Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 652: Pink Hair Is Black When Cut! Unleash The Value Of The Queen's World! (Please Subsc

Lala: "You really underestimate my technological products, this technological product is quite powerful, but it can make your bathroom bigger in an instant.

Tsunade: "Hahahaha, I actually kind of like this thing, but this thing has such a powerful function."

Zhou Yang: "So what's the use of making my bathroom bigger? Do I have to use my bathroom to practice? My bathroom is already big enough, so let me forget it."

Tokisaki Kurumi: "Compared to my shadow space, it's still a bit small. Although I can instantly make the bathroom bigger, what's the use for me?"

Saiki Kusuo: "Fortunately, I didn't like this thing, but I also didn't like the pair of shoes just now, so what's the use of this thing, do I want to play teleportation in the bathroom?"

Tsunade: "However, it can instantly enlarge the bathroom. This is really a good thing. Can Lala give me this thing?"

Orochimaru: "Look, you old woman Tsunade, you like these unrealistic things. It seems that our realm is still different from yours."

Zhou Yang: "I didn't expect old Aunt Tsunade to like these things. It seems that our Lala is still useful, and she can actually please old Aunt Tsunade."

Tokisaki Kurumi: "So this thing is still useless to me, it seems that Lala, you really have nothing to give us this time, let's go back to our world quickly, Lala's world is really It's too scary, maybe some other technological product pops up all of a sudden."

Saiki Kusuo: "So what's the use of such a thing, so Lala, your technological products are really troublesome, why do I need such a big bathroom.

Lala: "You guys don't like this kind of product. This is something I'm very proud of. It's very popular in our place."

Zhou Yang: "It seems that we are people from different worlds. We are so popular in your world. It seems that my world is still a little behind."

Tokisaki Kurumi: "It's not just that the administrator's world is a little behind, people in our world may not know how to appreciate these things, so I still can't appreciate this generous bath time gentleman."

Orochimaru: "Hahahaha, it seems that only Mrs. Tsunade is interested in this thing today, so this time it is not fruitless, it is quite useful.

Tsunade: "So what do you know, you don't appreciate such a good thing, but a pervert big white snake like Orochimaru, who hides in a dark laboratory all day, won't appreciate such a thing , so this thing definitely belongs to me.”

Orochimaru: "It's true that I can't appreciate it. It seems that only the old lady Tsunade can appreciate this kind of thing. Didn't you see that the administrator Tokisaki Kusuo and Saiki Kusuo are not interested in this kind of thing?"

Tsunade: "You pervert big white snake, you are still quite superficial, you actually want to discriminate against other people's technology products, it seems that your technology products are not that good."

Orochimaru: "I'm too lazy to talk to people with low IQ like you. People who can lose every time they gamble, what IQ is there?"

0…ask for flowers………

Zhou Yang: "Orochimaru is too much. Aren't you afraid that the old Aunt Tsunade will blow you away with a punch? Hahahaha, you should pay attention."

Tokisaki Kurumi: "The administrator's words still hurt my heart. Old Aunt Tsunade is not such a violent person, but it might be true for Orochimaru. N

Saiki Kusuo: "Hahaha, this world is still scary, so let's go back quickly, Lala, let's just stay here, don't come to me again, and don't ask me to be your test product white There's a mouse."

Lala: "I didn't expect you to dislike my technology products so much, but since old Aunt Tsunade likes it, I'd like you to take one home."

Tsunade: "Really? Lala, I'm still embarrassed. You took away such a powerful thing in such a way. Your technological products are really powerful. I'm still very optimistic about your invention. It really makes me feel so happy.”

Zhou Yang: "Old Aunt Tsunade, is he obsessed? Why don't you stay in Lala's world, maybe you can enjoy more happiness brought by technological products.

Orochimaru: "So you better not go back, our Hokage world doesn't need people with such a low IQ like you."

Tsunade: "Orochimaru, what are you talking about, you pervert big white snake, I still have to go back and take a good look at you, lest you do any weird things again."

Tokisaki Kurumi: "Sure enough, the two of you still have to make a pair."

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