you and kill them."

At this time, the predator also flew directly towards Zhou Yang, trying to knock Zhou Yang down with his physical skills, but Zhou Yang's physical skills had already reached the point of perfection.

Directly, Zhou Yang grabbed the opponent's arm and pulled it in front of him, but at the same time kicked the opponent's foot with his foot.

After throwing the opponent's body, he also struck the predator's neck with a palm. Following the speed at which the predator flew over, Zhou Yang took advantage of the opponent's speed to strengthen his own attack.

The predator didn't even react, and was directly knocked down to the ground by Zhou Yang. Zhou Yang completed this series of actions with just a snap of his fingers, or in other words, didn't even need a snap of his fingers.

The predator felt a sharp pain in his body and fell to the ground. Only then did he feel that Zhou Yang's strength was extraordinary. Although he said that he approached Zhou Yang at a fast speed, he wanted to defeat Zhou through physical skills. Yang, but Zhou Yang could react so quickly and knocked himself down directly.

The predator also reflected what his companion said. The person in front of him seemed to be an extraordinary person. At this time, he already knew how powerful Zhou Yang was, but he fell to the ground and couldn't move.

Zhou Yang: "Now you know the gap between us. I can kill you with one finger, but I don't want to. I just want to see what other tricks you have."

Predator: "It seems that what my companion said is right, you are not a simple person, it seems that you are not from this world, but today I have this artifact, today you can only be defeated by me superior."

Zhou Yang: "Finally got the point, I just want to see what kind of power your artifact has that can make you so arrogant, but I want to correct you, I won't die here today, because my The strength is far above yours."

Seeing Zhou Yang's tone, the predator naturally took out the artifact in his hand, and saw him put it directly on his body.

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Zhou Yang saw that the predator's body had grown several times, and his body recovered very quickly. Zhou Yang knew that if other people had suffered from the physical skills he just performed, they might already be a dead person, but The Marauder was even able to use artifacts.

Zhou Yang: "Wow! Why did you suddenly grow bigger? Could it be that this artifact can make you bigger? But what does it do to make you bigger.

Predator: "Hehehehehe, you are still too simple. I didn't expect that a person with such superb physical skills like you would think that this artifact can be enlarged simply, but you will know what it does later. ."


Zhou Yang also said to the predator very contemptuously:

"You're talking about what effect it has. I really want to know what effect it has. If it works, I will take him back."

Predator: "Do you want to snatch my artifact? But today is impossible, because my strength will make you tremble."

Zhou Yang: "Hahahaha, don't you understand? I want to take everything from your hands now, and I will show you what it means to take it by force."

The predator also shot out a pile of flames directly at Zhou Yang. Zhou Yang saw the opponent's flame attack and shot towards him, so he dodged immediately. Is this the power of the artifact or the original power of the predator? . Zhou Yang has no way of knowing now, nor does he know what the effect of this artifact is.

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