Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 656: The Worship Of The Dead House! Sales Genius Lala! (Please Subscribe! Please Collect!)

Xiao Bu: "Does Lala have something better? I'm still looking forward to Lala's new product, but what exactly is Lala's new product?"

Tsunade: "The thing I brought back from the world of Lala is amazing. It is a thing that can make people feel that the space becomes larger in an instant. I like this thing very much now."

Orochimaru: "Only a woman with low IQ like you would like this kind of thing. Look at the people we went to arrest the predators together last time. Who really likes this kind of thing."

Saiki Kusuo: "Orochimaru is right, the pair of shoes made me miserable last time, you won't like the easy running, and taking a bath in this generous time may not be your favorite I wouldn't like it either, and only people like old Aunt Tsunade would like this kind of thing."

Tsunade: "You fan-headed 613 boy, you don't know how to appreciate such a good thing that can instantly make the space bigger, you still don't know how to appreciate it."

Lala: "Hahaha, old Aunt Tsunade is indeed my loyal fan, but if people in the chat group can appreciate my technology products, you will definitely fall in love with my things."

Zhou Yang: "I wonder if Lala will become the next Orochimaru hahahaha, maybe I will develop a technology product and sell it to you."

Orochimaru: "Administrator, the products I promote are all good things, but maybe Lala's things are also good things, so we can build a science store."

Tony: "I very much agree hahaha, I didn't expect Lala's technology products to be such a popular thing, but I still (aedg) don't want Lala's products, that easy jogger might exhaust me to death. "

Xiaobu: "But I think that Mr. Wide Time Bath is a very powerful thing. He can expand the bathroom so much. I think I can take a bath in the bathroom without any restraint, and I feel very comfortable. But if that Let’s just run lightly and easily, Xiaobu doesn’t like sports, I’d better stay at home and eat potato chips and drink Coke.”

Zhao Linger: "Sure enough, Xiao Bu is a person who appreciates life very much. He only wants to eat snacks, take a bath and enjoy life, and he doesn't want to exercise anymore. "You are really a fat house."

Lala: "Since Xiaobu likes my generous bath time so much, I will give one to Xiaobu, so that Xiaobu can become the happiest baby in the bath." 11

Xiao Bu: "Wow, Lala, is what you said true? I now announce that I have officially become your fan and your support group. I want to join your fan group."

Tsunade: "Xiao Bu, you are indeed a smart person. I think this technological product is so good, but this pervert big white snake doesn't even appreciate it. Sure enough, that kind of pervert big white snake doesn't have fun in life."

Lin Jiushu: "Hahahaha, the old Aunt of Tsunade is fighting with Orochimaru again, but this thing seems to be able to expand the space, so if he can be transformed into a space to expand other things, I think it will be very practical. .”

Dad: "Dad won't enjoy life so much, but this thing can expand the space of the bathroom, it seems to be more suitable for girls. So it's normal that Orochimaru doesn't like it, but technology products like Lala are indeed It’s too close to ordinary life [Maybe it really doesn’t have that much effect in front of a group of powerful people like us.”

Lala: "Hahahaha, some people will definitely fall in love with my technology products, but the technology products I have researched recently are all very powerful things, I hope you can see my results by then."

The Marquis of Vauban: "People like us still can't appreciate it. If I were to soak in the bathroom all day, I wouldn't enjoy it that much. It seems that there is still an age gap.

Tokisaki Kurumi: "Lala, did you actually sell the machine that gave us a bath in the chat group? Sure enough, Lala is a sales genius, but this thing is a bit 0

Acedes: "I didn't expect that the third sister Kuang didn't like this thing, but if the old man said so, maybe the third sister Kuang is not a girl?"

Dad: "I didn't say that, it's just what Acedus said, if Tokisaki Kurumi gets angry, then go hit the administrator.

Zhou Yang: "Father, you are forcibly throwing the blame on me. You are inducing people to commit crimes. Your behavior like this is very bad."

The nameless old monk: "Father, you are going too far, the third sister Kuang is the administrator's true love, he will not be willing to beat the administrator.

Tokisaki Kurumi: "You old monk, you have come out to get angry again, if you act like this again, believe it or not, I will arrest you and make soup."

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