Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 653: Large-Scale Spoils Scene! Return To The Main World! (Please Subscribe! Please Collect!)

Lala: "So I'd better give this thing to old Aunt Tsunade, since you all don't want my lenient time to bathe, then I still have nothing else to give.

Saiki Kusuo: "You still don't want to send anything, Lala, if I go back to my world like this, I can't control it, I don't even know what will happen

Zhou Yang: "Hahahaha, Saiki Kusuo has been frightened, so let's hurry back to our world, since the predators have been wiped out, so I hurry back to study the use of their things. "" Zero Twenty"

Lala: "But I haven't seen the artifacts that the predators snatched. Are their artifacts very powerful? I don't know what the other party has."

Tokisaki Kurumi: "Although this group of predators are not powerful, I never thought that their artifacts are really something. Such technological products can increase their strength a lot."

Saiki Kusuo: "I didn't expect there to be such an artifact, which can instantly activate dead objects and instantly fill them with power. Such technological products still look a little scary."

Lala: "Are you talking about an activation gun? I didn't expect this thing to be so powerful. I know that our world has this thing, but I didn't expect it to be met by you."

Saiki Kusuo: "However, our strength is still very strong, but I didn't expect to use so many superpowers of mine. Now I feel that these predators are still so-so."

Tokisaki Kurumi: "Let's not talk about your superpowers, sometimes they fail, but luckily the last trick didn't fail.

Orochimaru: "But what we encountered here turned out to be gloves that can absorb energy or ninjutsu, and this thing doesn't look like something from your world, Lala.

Lala: "Is there such a thing in our world, but it may be something from other worlds, but I also made a machine that absorbs typhoons, but I didn't expect that the typhoon didn't suck it away, it was blown away by the typhoon. .”

Tsunade: "Lala, you really are an inventor, you can invent something like this, but what I didn't expect is that the other party's glove can absorb our ninjutsu, and Orochimaru's ninjutsu and mine can't work."

Zhou Yang: "But you haven't easily dealt with them yet, but the predators didn't expect you to be able to deal with each other through physical skills, right?"

Orochimaru: "After my zombie ninja eats the solution, his body will swell extremely fast. This is the time when his physical skills are the strongest, but what I didn't expect is that my solution can strengthen my zombie ninja so many times."

Tsunade: "Fortunately, our physical skills are great. If we specialize in ninjutsu, we may not be able to deal with these predators, but how could these predators think that the two of us have such strong physical skills?"

Lala: "Tsunade old Aunt and Orochimaru are really powerful. The glove that this predator holds should not be something from our world, but his glove does provide us with a good prototype. I can try it. It's pretty interesting to develop something like this

Saiki Kusuo: "It's better than your easy-going runners and Kuan Kuan's bathing time, let alone your shoes, which almost exhausted me. I believe this bathing thing is still a little flawed." what."

Lala: "Saiki Kusuo, don't worry about my technology products, I have a loyal fan, that is our old Aunt Tsunade, she has used my wide bath time Mr. , It must feel very powerful, and I still have a lot of things like this.”

Zhou Yang: "Hahaha, Lala, you should stop talking about such things to Saiki Kusuo, or don't recommend such things to him, I'm afraid he will collapse.

Tokisaki Kurumi: "Since we have dealt with the predators in Lala's world, we still have to go back to our respective worlds. Although we came to Lala's world this time, I feel that the atmosphere here is a bit gloomy, but I didn't expect this group of The Predator was eliminated by us so quickly, it seems that my strength is not weak by 0.7."

Zhou Yang: "So we have to go back after we have dealt with these predators. We will not take away your technological products. "You can leave ten of them for the old Aunt Tsunade."

Tsunade: "Hahaha, it's a good thing for nothing. It's quite rewarding to come here this time. We don't think it's a waste of time."

Orochimaru: "Only you will fall in love with things like that, women with low IQ, you should go back and increase your IQ!"

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