Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 643: The Rule Of Thieves! The Divine Right Of The Sun! (Please Collect! Please Subscribe!)

Zhou Yang: "I didn't expect that this artifact could allow you to master the power of fire, but you can't defeat me with these little tricks.

Predator: "I haven't shown the strength of the artifact yet. I'm only showing my own strength now. I'm already very scared. Let you die in fear today."

Zhou Yang thought about it, why did the other party steal his lines again? This group of looters really like to steal, not only stealing artifacts from other worlds, they even want to steal other people's lines.

Zhou Yang: "You really know how to steal, not only stealing other people's world's magical "603" weapon, but also stealing other people's lines, it really didn't take much effort for you guys

Predator: "Being able to snatch and steal is also our skill, but you actually said that I stole your lines. Today I will show you what it means to do what you say."

Zhou Yang: "Hahahaha, I didn't expect that there are people so arrogant, I haven't seen such a person for a long time, it still looks quite interesting.

The predator doubled his body directly, and his body hardened several times. Zhou Yang also saw that the predator actually strengthened his body.

Zhou Yang: "I didn't expect that the strength of your artifact is so weak, it just multiplies your own body, but no matter what you use today, you can't defeat me.

Predator: "I'm invulnerable now. Even physical skills like that just now can't defeat me. Let me show you how powerful I am now."

After speaking, the predator shot out icicles directly from his hand, flying towards Zhou Yang.

Seeing so many icicles, Zhou Yang directly released the divine power of the sun. He saw a sun suddenly appeared in the sky and threw it directly at the predator.

Everything around them was directly burned by this hot energy. The predator couldn't believe that the other party had such a powerful trick, but he had a divine weapon that would definitely be able to withstand all these attacks.

But after a period of time, the predator felt that his body was getting more and more uncomfortable. Suddenly, the predator felt his body was hot. Although he was hardened, he clearly felt that his body could no longer hold on. Living.

Predator: "What kind of person are you? How can you be so powerful? I didn't expect that even my artifacts can't resist your attack. Am I going to end up here today?"

Zhou Yang: "It seems that your artifacts are quite useless. How can you not withstand my unique skills. But I told you, today I will let you experience what fear is."

Predator: "Impossible, impossible, it is impossible for me to lose in this place today!"

After finishing speaking, the predator disappeared into the flames. Although Zhou Yang knew that the opponent possessed an artifact that could strengthen his own defense, to Zhou Yang, all of this was useless, because his strength was already far beyond this above the raiders.

Orochimaru and Tsunade, Tokisaki Kurumi and Saiki Kusuo all worked together to take down the Marauders they faced. Seeing that they had wiped out all the looters, Zhou Yang took his stolen artifact directly from the looters he was facing...

At this time, the three predators were wiped out by Zhou Yang's group, and Lala's world was not destroyed by these predators.

Orochimaru: "I didn't expect that the administrator is still strong. This way, the predators are eliminated directly. The administrator is still as strong as ever."

Tsunade: "But Orochimaru, your zombie ninja is really scary, but what are your two bottles of solution, you don't want to cause trouble in our ninja world."

Zhou Yang: "Unexpectedly, Orochimaru's secret weapon turned out to be this solution, but these solutions can make zombie ninjas so powerful, what will happen if they are used on humans? Orochimaru, are you planning to use it on humans? body?"

Orochimaru: "It's still too early, I saw that the side effects just now are still very big, I didn't expect my zombie ninja to show such a powerful strength, but drinking these bottles of solution can indeed enhance 2.6 My zombie ninja's taijutsu and ninjutsu, it seems that I have to study these things carefully."

Tokisaki Kurumi: "However, the strength of this group of predators is really something. I didn't expect three of them to come to other people's worlds to plunder their artifacts."

Saiki Kusuo: "But this group of predators is really troublesome. I didn't expect to use so much of my superpowers. I'm really exhausted today. I need to use coffee jelly to replenish my energy. "

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