Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 646: Great Inventor Lala! Boots That Span Space? (Please Subscribe! Please Collect!)

Zhou Yang: "Lala, are you kidding me? A great inventor like you didn't intend to bring anything here. It seems that none of us should come to your world to help you." 1

Tsunade: "Hahaha, I didn't expect that apart from the points, I won't gain anything at all. Why don't you ask Liu Angxing for some cooking? It seems that this trip is a bit of a loss."

Saiki Kusuo: "Although I don't have anything to take away, but if you can give me two coffee jellies, I will feel very happy. I don't know if Lala has coffee jelly here."

Tokisaki Kurumi: "You Kusuo Saiki thinks about coffee jelly all day long, if you continue to eat like this, maybe you will become Hito Saiki."

Zhou Yang: "I think Kusuo Saiki has superpowers that can make his body thinner, or he can instantly remove fat from his body, but seeing that Kusuo Saiki eats coffee jelly all day does not make him a fat man 307."

Saiki Kusuo: "I don't know why, but I think coffee jelly is so delicious, I probably won't refuse it. So "Is there any coffee in Lala's world?" 1

Orochimaru: "If Kusuo Saiki becomes Hitoo Saiki, you can give your body to me, maybe I can help you lose weight and correct the side effects of your superpowers.

Tsunade: "Orochimaru, you don't want to hit other people's bodies all day long. You are such a pervert big white snake. If you give your body to you, maybe you will do something strange."

Orochimaru: "You Tsunade old woman will hate me all day long, and you will spoil my good deeds all day long. Can you do good deeds? I will not be polite to you like this."

Tokisaki Kurumi: "It seems that you two are really happy (aeff) friends, why do you like to fight all day long, but you two really seem to be a good match."

Tsunade: "Don't talk nonsense, well, this pervert big white snake is not good enough for me, well, if I make a pair with him, I would rather be robbed by these predators.

Lala: "Hahaha, I didn't expect the old Aunt Tsunade to be so desperate. In order not to be with Orochimaru, he would be taken away by the predators. It seems that the old Aunt Tsunade has a big opinion on Orochimaru.

Orochimaru: "I'm too lazy to care about it. This person doesn't understand the power of science at all, and he doesn't understand what I'm doing. I can't be bothered to bring her with her."

Zhou Yang: "You guys don't want to fight anymore, this Lala just came here and saw you flirting and cursing, this is not a good influence on you."

Tokisaki Kurumi: "It's still the administrator who knows the truth, maybe someday the two of them will be together secretly, and they won't tell us.

Saiki Kusuo: "You two are really troublesome, but if you talk about what happened just now, is there coffee jelly in Lala's world?"

Lala: "Hahaha, Saiki Kusuo, don't think about coffee jelly all day long, I have one thing here that can prevent you from getting fat. Don't let yourself become a fat house."

Zhou Yang: "Looks like Lala still brought something. Then quickly show it to us, is it like the hat last time, it can resist brain waves.

Orochimaru: "I want to take a good look at what this is. Maybe it is a powerful technological product. This time I came to your world and saw many things that I have never touched before."

Tsunade: "What is it, take it out and have a look, is it something we are interested in. Lala's technological products must be very powerful.

Saiki Kusuo: "It can't be a machine that makes coffee jelly automatically. If there is one, you must give me ten."

Zhou Yang: "It seems that Kusuo Saiki is only thinking about his coffee jelly today, it seems that we should buy him coffee jelly.

Saiki Kusuo: "That would be the best. If there is no coffee jelly, I will go back to my world. People in this world are really troublesome." 11

Lala: "Guess what my thing is, and what is the function of this thing, this thing must be suitable for Saiki Kusuo!"

Tsunade: "It can't really be a coffee jelly maker, it's pretty boring, it can't be like this."

Orochimaru: "No matter what it is, I really want to see what it is. If it is a high-tech product, I must bring it back to my world.

Tokisaki Kurumi: "So Lala, you better not be a fool, you should take it out quickly, otherwise we will be very anxious."

Lala: "Here, I will show you my new product, it will definitely surprise you."

After speaking, Lala took out a pair of very beautiful shoes, and this pair of shoes looked different from ordinary shoes, obviously a feature of high-tech products.

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