Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 716: Group Missions Open! Blood Reincarnation First Appeared! (Please Collect! Please Subscr

Iron Arm: "This is too scary, I'd better hide quickly, after all, the old Tsunade Aunt master is not ordinary. Last time I saw him beat that reincarnation, I almost scared me to death."

Tsunade: "You little yellow-haired dwarf, as long as you know it, if you continue to argue with me and get along with this pervert big white snake, your end will still be exactly the same as that reincarnated person."

Orochimaru: "Edward, don't worry, we can form an alliance. In this way, our strength is above that of the old lady Tsunade. As long as we form an alliance, they will not be able to beat us."

Anonymous old monk: "You guys are too coquettish, like this, old Aunt Tsunade really can't stand it, an alchemist, a great scientist, how can he fight with you perverts."

Tsunade: "I'm too lazy to care about the two of them. If I see them next time, I will definitely make them look like the 427 reincarnations last time. Let them look good."

[Mission: Hunting the Blood Reincarnation]

[Mission description: The blood reincarnation person has powerful strength, and can absorb the blood of ordinary people to achieve the purpose of strengthening himself, trying to take away the power of other worlds, in order to achieve the purpose of destroying the plot lines of their respective worlds, blood reincarnation Those who have absorbed a lot of energy, please be careful when going there. 】

[Task points: 2,000 points for participants, 500 points for hunting a person who reincarnated blood, 5,000 points for the leader (only administrators can see)]

Zhou Yang: "Now it's alright, this reincarnated person is really called out to you, old Aunt Tsunade, this time the reincarnated person seems to be even more terrifying."

Echizen Ryoma: "There will still be a group of missions, but I think these blood reincarnation people seem scary. (Aebi) A tennis player like me, in fact, can't help much."

Wukong: "Another person like this has invaded other people's worlds, but I think they have gone to the world of ordinary people. It seems that the reincarnators are quite good at picking places this time." 21

Iron Arm: "It seems that we should stop making jokes about Tsunade's old Aunt for the time being. This blood reincarnation person seems to be quite perverted. He can actually drink human blood to strengthen himself. The modus operandi of this group of people It's extremely vicious. But why did you choose to be in the normal world?"

Lin Jiushu: "That's right, I chose to be in the world of ordinary people. Doesn't that mean that this group of blood reincarnators are very strong? After all, those predators went to Lala's world last time. Of course, Lala's world has artifacts." Yes, so there is still a purpose. But this time these blood reincarnations actually chose to be in the world of ordinary people. What is the purpose?

Xiao Bu: "Wow, I didn't expect this group of blood reincarnators to go to the world of ordinary people. What if someone like Xiao Bu doesn't have any superpowers? This group of blood reincarnation people is quite bad. "

Liu Angxing: "That's right, although our cooking skills are not bad, what should we do if we face these reincarnated people? It seems that it is very likely that we will destroy other people's worlds."

Anonymous old monk: "The poor monk seems to be going to attack this time. These blood reincarnations have actually gone to the world of ordinary people. A monk like me who preaches compassion "seems like I need to express my heart. "

Orochimaru: "I didn't expect that there would be such reincarnations. It seems to be a good experimental material. The administrator will beat them to death and remember to bring them back. O

Tsunade: "You Orochimaru, you are still thinking about these things at this time. It is true that you are cold-blooded. You even asked the administrator to bring you back for experiments. 0

Zhou Yang: "Of course this is no problem, but I think these reincarnated people actually went to the world of ordinary people, it must be that ordinary people still look quite weak, so that they can continuously improve their strength through blood. "

Bone King: "It's really no different from vampires, but vampires can't use blood to enhance their own strength."

Marquis Vauban: "It seems that we really need to teach these blood reincarnators some lessons. We must teach them the true way of survival."

Tokisaki Kurumi: "So the blood reincarnator this time must be more vicious than the predator last time, but if our group members are sucked blood, it will be really terrifying."

Dad: "But don't worry, after all, we now know the source of the power of these blood reincarnators, so we just need to pay attention.

Lala: "Yes, but this time there are no technological products that can help you. After all, I can't directly freeze your blood. So this time, it seems that you have to face it yourself. "

Tony: "My armor has been waiting for a long time."

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