Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 661: The Old Monk Of Sao Operation! Shameless Permission Dog! (Please Collect! Please Subscr

Wukong: "It seems that the old monk finally showed off his own strength, but the old monk's lightness kung fu really has a few brushes.

Foodie King of Great Britain: "Old monk, please, don't show off. Did you have the nerve to say it last time? If it wasn't for Lala's technological products and Lala's hat, maybe you would be our enemy. .”

Lala: "Hahaha, I didn't expect my hat to work in the end. I didn't expect the old monk to become my fan."

Anonymous old monk: "Then last time, wasn't it just a small mistake? My previous performance was still very good. Maybe without me, you wouldn't be able to eliminate the group of evil reincarnators."

Tiedan Shenhou: "Hahaha, old monk, you are still too frivolous. If you have the strength of an administrator, you can directly kill 160 reincarnations one by one. By the way, the administrator will eliminate the predators this time. It really showed super strength.

Saiki Kusuo: "That's right. Although it seems quite troublesome to eliminate this predator this time, I didn't expect that we would need two people to eliminate the predator." Predator."

Tokisaki Kurumi: "We are still facing an injured predator, but we didn't expect that the opponent's strength is not that strong, and he was wiped out by us all at once, but the administrator is facing a powerful and There aren't any injured marauders."

Tsunade: "We were struggling to deal with this predator wearing absorbing gloves. In the end, we used physical skills to eliminate this predator. These predators have all kinds of artifacts in their hands. To be honest, their strength is really amazing." Not weak."

Orochimaru: "My zombie ninjas had to drink a few bottles of a special solution to knock them down, but the administrator didn't need any scientific products to knock down the predators. Sure enough, the administrator is still a master."

Uncle Lin Jiu: "However, I see that the predator the administrator is facing seems to be able to harden his body and resist any attack, but I didn't expect the administrator to kill him directly."

Dad: "These predators are all armed with artifacts from other worlds, but the administrator was able to kill the predators he faced by himself. "The experience of the management chain is still greater than that of the old monk."

Anonymous old monk: "You guys are comparing my strength with the administrator, there must be no way to compare, the strength of the administrator is obvious to all of us."

Marquis of Vauban: "Hahaha, the old monk was still very arrogant just now, but now he's scared all of a sudden, can't the group of evil reincarnators be wiped out without the old monk?

Zhou Yang: "The old monk's strength is still there. It's just that sometimes the kung fu is more flamboyant, and people are more flamboyant hahaha, but the old monk's strength is still very strong." (aece)

Although there is indeed a gap between the strength of the sweeping monk and Zhou Yang's strength, the strength of the sweeping monk may be able to rank in the forefront in the chat group, so Zhou Yang is also a little surprised that the strength of the sweeping monk has grown so fast , especially when I went to eliminate the evil reincarnation last time.

Anonymous old monk: "So, look at what the administrator is speaking in human language, what are you talking in human language? You are clearly bullying me, a weak old monk. But the strength of the predator this time is indeed They are stronger than the evil reincarnators who were eliminated last time, not only do they have super powers, but they also plundered artifacts from other worlds."

Saiki Kusuo: "So this is a very troublesome thing. Next time I don't want to go to this kind of mission. It's really too troublesome. I have to use so many superpowers."

Zhao Linger: "However, this group of predators does not seem to be weak, but the administrator killed them instantly with one move, and it is the same as the last time I came to my world and eliminated the moon worshiping water monster."

Tie Dan Shenhou: "So, you still worship the strength of the administrator, so what I said is correct, the strength of the administrator is indeed the best in the world."

Liu Angxing: "Do you think that you are the only one who will be a dog licker? I will be too. The strength of the administrator is the best in the world!"

Foodie King of Great Britain: "It seems that Liu Angxing has also started to get angry like the old monk [what do we foodies do with you like this. Do you want to call with you? The administrator is number one in the world."

Zhou Yang: "Don't be like this, I'm afraid, everyone will become my licking dog, that's a terrible thing, so it's better to hide your admiration."

Acedes: "Hey, you are indeed a shameless administrator, it seems that I will punish you.'

Zhou Yang also sent a smirk emoji!

Zhou Yang: "I'm waiting for you to cure me!"

ps: Ask for collection! Ask for subscription! Ask for monthly pass! Ask for flowers! Ask for evaluation ticket!.

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