Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 673: Kuang San's Doubts! The Discriminated Sweeping Monk! (Please Collect! Please Subsc

Saiki Kusuo: "I don't think the names of your technology products are cute, and your technology products are quite scary, so I suggest that you remove the name and the product together."

Tsunade: "That's because you, a pink-headed kid, won't appreciate it. Look at how good Lala's products are, and you can run easily and take a bath, the names are both nice, I think so The name is very cute."

Xiaobu: "Hahaha, no matter what you say, I still think Kuan Kuan Bath Time Lord is very powerful, but I also think the name like this is a bit long "one four three"."

Anonymous old monk: "I still think that big transparent blindfold is very powerful, can Lala give me one, if Lala gives me one, maybe I really have no one to follow me It's a balance."

Zhou Yang: "I'm afraid the old monk doesn't know what to do with this thing. It seems that Lala, you should not give it to the old monk. After all, the old monk may be dry for a long time. It's hard to say. "

Tie Dan Shen Hou: "I think the administrator is right, maybe the old monk will use this big blindfold to do those shameful things, it still sounds very scary

Tony: "Hahahaha, I didn't expect the old monk to be seen like this by you, but what on earth is the old monk doing with this transparent blindfold?"

Marquis Vauban: "Hahaha, that's not necessarily the case, the old monk may have been lonely for a long time, and he used the perspective function to satisfy his long-term dry heart.

Anonymous old monk: "How can you say that, I am a decent person, but my eyesight still declines with my age.

Tokisaki Kurumi: "Old monk, don't pretend, you actually said that your eyesight has declined, maybe when you see some prostitute or some girl, your eyesight will suddenly improve."

Acedes: "I think what the third sister Kuang said is right, old monk, you really have to be suspicious of your aggressive appearance. But old monk, I don't think your eyesight has deteriorated much, right? Doesn't this kind of coquettish person stare straight at others when he sees a girl?"

Lin Jiushu: "Although it is true that eyesight will decline with age, but if the old monk should not be like this, look at how accurate the acupuncture points were when he killed the reincarnation with evil thoughts last time. I think the old monk's eyesight They are stronger than the people here."

Dad: "You old monk, you are called Anonymous Old Monk, and you are not called Eyeless Old Monk. You are probably wearing this big transparent blindfold to do those indecent things."

Orochimaru: "Poor old monk, you need a zombie ninja to help you solve your dilemma. If my zombie ninja can't see clearly, I will provide a permanent warranty."

Tsunade: "Orochimaru, it seems that you are more proficient in selling your technology products than Lala. You are a sales genius, and you really have a deep skill in seeing every stitch."

Wukong: "Unexpectedly, the function of this zombie ninja is to provide vision. The zombie ninja I saw last time is very powerful. It can also release the sealing technique.

Is this a cheap zombie ninja?"

Arm of Steel: "Is Orochimaru selling low-quality products? Lala sells genuine products, but they are guaranteed, so Orochimaru will be 30% lower in comparison..."

Bone King: "I see how Orochimaru dares to sell inferior products. We have seen his zombie ninjas for all to see, but it would be a bit wasteful to provide vision to the nameless old monk."

Anonymous old monk: "I didn't say I needed Orochimaru's zombie ninja. I am a person who can see all directions and hear all directions. I don't need a zombie ninja to help me provide vision."

Lori'an: "It seems that you, old monk, have exposed yourself. The reason why you want Lala's transparent eyepatch, it seems that old monk, you are just to look at beautiful women."

Zhou Yang: "The old monk who was recognized instantly, but after thinking about it, the old monk really doesn't have many opportunities to see beautiful women. Lala, you should give it to him hahaha, maybe it will have an effect on his heart, maybe Someday it will be a good time to turn around, and it is Lala's credit for breaking away from Buddhism."

Lala: "I 2.0 don't want to harm him. I want the old monk to leave Buddhism. I'm afraid the old monk will give me acupuncture points and torture me there."

Anonymous old monk: "How can you let me leave the school, I am a pious monk, I am a serious monk, what are you playing for?"

Lala: "Hahaha, so this blindfold can't be given to you, it can't make you make a mistake, so my transparent big blindfold should only be given to Tony and Orochimaru.

ps: Ask for collection! Ask for subscription! Ask for monthly pass! Ask for flowers! Ask for evaluation ticket!.

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