Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 718: It's So Much Fun To Play Tricks And Monks! Glittering In Golden Attire! (Please Su

In the group, the strong management is almost everyone's consensus.

Each of them has seen the super strength of the management, so as long as it is an event that the group leader participates in, they feel that there is almost nothing to worry about.

Zhou Yang: "No, this incident is not simple. The reincarnation came to an ordinary world this time. An ordinary world means that all the people living here are ordinary people. These ordinary people have no fighting ability. Facing reincarnated people, they only have to run away, we not only have to protect ourselves, I am afraid we also have the responsibility to protect ordinary people in that world."

Anonymous old monk: "Amitabha, management is true. "747" has people with great compassion, even though the ordinary world may be just a fictional world for management, it is not a problem to rebuild a brand new world, but Management will also care about every life, it is a role model for me."

Kuang San: "Okay, old monk, don't brag about it, if you brag about it, management will go to heaven."

Just after Kuangsan finished saying this, she was suddenly afraid that the management would pull her closer to the small black room, but Zhou Yang didn't seem to do that.

At this time, Zhou Yang is concerned about another matter, which is the current state of the ordinary world.

According to the hints on the mission, these reincarnations have absorbed a lot of blood, and I am afraid that they are already at a very high level in terms of combat effectiveness. We can't continue to let them make trouble in the ordinary world so easily, or it will become more and more difficult to deal with. .

Although he didn't worry much about his own safety, he was only one person after all, hand and eye Tongtian was a skill, not an ability, and he could at most ensure that no accidents would happen to the group members within a radius of several hundred kilometers.

But if you really want to fight those reincarnations, how can you just say that you are fighting within a range of hundreds of kilometers?

I'm afraid that if Tony, Wukong, or the sweeping monk casually and seriously hits, they will hit a range of thousands of kilometers, and I'm afraid I won't be able to take care of it.

Zhou Yang: "Tony, do you have any equipment that can be conveniently contacted? If we have an accident, we can contact and support at any time."

Tony: "Of course it's no problem. I happen to have a quantum communication device that I just made out of waste materials. I'm about to throw away this kind of thing as scrap iron, but it's okay to take it out temporarily and use it for a day and a half."

Xiao Bu: "Tony, you are so picky, why use leftover materials to perfuse it, you are so rich, and you can directly create a set of super invincible and powerful communication devices, or even directly create a teleportation device, can't you?"

Tony: "What you said is simple. I also have time to make these things. Although this kind of device is easy for me to make, it still takes time. Now it is obvious that there is not so much time to waste on it. isn't it?"

Zhou Yang: "Okay, next, everyone who is going to go, please take your place. I am going to start sending you to the mission destination world."

Tony: "Hurry up, I can't wait!"

Anonymous old monk: "My big knife is already hungry and thirsty!"

Tsunade: "Monk, where did you get the sword?"

Anonymous old monk: "The kitchen knife I just took out from the back kitchen."

Zhou Yang: "Okay, ready to send."

In front of the eyes of all the group members who planned to participate, a dazzling light appeared in front of them the moment Zhou Yang said teleportation, which made them close their eyes involuntarily, and then when they reopened their eyes, they It's been a whole new world...

The nameless old monk: "Wukong, you seem to have improved a lot in strength now, I don't know how your current Kamepai Qigong strength is."

Wukong showed off his strong arms to the sweeping monk and said, "How about it, do you want to try it? Why don't we fight after we get rid of these reincarnators?"

Wukong is a fighter, which is caused by the Saiyan genes in their bodies. Fighting is everything to them. At this moment, he is also very eager to fight.

This kind of people is what Zhou Yang is more worried about, because they are likely to forget the enemy's advantages because of too intense fighting.

So Zhou Yang said: "Don't discuss other things now, you need to concentrate on how to deal with the reincarnated people at this moment."

Zhou Yang's reminder brought everyone back to their senses.

Not many people participated in the hunt this time.

The main reason is that the group members have all seen the power of the 3.7 reincarnation, and they will be more cautious about the battle of the reincarnation. Once they are sure in the group that they may not be able to participate in the battle, they will not rush to show off their strength, but they are not in the group. Just being melon eaters, they can also observe the battle situation all the time, and then remind everyone.

Jin Shining: "I didn't expect that I would come too, I thought the manager would stop me if you locked me in a small dark room.

He was dressed in gold, and at the same time, there were countless sharp weapons floating around him. This posture alone was enough to prove his strength to outsiders.

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