Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 717: The Prelude To The Cross-Border War! King Arthur Joins The Battle! (Please Subscribe! P

Orochimaru: "So it's better to choose the group members who don't have blood. Who in this group has no blood. Please stand up and let me study your body.

Tsunade: "You Orochimaru, you really think so simply, besides your pervert zombies, who else has no blood, you are really an idiot."

Zhou Yang: "Yes, as long as an ordinary person has blood, we still need to deal with this group of blood reincarnation people, otherwise, maybe we will become their source of strength."

Although Zhou Yang said to pay attention, he is not afraid of these blood reincarnations at all, because he has fought so many times with reincarnations. After all, his strength is also rising step by step, so he is not afraid at all. Afraid of the meaning of these blood reincarnation people.

But these blood reincarnators can actually increase their own strength by absorbing blood, and Zhou Yang still doesn't know how they evolved and what abilities they have. So it cannot be taken lightly.

Saiki Kusuo: "I'm a little scared by what this group of blood reincarnators said. It seems that I'd better stay at home and see how you can eliminate them. After all, my superpowers may sometimes fail."

Tsunade: "You Saiki Kusuo. Sometimes accidents can happen with your superpowers. It would be useless if you read out which girls these blood reincarnators like and what TV series they like to watch."

Saiki Kusuo: "So, using super powers is still a very troublesome thing, so I'd better avoid using super powers, after all, super powers are really a troublesome thing


Orochimaru: "Kusuo Saiki, don't be afraid, as long as you give me your body, I can help you eliminate your side effects, so that you can use super powers infinitely and accurately."

Saiki Kusuo: "Let's forget it, after all, having superpowers is quite a troublesome thing, so I'd better not go like last time - just cause trouble."

Tony: "These blood reincarnators are very suitable for my opponents. My Jarvis armor is not afraid of them absorbing them. After all, what they absorb is just scrap copper and rotten iron."

Misaka Mikoto: "As long as your armor is worthless, your armor is precious. After all, it is also an armor that can absorb energy. Shouldn't you be able to come up with countermeasures to deal with this group of blood reincarnations? Woolen cloth."

Uncle Lin: "Uncle Jiu should not choose to go. After all, I can only deal with zombies without blood. I really don't know what to do if I face this group of blood reincarnators."

Dad: "This group of blood reincarnators still looks quite powerful, so you must be careful when you go, otherwise, you will be easily defeated.

Jin Xingxian still wanted to speak at this time, but she was silenced unexpectedly, and looking at this group of blood reincarnations, Jin Xingxing wanted to defeat these reincarnations, but she had been in the small black room at all. There is no way to speak.

Acedes: "It seems that this group of reincarnators is quite vicious. Do I need to attack and beat them all?"

Zhou Yang: "Acedes, you don't want to go, after all, the reincarnation is very dangerous this time, so leave it to me and Tony."

0…ask for flowers………

Acedes felt a burst of warmth from Zhou Yang's sudden concern. He didn't expect that Zhou Yang, whom he had been calling shameless, cared so much about him.

Acedes: "Since the administrator has said so, it seems that I should be obedient, so I will leave it to you and Teacher Tony."

Tony: "I'm quite excited to hear that I'm going to deal with this group of people [I don't know what kind of tricks this group of reincarnated Wenquan used this time.

Anonymous old monk: "Then count me in as one, after all, my skills have been greatly improved recently, this time I must subdue this group of reincarnated people.

Foodie King of Great Britain: "Old monk, don't be like last time, you were almost caught. If you are caught this time, there is no possibility of escape."

Anonymous old monk: "Don't worry, this group of reincarnators will definitely not be allowed to succeed this time, and I will definitely let them see what the strength of an old monk is."

Tsunade: "So do you need a medical ninja this time? If possible, I will go directly, after all, I have relatively few things recently."

Orochimaru: "You old lady Tsunade, don't give it away. After all, the strength of these reincarnations really doesn't seem so weak."

Misaka Mikoto: "That's right, but I'm sure having an administrator will be able to solve their problem."

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