Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter Six Hundred And Eighty Ix: The Little Burial Who Fanned The Flames! The Black History Of Iro

Dad: "Why are you so excited, Uncle Jiu? Are you in love with women's clothing? Are you so excited because you want to guide Orochimaru?"

Tie Dan Shenhou: "It must be like this. Didn't Uncle Jiu say that he wanted to play with his zombies in women's clothing? It seems that Uncle Jiu has become a master of women's clothing?"

Orochimaru: "Ninth Uncle, I already had a premonition of your excited language just now. You are a real master of women's clothing. Are you planning to let my snake-shaped figure also wear women's clothing?"

Tsunade: "You Orochimaru, don't be so perverted. You even tried to use your own child as a woman's dress. How can you treat your child like this?"

Lala: "I originally thought that the character of the snake-shaped man would be changed through the technological product 04, but I didn't expect Uncle Jiu's idea to be quite powerful. You can change the gender through women's clothing, that's what only Uncle Jiu thought of it. .”

Tony: "Although women's clothing is a terrible thing, I didn't expect Uncle Jiu to be obsessed with this thing [It seems that women's clothing can only be worn for the first time and unlimited times."

Uncle Lin Jiu: "Wow, why am I so excited? I'm just joking. Are you going to wrong me for being such a kind zombie Taoist priest? I'm just playing as a zombie girl."

Tony: "Uncle Ninth, don't quibble, maybe you already love this thing to the bottom of your heart, I hope that next time you are on a mission, you don't want to come out in a women's costume.

Lin Jiushu: "You teacher Tony, you are spreading rumors, you are trying to kill me, just now there are newcomers in the group, you just put the women's hat on my head

I am really wronged. "

Tony: "Hahaha, Ninth Uncle, but if you want to dress up as a snake-shaped man, you have to ask Orochimaru. After all, with your strength, I guess it is not so easy to get close to the snake-shaped man."

Anonymous old monk: "Teacher Tony, do you remember that you also dressed as a woman once, and you even posted a photo on the group. I saved it at the time, and now I will post it for everyone to see."

Almighty tennis player: "I didn't expect this group to have such powerful moves. We newcomers haven't seen it yet. Is the old monk going to send him out?"

Wukong: "Wow. I didn't expect Teacher Tony to be such a person. I haven't seen a picture of Tony's women's clothing, so old monk, please post it quickly. I can see this in my spare time." It's quite cool to plant something and relax. So the old monk begs you to let everyone see it quickly."

Arm of Steel: "I didn't expect that, has Mr. Tony ever played such an operation? Those of us who joined the group later have missed it a lot, but fortunately there are old monks like this, he won't Forget about your coquettish operations."

Anonymous old monk: "You have to wait for the poor monk to look for it, how could I find such an old thing all at once, so wait patiently.

After finishing speaking, the old monk posted a photo from a long time ago to the group. In the photo, Tony was wearing a small skirt, and of course he still had a shy expression.

This picture also directly ignited the enthusiasm of the whole group, and all the group members couldn't help feeling that Mr. Tony was dressed up as a woman, and he really had a bit of a posture.

Tokisaki Kurumi: "Why do I feel that Mr. Tony is really a bit powerful in the past, Mr. Tony is dressed up as a woman, so there is nothing for us."

Zhao Linger: "Hahahaha, Teacher Tony is too miserable. There are still photos like this falling into the hands of the old monk. It seems that Teacher Tony still needs to take good care of the old monk in the future."

Acedes: "It seems that this sentence is correct. Such a cute person must be a boy. I didn't expect Mr. Tony to have such a photo. Mr. Tony, you are so amazing."

Tony: "You old monk, you still keep such 907 things, do you like me, it seems that you are not only a coquettish thing, you are also a little

Xiao Bu: "Hahahaha, Mr. Tony, you have to be careful of the old monk in the future. In our world, it is said that those who keep other people's photos are secretly in love with him."

Sai Mu Kusuo: "Hearing what Xiaobu said, I'm a little bit terrified. Could it be that the old monk is really interested in Teacher Tony? I didn't expect that we have been asking him to find prostitutes before, and he has been evading it all the time."

Anonymous old monk: "Don't slander the old monk, I found such a precious thing for you, don't you thank me?"

Tsunade: "Hahaha, so old monk, you are really coquettish, then I thank you on behalf of everyone, but you should find your prostitute again, Mr. Tony is not suitable for you."

ps: Ask for collection! Ask for subscription! Ask for monthly pass! Ask for flowers! Ask for evaluation ticket!.

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