Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 647: Lala's Super Product! The Technology Tree Is A Little Crooked! (Please Subscribe!

Tsunade: "It turned out to be a pair of shoes, but this pair of shoes still looks very different from ordinary shoes. Does this pair of shoes have any powerful effects?

When Zhou Yang saw this pair of shoes, he was naturally attracted by the appearance of this pair of shoes. Could it be that Lala's pair of shoes have any special functions? They are actually suitable for Saiki Kusuo.

Orochimaru: "Is this a pair of shoes that enhance strength? But it does look very different from ordinary shoes. Could it be a super technological product in your world?"

Saiki Kusuo: "So I still don't understand what the function of this shoe is or what it has to do with me. Is it a shoe that can make coffee jelly by itself? 17

Tokisaki Kurumi: "You Saiki Kusuo have been thinking about coffee jelly all day long, how can you make coffee jelly for your shoes, don't be stupid."

Zhou Yang: "But it really doesn't look like a shoe that can make coffee jelly, and it's definitely not a dessert machine." What does that have to do with Saiki Kusuo.

Lala: "I sincerely invite Saiki Kusuo to wear these shoes. If he wears them, he will know what the shoes are for."

Zhou Yang: "I didn't expect Saiki Kusuo to be the first person to experience Lala technology products. It seems that this is your honor, Saiki Kusuo."

Tsunade: "So Saiki Kusuo, you should hurry up and put on this pair of shoes, maybe there will be some strange effect, if there is any strange effect, I also want to ask Lala to give me a pair."

Lala: "This pair of shoes is the only pair. This is my latest technological achievement. If you like it, I can send you a few pairs when I go back.

Orochimaru: "I'm still looking forward to this pair of shoes, Saiki Kusuo, so you'd better put them on quickly, otherwise we won't be able to see the miraculous effect of this pair of shoes.

Tokisaki Kurumi: "Saiki Kusuo, you should hurry up and put them on. I am also very much looking forward to what effect these shoes will have."

Saiki Kusuo: "Why do I have to put it on, but this pair of shoes still looks quite troublesome, but since it is a product invented by Lala, I'd better give it a try."

After speaking, Saiki Kusuo put on the pair of shoes that Lala gave him, and Lala quickly helped Saiki Kusuo press the switch on the shoes, and Saiki Kusuo instantly felt that the pair of shoes had a thrust .

After a while, Saiki Kusuo flew out directly with the thrust, but the smart effect of this pair of shoes is quite obvious, and directly made Saiki Kusuo run with his legs

Seeing Kusuo Saiki, Zhou Yang started to run directly, and the thrust was still very strong, and it seemed that the speed was still very fast. The fast speed here refers only to the running speed of ordinary people.

Tsunade: "Ah? This is the end, so what is the function of this pair of shoes, is it running automatically?"

Orochimaru: "Is there no other effect? ​​I thought it was a pair of super strong shoes. I'd better take back the looters quickly.

Zhou Yang: "Orochimaru, you should leave the things you snatched from the predators to me, I want to take a good look at the functions of these technological products.

0...asking for flowers...

Orochimaru: "Since the administrator said so, I can't take it away by force today [so I'll leave it to you."

Zhou Yang: "Orochimaru, I will not treat you badly. If there is something good, I will give it to you next time. Maybe it is a living person with super powers."

Orochimaru: "Administrator, you can do what you say, but I still look forward to living people. Researching these technological products is Tony's strong point, not mine."

Tsunade: "Sure enough, it's a pervert big white snake. It only wants to live. You really make people feel more and more pervert. It seems that I will smash your laboratory when I go back."

Orochimaru: "Let's wait until you have such strength, maybe I can defeat you directly with a zombie ninja." Wait until you have strength and come to my laboratory to make trouble


Tokisaki Kurumi: "Lala, isn't that the function of these shoes, is it just that they can run automatically?"

Lala; "Isn't that enough? This pair of shoes combines my technology concept and health concept. If everyone in our group wears this pair of shoes, we will be able to run freely."

Saiki Kusuo: "So what's the matter with this pair of shoes, although they can have a strong thrust and can run automatically, but what effect do they have on me.

After speaking, Saiki Kusuo ran around again. Didn't even stop, Lala naturally started laughing when she saw it.

ps: Ask for collection! Ask for subscription! Ask for monthly pass! Ask for flowers! Ask for evaluation ticket 4!.

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