Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 715: Crazy Opponent! Marketing Genius Orochimaru! (Please Collect! Please Subscribe!)

Orochimaru: "Anyway, I'm not afraid at all. After all, Tsunade Laozi can't beat my zombie ninja, so I'd better rest assured."

Tony: "Orochimaru, you really don't panic, but with the strength of the old Aunt Tsunade, it doesn't look weak. After all, the old Aunt Tsunade can split the reincarnation in half in an instant.

Orochimaru: "Mr. Tony, don't be afraid. It is absolutely impossible for an old woman like him to beat my zombie ninja, so let's rest assured."

Tsunade: "You pervert big white snake, it seems that you need to make an appointment for a good fight, right? Let me show you my recent strength. Your zombie ninja is really not my opponent


Orochimaru: "I'm too lazy to fight with you. Who has the time to compete with you? If I have time to compete with an old woman with low IQ like you, I might as well do a few more experiments. I don't have that leisure time.

Saiki Kusuo: "Hahaha, Orochimaru's counterattack is quite wonderful, now it is a typical run away, Orochimaru is really a smart scientist.

Lala: "Hahaha, old Aunt Tsunade, so you should enjoy the joy of taking a bath. There is no need to attack Orochimaru. After all, you can't beat a scientist like Orochimaru."

Tsunade: "Isn't that because of his pervert experiment? This pervert big white snake is really getting more and more arrogant. It seems that I really need to catch it out and let me beat it up, so that I can vent my anger`". "

Orochimaru: "At this time, you need a zombie ninja. After all, my zombie ninja can help you relieve your pressure. You don't need three or four thousand, two or three thousand, and you don't need ninety-eight. You can get A zombie ninja, and you can beat him to vent your anger, Tsunade, why don't you buy one?"

Liu Angxing: "Hahaha, Orochimaru's operation is perfect. He is really a sales genius. It seems that Orochimaru is still a professional salesman."

Xiaobu: "Hahaha, Orochimaru's operation is going to piss off old Aunt Tsunade, it seems that old Aunt Tsunade is going to destroy another ten tables today.

Zhou Yang: "Orochimaru, you are really seamless, you can sell advertisements so naturally, you are going to piss off old Aunt Tsunade. But your zombie ninjas can really do anything what."

Iron Arm: "Hahahaha, poor Tsunade old Aunt, it seems that Orochimaru is going to be mad at him today, Orochimaru's operation is really the most powerful operation I have ever seen. I still support Orochimaru bullying Tsunade Old Aunt's.

Tsunade: "You yellow-haired dwarf, you actually chose to stand on the side of this pervert big white snake. If I see you next time, I will definitely teach you a lesson."

Arm of Steel: "You must be able to see me, after all, the old Aunt Tsunade still has many opponents, Orochimaru is one of them, you should get Orochimaru first.

Orochimaru: "Edward, it's wrong for you to say that. After all, a woman with such a low IQ like him can't handle me, and it's also impossible to handle you."

Xiaobu: "Hahaha, you two are really over, why do I feel that old Aunt Tsunade is going to be mad with anger, it seems that you two are about to be split in half by old Aunt Tsunade."

The Day of Genius: "Hey, human emotions are really difficult to understand. A genius like me can't figure out what the relationship between Orochimaru and Tsunade is like."

Dad: ~ I have already noticed that old Aunt Tsunade has flown to find Orochimaru, it seems that Orochimaru, you should hide quickly, after all, if you meet the current Tsunade, maybe you will die soon. "

Uncle Lin Jiu: "Orochimaru, you'd better close the door and release the zombie ninja, otherwise you might be beaten by the old Aunt Tsunade. Not many people can use this kind of operation."

Orochimaru: "I'm not afraid of him at all. Let's talk about it if he can find me. After all, I can sell him a zombie ninja [so I can earn points again."

Tsunade: "You pervert big (Nuoqian Zhao) white snake, I'm still too lazy to bother with you, but if I see you again next time, I will stomp you in half and give you a hard punch in the face."

Iron Arm: "Tsunade old Aunt, don't be so violent. After all, you can't find a partner if you are so violent. The other half will not like it. #

Liu Angxing: "How do I feel that the old Aunt Tsunade has another happy friend, it seems that the old Aunt Tsunade still takes good care of Edward."

Tsunade: "Of course, I'm going to beat him to the ground, Edward, just wait for me!"

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