Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 655: Pick Up Cheap King Arthur! The Gentle And Considerate Zhao Linger! (Please Collect! Ple

Tony: "Hahaha, I didn't expect to be able to invent such a thing. I still can't keep up with Lala's rhythm. What is the name of that thing that Saiki Kusuo is wearing? I have already forgotten my name."

Saiki Kusuo: "Mr. Tony, don't let me recall the past, I didn't expect the function of this pair of shoes to be like this, I still think there is something special.

Wukong: "Hahahaha, I forgot the name of this pair of shoes, but this pair of shoes is really good if you take it to practice. There are such powerful shoes that you can force people to run. It still looks good something."

Lala: "Look, Saiki Kusuo, finally someone appreciates my things, Wukong, do you like my things very much, I can give you one."

Wukong: "Forget it. After all, I heard that the shoes are only in the experimental stage, and they can't stop. I still have to eat and rest. If I run like this for seven days and seven nights It seems that I can't stand it anymore."

Liu Angxing: "Speaking of eating, hahahaha, it seems that my cooking can't make up for the side effects of Lala's pair of shoes. After all, I can't eat while running."

Xiao Fugui: "Liu Angxing, don't tell me, eating while running still looks pretty cool. Can we make some portable dishes, so that they can eat while running?" .”

Foodie King of Great Britain: "Ah, there is actually a new dish, but the portable one is pretty good too, if the two chefs develop it, you must give it a try.

Liu Angxing: "You are the foodie king of Great Britain. If you don't talk about eating, you really won't show up. Look at it and you will show up when you talk about eating. Who are you?"

Foodie King of Great Britain: "I'm your fan, I'm your loyal fan, look at all the dishes you cook, and I'll eat every bite."

Arm of Steel: "Fortunately, Old Aunt Tsunade didn't wear those shoes, otherwise Aunt Tsunade might be exhausted, after all, he is an old bone."

Tsunade: "What are you talking about, you little yellow-haired dwarf? It seems that you deserve a beating. Look at how stable the pink-headed boy is. You just show your skin all day long. You are not afraid that I will beat you to the ground one day. ?"

Saiki Kusuo: "Old Aunt Tsunade, I have a name, please don't call me a pink boy, my name is Kusuo Saiki, you old Aunt Tsunade don't have a long memory, what a troublesome old Aunt. "

Orochimaru: "Look at this old lady Tsunade, she is good at herself, but she still laughs at others, she really is a big fat sheep in the gambling world, she can't win a bet, and she still laughs at others.

Arm of Steel: "Hahaha, I didn't expect the old Aunt Tsunade to be injured in the end, but if you call me the little yellow-haired dwarf, and the pink-headed boy Saiki Kusuo, I'm going to be laughed at by Orochimaru now. "

Tsunade: "I'm too lazy to tell you, a yellow-haired dwarf, a pink-headed dwarf.

Lori'an: "However, if Lala's shoes are improved, it will be very powerful. This way, most people can practice easily. This way, they can increase their speed."

Lala: "It seems that there are still fans of mine in this group. Today, each of my fans will receive a pair of Easy Running Kings. Just come to me and get them."

Saiki Kusuo: "Please don't be fooled by Lala, otherwise you will regret it. If you put on those shoes, you will have to run for seven days and seven nights before you can stop."

Lala:~ What I gave away is an improved version. Look, I have launched an improved version after Kusuo Saiki's experiments, do you want to try it? "

Zhao Linger: "Hahahaha, no one can believe in Lala's technology, but if she can fly, like light kungfu, I think it's worth a try.

Lala: "I didn't expect another one to be my fan, it seems that I still have quite a lot of fans! 27

Zhou Yang: "Lala has fallen into a deep narcissism and can't extricate herself. I believe no one will dare to use your technological products. Who would dare to become the next Saiki (Nuo Zhao's) Kusuo, so forget it Forget it."

Tokisaki Kurumi: "Since the administrators say so, Lala, you should stop selling your products, or you may become the next Orochimaru, what is the best thing about Orochimaru, sales, Orochimaru is sales Ghost.

Tsunade: "Lala's products are quite useful. I'm your fan, Lala. The things you gave me are really useful."

Lala: "It seems that the administrator's words can't stop my scientific enthusiasm [I have to improve my shoes."

ps: Ask for collection! Ask for subscription! Ask for monthly pass! Ask for flowers! Ask for evaluation ticket!.

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