Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 727: Orochimaru's Little Thoughts! Zhou Yang's Imperial Mind! (Please Subscribe! P

Orochimaru appeared next to the sweeping monk, and then he twitched his nose to smell the breath of the sky, and finally showed a very interested expression.

Anonymous old monk: "Illusion? Is it like a psychedelic formation?"

Orochimaru shook his head: "This is not a formation, but a pure illusion. A city can be created directly by relying on the pure illusion ability. There must be a super big fish inside!"

Orochimaru seemed to be really not afraid of anything, and what the sweeping monk could see were several blood-red pythons coiling around behind Orochimaru's body.

This murderous aura does not particularly appeal to the sweeping monk, but Orochimaru is a companion, and most of these bloody auras are the blood of those blood reincarnations who killed unarmed ordinary people. Nothing to say, he can only put his hands together and continue to silently recite the scriptures to save these lost blood reincarnation people.

For the sweeping monk, whether it is an enemy or a companion, death is not a very good thing. Of course, this also has a certain relationship with my Buddha's compassion, regardless of good or evil.

Orochimaru: "Okay, old monk, stop reading, don't you see that my snakes are very upset when they hear your voice? Unless you want to fight with these snakes."

Anonymous old monk: "Amitabha, I will stop talking to you as a benefactor, let's go down and fight."

Orochimaru: "Go down and fight? No, no, fight, I'm just here to collect the corpses, but I have already sent some of my zombie ninjas into the city to make trouble."

Zombie ninjas are Orochimaru's most proud works. They combine the super elite ninjas condensed from the technological essence of countless worlds, and they are not afraid of the attacks of blood reincarnators at all. It is definitely better to let them play.

Anonymous old monk: "The almsgiver will wait here for a while, and I will come as soon as I go.

After speaking, the sweeping monk took a leap into the city.

At the moment when the unknown old monk entered the city, Orochimaru faintly sensed the moment when the sweeping monk entered, and the aura and energy of the whole city seemed to rise to a higher level again.

Orochimaru: "Interesting, really interesting, it seems that this city is still absorbing all the energy, this way of absorbing energy is really domineering."

At this time, Zhou Yang saved the last surviving city in this world. At this time, Zhou Yang's meritorious deeds were considered complete. At the same time, he also sensed the amazing blood-colored energy that almost broke through the sky and reached the universe in the distance.

Zhou Yang: "It seems that the real leader is about to appear."

From the very beginning, he found that although the leaders of the other blood reincarnators were also strong, they had not reached the level Zhou Yang expected.

He always felt that there seemed to be something wrong with it.

And now, the blood-colored light that suddenly appeared at this time seemed to be verifying his conjecture.

In an instant, he also appeared above the bloody sky, and then saw Orochimaru who was licking his tongue with an excited expression.

Zhou Yang: "Orochimaru, what are you doing? Didn't you go down to fight?"

Orochimaru was taken aback.

He didn't feel Zhou Yang's presence.

Is management really management?

He originally thought that he had obtained enough benefits and strong hole cards, and he should be able to fight this management a little bit.

But now why does he still feel that this management is so unfathomable?

0...asking for flowers...

He is Orochimaru, and he has always been a good and evil existence among Hokage ninjas, so he is the person who most wants to fight against the management in the group.

He didn't want to dominate the group for a moment.

But he is also very smart, he has been hiding all the time, just like he used to be by his teacher's side, and he will suddenly burst out when his strength reaches a certain level.

But whenever he felt that he became strong enough, Zhou Yang became even more unfathomable in his eyes.


Where is Zhou Yang's limit? Why does he feel like he will never be able to touch it?

Zhou Yang: "Why are you looking at me? I'm asking you something."

Seeing Zhou Yang's displeased expression, Orochimaru quickly corrected his posture and said, "I have already sent my best zombie ninjas into it to fight, and I may have accidents against blood reincarnation, you know the management, I have always been a very cautious person, so I will not take the initiative to act without absolute certainty.

Zhou Yang: "I asked you to come here to fight, it's not good for you to be timid.

Orochimaru felt the oppressive force that Zhou Yang began to release continuously.

Orochimaru groaned in his heart, and despite the pressure Zhou Yang put on him, he said: "Okay, I'm going to fight now.

Of course, Zhou Yang also knows Orochimaru quite well. After all, he has a good understanding of the plot of Hokage. Can he not know what kind of person Orochimaru is?

And of course he knew about Orochimaru's little thoughts.

ps: Ask for collection! Ask for subscription! Ask for monthly pass! Ask for flowers! Ask for evaluation ticket six!.

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