Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 662: Zhao Linger's Request! Jealous Girls! (Please Collect! Please Subscribe!)

Wukong: "However, if you can control the administrator, how strong would you be? Do you have any special skills to control the administrator, Acedes?"

Tie Dan Shenhou: "Wukong, it's too much for you to say that. The strength of the administrator is the best in the world. How can anyone compete with the administrator? If Acedes doesn't have such ability."

Tony: "Damn it, you are a purebred straight man. As the saying goes, a hero is saddened by a beauty. Look at how rich I am, and how talented I am. Am I no match for Chili Pepper? temptation?"

Ying Zheng: "Since ancient times, heroes have been saddened by beauties, but if it were me, I would put the world first, and this is the only way to be a good person in power.

Tie Dan Shenhou: "What Ying Zheng said is true, and I think so too, but sometimes I really can't help myself, and I can easily fall into the trap of a beauty."

Liu Angxing: "Look, it's much easier for us chefs! Daily cooking is not as annoying as you hahaha!"

Anonymous old monk: "So Mr. Tony still has weaknesses. If it is said that a hero is sad for a beautiful woman, then an old monk like me will not agree, because no girl will approach me, so I can resist all temptations. ."

Bone King: "You old monk actually said such a thing? You are like that, how can a woman dare to approach you if you are so coquettish, unless that woman is a tough one." T

Tsunade: "Just you old monk, do you still want a woman to approach you? It's good enough that you don't get caught by a woman to make soup, but you still think that a woman will approach you. Maybe more than ten years ago in It was possible before you became a monk. If you look at the prostitute you mentioned last time, there is still no trace.

Orochimaru: "It seems that you are not much better, old lady Tsunade. Speaking of which, how long has it been since the last time a man approached you? If the old monk didn't, maybe you have been older than the old monk."

Saiki Kusuo: "The relationship between you men and women is really complicated. It really is a very troublesome thing. If I say [Old Aunt Tsunade was approached by Orochimaru just last time?"

Tokisaki Kurumi: "The last time I went to arrest the Marauders, old Aunt Tsunade fought with Orochimaru's zombie ninjas, it wasn't Orochimaru who approached him. Cheng

Tsunade: "Sure enough, every time I talk, this pervert big white snake has to come out to slap me, I can't take it anymore, I will beat him to the ground one day.

Iron Arm: "Old Aunt Tsunade. Just admit it, you are no match for us young people. If I find the Philosopher's Stone, I will not pass the beauty test."

Tsunade: "You little yellow-haired dwarf, I don't think anyone will take a fancy to you. If you have the strength of an administrator, it's almost the same, but I doubt your strength."

Orochimaru: "You talk about Edward all day long, look at yourself, it's not like you can't find a man [but if you find it, you will probably lose all your money by gambling."

The Day of Genius: "It seems that the topic you are talking about is too difficult to understand. I can understand everything in this world. When it comes to the relationship between men and women, it is really a complicated thing."

Zhao Linger: "Isn't it right to find a partner in this arena? Fortunately, the administrator helped me defeat the moon worshiping water monster last time. Otherwise, I might not have the opportunity to chase my love."

0…ask for flowers……

Zhou Yang: "Hahahaha, didn't you expect me to have such a function? I just defeated the moon worshiping monster last time, but if you want to talk about the greatest contribution, it must be Orochimaru."

Orochimaru: "The administrator's praise is a bit too much. If it weren't for the administrator's strong strength, how could I find the opportunity to seal this moon worshiping monster."

Lori'an: "Sure enough, it's the hero's sad beauty pass. To be honest, Zhao Ling'er is also a beauty. Is it because of this that the administrator went to help?"

Xun'er: "Administrator Big Brother is not such a person. The administrator Big Brother helped Zhao Linger out of righteousness. I believe that the administrator Big Brother must help Zhao Linger because of this."

Acedes: "Hahaha, it seems that Xun'er is not transparent enough, a shameless person like the administrator is not like this.

Zhou Yang: "Wow, why did you blame me, but if I hadn't defeated the Moon Worshiping Water Beast, maybe Zhao Ling'er would be in danger."

Uncle Lin Jiu: "So when will the administrator be righteous and help me catch zombies, if possible, I will admit that you are a righteous person."

Dad: "Uncle Nine, you are already so good at catching zombies by yourself, yet you need help from others. It seems that you are already a hero?"

ps: Ask for collection! Ask for subscription! Ask for monthly pass! Ask for flowers! Ask for big evaluation tickets!.

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