Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter Six Hundred And Ninety Fourth: The Members Of The Group Of Ghosts And Animals! Tsunade The W

Zhao Linger: "But with the strength of an administrator, it doesn't seem to be difficult. After all, it's just a combination of speed and strength. It's easier than learning cooking skills.

Liu Angxing: "Hahaha, with the qualifications of an administrator, how difficult it is to learn cooking, it's just because the administrator doesn't want to learn, if the administrator is willing to study cooking, he wants to surpass us little chefs , is this such a difficult thing?"

Xiao Fugui: "Fortunately, the administrator didn't intend to study cooking, otherwise our group of chefs would be removed from the shelves. After all, the administrator is also a very talented person."

Foodie King of Great Britain: "If the administrator really wants to learn cooking one day, he must ask me to try it. After all, my evaluation is still very objective. I have eaten so many dishes by Liu Angxing, so it is natural to evaluate It is also quite fair and reasonable.”

Tsunade: "You just want to eat it, you don't think much about it, after all, you are a foodie king, you can accept everything you can put in your stomach, you are indeed the legendary foodie king of Great Britain."

Dad: "Hahaha, old Aunt Tsunade is right, but the manager learns tennis, which sounds a bit joyful. I don't know where the unendowed management team can go."

Uncle Lin Jiu: "I'm also looking forward to the performance of the administrator. After all, the administrator is someone who can defeat so many reincarnations. I don't know if he can defeat Echizen Ryoma."

All-around tennis player: "However, I see that you said that the administrator is so strong. It seems that learning tennis is not a very difficult thing. After all, tennis pays great attention to speed and strength."

All-around tennis player: "However, tennis training naturally doesn't care about the opponent's tennis strength. As long as it can help me improve my speed and strength, it is naturally enough."

Wukong: "I really want to pull you into the House of Time and Spirit for training, but people like Echizen Ryoma may not be able to withstand the supergravity in the House of Time and Spirit, but I heard that Echizen Ryoma is so serious. Training, I have to speed up the progress of my cultivation, after all, my strength has slowed down recently."

Zhou Yang: "I watched the video Tony sent me, it seems that it is really not difficult, just give me a tennis racket, then I will try it.

Xiaobu: "I didn't expect the administrator to personally help Echizen Ryoma with his training. It seems that Echizen Ryoma is really lucky. I believe Echizen Ryoma will be a very good tennis player soon."

Saiki Kusuo: "Exercising is really troublesome, so I'd better eat coffee jelly, I feel exhausted when I think about exercising, so I don't want to do such troublesome things."

Lala: "So Saiki Kusuo, you need a pair of easy runners like me. After all, they can help you exercise. Do you want to try my improved version of the runners?"

Saiki Kusuo: "Forget it, your light and easy runner can exhaust people to death, any improved version is a lie, after all, if that thing breaks down, how can I solve it. "

Almighty tennis player: "Then thank the manager first, after all, I have such a strong opponent who can help me train [It seems that I still have to pay close attention to improving my strength by ten times recently."

Zhou Yang: "Don't worry, I already know how to play tennis. It seems that the Ten Thousand Worlds Games will really be held next time. Thinking about it, it hasn't been long since the last Ten Thousand Worlds Cooking Competition. The last time The culinary competition was really a success."

Orochimaru: "I think my zombie ninja can form a football team or a basketball team. Let me show you the real strength of my zombie ninja."

Uncle Lin Jiu: "Could it be that you want to play football or basketball with zombies? Why do I think it's a bit weird to see this kind of scene? Why do I think I can't help but arrest them 417?"

Tsunade: "Then let's hold another zombie catching contest, capture all Orochimaru's zombies and destroy them, what a cool thing to do after thinking about it

Orochimaru: "You old woman Tsunade will destroy other people's affairs, so you should be a big fat sheep in your gambling circle, after all, no one can lose money like you.

Tsunade: "You Orochimaru, the next time you see your zombie ninjas, believe it or not, I will destroy them one by one, and you will suffer."

Zhou Yang: "Hahaha, you two don't just get up, let Echizen Ryoma take a good look at my tennis skills, I'm going to the world of Echizen Ryoma."

All-round tennis player: "This is really exciting, the administrator will show your true strength and compete with me."

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