Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 674: The Final Naming Of The Technological Artifact! Sister Pao's Complaints (Please Su

Tony: "Hahahaha, thank you Lala, but can you change the name of this blindfold, such a name is still very confusing.

Orochimaru: "I also suggest the same. After all, the name like this is still a bit of a mouthful, so let's change the name. If the function can also be changed, it may be a very good technological product.

Tsunade: "You pervert big white snake, you took other people's technological products, and even asked them to change their name, you are still going too far, aren't you afraid of going out and being struck by lightning?"

Orochimaru: "Mr. Tony said the same thing. It seems that only you, a big fat sheep in the gambling world, have a strange idea. The core of a technological product is not his name but his function."

Tsunade: "You have a lot of reason, but you care about other people's names very much. I really like the name Kuan Kuan Shi Yu Jun. What a good name Lala chose."

Lala: 04 "Hahaha, but the name is really long, don't you guys have any better ideas? Just now I was interrupted by an old monk with malicious intentions.

Unnamed old monk: "What do you mean I was interrupted? You guys took the initiative to tease me. I didn't show my thoughts. This is all wronged. Administrator, you have to come out and uphold justice."

Zhou Yang knows that the sweeping monk is still a very serious monk. Although the words in the group are quite rough, he is still a very serious person in the world of the sweeping monk, and he is a very powerful person.

Zhou Yang: "Don't talk about the old monk. He has been looking at beautiful women all day long. I'm afraid that one day he will be punished by his master. It was time to be punished by heaven and struck by lightning."

Misaka Mikoto: "Hahaha, what the administrator said, isn't it a scene that everyone is looking forward to? The old monk has already gone on the road of anger and never looked back."

Zhao Linger: "I think back then, when the old monk joined the group, he still maintained a very serious look [how I miss the formality we had when we first met."

Xiaobu: "Ling'er, don't miss that time, the old monk was still a very serious person at that time, now you see how unrestrained and uninhibited he is.

Anonymous old monk: "Administrator, you must come out and uphold justice for me. I am a cautious person, and I am a very serious monk."

Zhou Yang: "Old monk, it seems that you will not be able to restore your image for a while. So you should work hard in the future, or you can become more and more unrestrained on the road of coquettishness.",

Lala: "So I can't give this large blindfold to the old monk, because I only have three test subjects, so I decided to change its name to "See through everything, penetrate everything and can see through the human body." Big eyepatch ", do you think this name is very suitable?"

Dad: "Lala, are you bullying us old people?" The big eyepatch that sees everything and can see through the human body, the name has twenty-three words, we old people How do you remember it?"

Lin Jiushu: "So let's not remember it, let the old monk remember it. Didn't she always want this big blindfold? Next time I can't remember it, so I won't give it to him.

Anonymous old monk: "If it's for this blindfold, I would be willing to say his name every day. This blindfold is still a very strong product of Lala."

Lala: "This is a new good thing I developed, and now I finally have a huge fan base, hahahahahahaha, it seems that you will fall in love with my technology products very well in the future.

Saiki Kusuo: "No! I don't think so. I will never fall in love with your technology products. That easy runner is 117 my nightmare. Leave your technology products to others. "

Tokisaki Kurumi: "It seems that Saiki Kusuo is already scared to death, maybe he won't see Saiki Kusuo when there is Lala in the future."

Liu Angxing: "But can this eye mask see clearly inside the cooking ingredients? I think this eye mask is still very useful, but the name is hard to remember

Tony: "So, let's change the name of the blindfold Lala, let's change it to a see-through blindfold.

See through everything, and add a name that sees through the human body. We can't resist such a name. "

Lala: "Since you say so, let me officially name this eye mask as see-through eye mask, hahahaha, I hope the fan base of my technology products will grow bigger and bigger."

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