Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 719: Death Hunting Begins! The Power Of Kamepai Qigong! (Please Collect! Please Subscribe!)

Zhou Yang: "Your combat ability is very suitable for this battle. This is why I asked you to come after consideration. If you perform well, I can consider restoring your silence when you go back."

Jin Glitter: "I, I'm the one who is... okay."

Jin Shining is a very arrogant person, he really doesn't want Zhou Yang to unlock the silence for him like a charity.

But he also understands Zhou Yang's strength, which is not something he can fight against, and if he tries to be brave, he will have trouble with himself.

So he honestly acquiesced to Zhou Yang's suggestion.

At this time, Sun Wukong clasped his fists and twisted his neck and said excitedly: "Hurry up, I can't wait.

Tony: "Wait, the blood reincarnation we are dealing with this time, you should know that you can't easily contact these reincarnations, right?"

Anonymous old monk: "Sir Tony, you are talking nonsense."

Tony: "Come on, take this. This is a quantum communication device. No matter how far you are, we can communicate at any time. Although we have a group system, my quantum communication is also very useful, and this is it.

After speaking, Tony took out a bunch of smooth metal balls.

Everyone came around curiously.

Monkey King: "What is this?"

Tony said proudly: "This is an electric shock ball of ultra-nano crystals. It can release super-powerful electric current and chemical conversion ability after being crushed for two seconds. This is something I made temporarily based on the characteristics of these blood reincarnation people. Because it was made temporarily, the quantity is not large, just enough for each of us, including management, of course, for management, my little invention will definitely not catch your eyes."

Zhou Yang quickly took the sphere and said: "It's okay, I don't mind using any available items, and you should also plan to test your scientific achievements, so I'll be your guinea pig .”

Seeing that the management is so easy to talk, Tony is quite moved. He really wants to do experiments with a little thoughtfulness. In fact, he is a little worried about other people using this thing, but if it is used by the group owner, maybe it can be used immediately. Obtaining the experimental results he wants will be of great benefit to some of his future scientific research.

Zhou Yang is really Tongtian, and Tony has to admire Zhou Yang's insight that he can even discover his small thoughts.

At the same time, he felt a little guilty that he hadn't confessed the truth.

The others were also stunned immediately, but they didn't blame Tony for anything. They put away these things one after another, and then looked around.

At this moment, they are floating above a sea area, and at the end of the sea area, the horizon can be seen. The distance is about tens of kilometers, and this distance is just a blink of an eye for everyone present. The effort can be reached in an instant.

At this time, they could already see the thick black smoke on the horizon.

There is a city, and it is a city that has fallen into chaos. They must go to that city immediately for support.

"Okay, I won't say anything superfluous, please protect those unarmed people as much as possible on the premise of protecting yourself."

"Don't worry, leave it to us."

Everyone gathered extremely firm confidence.

"Set off!"

Several people turned into countless streamers and rushed towards the place where the incident happened.

At the same time, in the city at the end of the horizon, a group of reincarnations with scarlet energy constantly lingering on their bodies stood on a building overlooking the city.

The leader of the reincarnation: "How many people are left in this city?"

Reincarnation: "Report, one-third of it has been absorbed, as long as it takes another half an hour, this city will completely become a dead city."

The leader of the samsaras nodded in satisfaction: "Very good, get it done as quickly as possible, and then go to the next city. We must get as many cities as possible before the other samsaras. This will be very good for our future status." promote.

One of the reincarnators hesitated and said: 293 "Boss, I'm worried that those guys from other worlds from the past will appear again this time. Those guys can be said to be superpowers gathered from countless worlds, and they are difficult to deal with."

The leader of the reincarnations sneered: "Don't worry, we have prepared a killer weapon this time, and we have several times more reincarnations in this world this time than last time, how could it be so unlucky for us to meet?"

"Boss, look what that is!"

Suddenly, a reincarnated younger brother pointed to a few flickering light spots at the end of the sky not far away.

The leader of the reincarnated person felt a thump in his heart.

He glanced at the point of light at the end of the sky.

But the moment they saw the light spot, they found that the light spot had appeared in front of them.

so fast!

"Kame Pai Qigong!!!"

Wukong took the lead and teleported to these people with the ability to sense the breath, and had no intention of rushing over foolishly at all. .

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