Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 692: The Taunt Of The Foodie King! Crossover Solo Competition! (Please Subscribe! Please Col

Xiao Fugui: "Liu Angxing is right, we may be the only one who can surpass the administrator's ability, but the administrator's talent is so high, will he be better than us after learning how to cook?"

Foodie King of Great Britain: "However, the food made by Liu Angxing and Xiao Fugui is really delicious. If the administrator also learns to cook, wouldn't that be a good thing?"

Tsunade: "You are the foodie king of Great Britain, you remember to eat all day long, if those reincarnated people have something to eat for you, maybe you will run away with those reincarnated people."

Anonymous old monk: "That's right, last time I stuffed the meat made by Liu Angxing into my mouth, it seems that you are really a big foodie, maybe if someone else gives you food, you will work hard for others Already."

Foodie King of Great Britain: "You guys have underestimated my perseverance and determination. I'm a knight who can tell right from wrong. Although the food is delicious, I will never give up on an enemy like that because of the food. Just go with them, after all, I am a very principled person, unlike the old monk, who actually steals meat in other worlds.

Saiki Kusuo: "Hahaha, this foodie king of Great Britain is really capable of mocking the old monk. It seems that the old monk is going to show his anger and fight back today. I remember how miserable Mr. Tony was by him last time."

Tony: "This old monk is really coquettish. He even saved the picture of my women's clothing last time. It's really disgusting. I don't dare to provoke him when I see the old monk now.

Lala: "But Teacher Tony's women's clothing is really pretty. After all, we girls are willing to bow down. As the saying goes, if we get flirty, we girls will have nothing to do."

Anonymous old monk: "Teacher Tony, isn't my showy operation just to let you regain your memories? This time I don't have a black photo of the foodie king of Great Britain. It seems that I can't punish him this time."

Foodie King of Great Britain: "It seems that you are an old monk, you really want to punish me, it seems that I will be more wary of you in the future, fortunately, you did not catch the evil reincarnation with you last time If not, maybe it is not Mr. Tony who suffers now, but me."

Wukong: "It seems that everyone is afraid of the old monk. You are already unpopular now, old monk. I'm afraid no one will dare to carry out missions with you next time."

Uncle Lin Jiu: "I didn't expect that the old monk's impression of the members of the chat group is already like this. It seems that the old monk still needs to change."

Anonymous old monk: "Aren't you slandering a monk? I am very principled, and you guys are thinking of slandering me. How can a kind person like me grab you at will, Mr. Tony This photo is just too classic. Gotta save it."

Tony: "You old monk, then you still make emoticons, it seems that you are still a show, I don't dare to mess with you in the future, I'd better drive my own luxury car and eat my own big meal Bar."

Iron Arm: "If there is a chance, the old monk can teach me the acupressure hand trick, that would be really amazing. I didn't expect the old monk to hide such a powerful trick."

Zhou Yang: "You should stop teasing the old monk, after all, he is a kind person, so this kind person must be in double quotation marks. "

0...asking for flowers...0

The nameless old monk: "Hahahaha, I'd better dive quickly, or I might be scolded to death by you, I'd better knock on my wooden fish honestly, don't be disturbed by you."

Tokisaki Kurumi: "Old monk, did you run away? It seems that you have finally let the old monk go. Finally one day people will be able to defeat the old monk."

All-around tennis player: "I didn't expect there to be so many strong people in this group. It would be great if they could play tennis. Being able to be my opponent is also a very good thing."


Tsunade: "If I can learn to play tennis, I will definitely learn from you, Echizen Ryoma, but unfortunately I don't even have a tennis racket now."

Orochimaru: "Give you a tennis racket. With your character and strength, I am afraid that this tennis racket will not last long in your hands. It seems that you should not learn it. Otherwise, I am afraid that many tennis rackets will Suffer in your hands."

Iron Arm: "After all, old Aunt Tsunade is someone who can split a table, how difficult is a tennis racket, what Orochimaru said is absolutely right.

Tsunade: "You pervert big white snake and yellow-haired dwarf dare to talk about me, I must learn to show you, let you see how talented I am."

Orochimaru: "You are learning, you old bone still learning tennis!"

ps: Ask for collection! Ask for subscription! Ask for monthly pass! Ask for flowers! Ask for evaluation tickets!.

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