Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 690: Emoji Package Supplier! The Golden Sparkle Who Doesn't Speak Human Words! (Please

Zhou Yang: "Hahahaha, I didn't expect Teacher Tony to be slapped by the old monk. It seems that Teacher Tony really couldn't cry this time.

Tsunade: "Once again, the old monk showed his flirtatious operation. I didn't expect the old monk to hide this trick. It seems that Mr. Tony will not be able to mock the old monk in the future."

Anonymous old monk: "Teacher Tony, this is the feeling of youth. This is the vitality of youth. Look at how happy you were smiling at that time. You completely ignored the sophistication of the world. You are a truly detached person."

Lin Jiushu: "You old monk, do you still want to write poems? But if it comes to who is the most irritating in this group, it's really you, old monk."

Dad: "Today, I lost to the old monk in the show operation. A photo directly blocked Mr. Tony from taunting you. It seems that the old monk's shot hate

Tony: "You old monk, you still have such a photo. I didn't expect it. You were caught off guard. It seems that I still lost."

Saiki Kusuo: "Although I was eating coffee jelly and didn't want to be disturbed by anything, I couldn't help but put down the coffee jelly in my hand when I saw this photo of Mr. Tony, but what I never expected was that it was the old monk who sent it. The photos that came out."

Misaka Mikoto: "I think the next step, the old monk may make him into an emoticon pack, then you can ask the emoticon master Orochimaru for advice, old monk.

Anonymous old monk: "Wow, why didn't I think of this aspect, it seems that Misaka Mikoto reminded me, Mr. Tony, I decided to ask Orochimaru to guide me to make an emoticon pack for you."

Orochimaru: "You still want to ask me for such a thing, why don't you just use a photo with a word, why don't you ask me for such a simple thing?"

Tony: "Misaka Mikoto, you have made me miserable this time. I didn't expect that such a photo of me, the dignified person in charge of Stark Industries, would still be in the hands of the old monk. The photo of the old monk is very important. I can't let Xiaojiao see it, if he sees it, he can't kill me.

Tie Dan Shenhou: "It seems that Teacher Tony is also a man of temperament. He will not let his sweetheart see his ugly appearance. It is true that Teacher Tony is a tender knight."

Jin Shining: "You actually use emoticons to threaten others, you old monk, it's just because you haven't become strong. If you become strong, you won't be afraid of any threats."

Lala: "Why do I feel that Jin Yingxiong is still as silent as ever? It seems that the administrator should let Jin Xixian eat something."

Jin Shining: "Am I wrong? The power of the administrator lies in the authority he has. If he didn't have the authority, maybe he wouldn't dare to be so arrogant.

Zhou Yang: "You golden bling hasn't been released for a few days, and you still think about going back? Then let me fulfill you?"

Jin Shining saw that Zhou Yang seemed to be about to silence herself again, and immediately dived, but she still felt a little dissatisfied in her heart, but there was nothing she could do.

Zhou Yang: "Hahaha, I'm really not as good as the old monk if it's better than Sao's operation, so I, the administrator, should automatically admit defeat today, old monk, you won."

Tie Dan Shenhou: "There is really someone who can defeat the administrator. It seems that the old monk is quite powerful, but when it comes to real strength, the old monk is a bit far behind the administrator."

Tokisaki Kurumi: "S~ Sure enough, is this the self-cultivation of licking a dog? Although the first half of the sentence makes people think that the licking God is speaking human words, but the second half of the sentence has returned to the dog-licking mode , it makes people feel so natural, and it doesn’t make people feel abrupt, as expected, the most coquettish operation is the licking of the gallbladder?”

Ying Zheng: "Hahaha, in the whole world, everyone should submit to the Lord of Tiedan, but I didn't expect that there would be someone above him who is above him. .”

Tie Dan Shenhou: "If the administrator wants me to submit to him, isn't it a very simple matter? If I come to my world, I can directly give way to the administrator. After all, strength is everything The way (Nuo Hao Zhao)."

Anonymous old monk: "I don't know what you people in power think, anyway, I'm still celibate, after all, I'm already in this state."

Tony: "You are celibate, your manipulation has already pissed me off, old monk, please don't piss me off."

Xiaobu: "It's really troublesome for you to want to submit to others. Sure enough, it's something that is suitable for Yingzheng and Tiedanhou. Xiaobu should just play with the Monarch Electric. It is still a very cool thing to be in charge of the world."

ps: Ask for collection! Ask for subscription! Ask for monthly pass! Ask for flowers! Ask for evaluation ticket!.

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