Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 693: Echizen Ryoma's Request For Help, The Entertainment World Opens! (Please Collect!

Echizen Ryoma saw that the people in this group thought that Zhou Yang's strength was so strong. At this time, he naturally thought that Zhou Yang's strength was indeed very strong, but he had never seen Zhou Yang's strength.

So Echizen Ryoma held the attitude of giving it a try, and wanted to see Zhou Yang's true strength.

All-round tennis player: "Administrator, I heard that you can help others practice, so can you help me train my tennis skills?"

Zhou Yang: "Wow, is it so sudden? But I really don't know much about tennis. Your tennis strength"——Zero" is so strong, why do you want me to help you train your skills?"

Wukong: "Administrator, don't be humble. After all, since you helped me practice last time, I feel that my own strength is already very strong. If you are willing to help Echizen Ryoma, I believe his tennis skills will also improve by leaps and bounds." ."

Tsunade: "Hahaha, I didn't expect the administrator to become a professional trainer, but if Echizen Ryoma can get help from the administrator, maybe he will become an excellent tennis player."

Lala: "Of course, if I use my new product, Echizen Ryoma may be able to defeat all opponents, but I haven't studied this product since you stopped it last time, if necessary , Echizen Ryoma can say try my new high-tech tennis racket."

Saiki Kusuo: "Lala, don't lie to others to use your products, do you know how scary your technological products are? It would be better for someone with superpowers like me to use them, but Echizen Ryoma is just a Ordinary tennis players, what should you do if your technological products malfunction again."

Lala: "There is nothing wrong with my product this time. After all, the product you used last time was my first trial. Who made you come to my world so suddenly? This time I It must be used after rigorous testing, otherwise, I wouldn’t have said such a thing.”

Orochimaru: "However, with a strong person like an administrator, maybe you can get a good training effect. After all, I have learned about tennis. Although it is a relatively demanding sport, it is nothing more than speed. A game of strength and skill."

Tony: "Hahahaha, I didn't expect Orochimaru to know these things. It seems that he is a scientist who wants to pursue all the truths in the world. But when it comes to the strength of the administrator, tennis is indeed an easy sport."

Zhou Yang: "What you are talking about is so profound, I still can't understand it. Is speed and strength alone enough? After all, the Echizen Ryoma I know has all kinds of weird styles of play."

Anonymous old monk: "I only know what Cuju is, but when it comes to sports, it is nothing more than a combination of speed and strength. With the speed and strength of an administrator, I think it is very easy to learn what."

Uncle Lin Jiu: "If you put it this way, the old monk was also an athlete before? Why has he become a sulky monk now?"

Dad: "Don't look at the old monk, but he is here talking about it all day long. If you talk about the old monk's kung fu, he is very powerful. If he has such light kung fu and wants to learn sports, isn't it a very simple thing? ?”

Anonymous old monk: "Father, you really said something human. After all, it's been a long time since I heard my father praise others like this. "It seems that my strength can still be recognized."

Tokisaki Kurumi: "Old monk, don't praise yourself, but you are really a typical representative of making a fortune in silence. I didn't expect your strength to be as high as 30 last time..."

Lori'an: "After all, he is an old monk. This kind of cunning old thing is still very powerful."

Anonymous old monk: "Wow, how can you say that I am old and cunning? This is a derogatory term. I should be praised. But the main thing today is to solve the problem of how the administrator can help Echizen Ryoma."

Almighty tennis player: "I didn't expect 3.9, the people in this group would be so enthusiastic. It seems that I am very lucky to enter this chat group."

Tony: "Administrator, I will send you a few tennis videos for you to watch. You should understand the rules first. You can also watch it as entertainment.

Although Zhou Yang doesn't want to learn a sport for the sake of training Echizen Ryoma, but he seems to be very bored recently, so he might as well find something for entertainment, and by the way, he can also watch Echizen Ryoma in The Prince of Tennis.

Zhou Yang: "I'll go and have a look, let me learn and learn!".

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