Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 728: Endless Blood Puppets! The Massacre Begins! (Please Collect! Please Subscribe!)

It was fine in the past, but now it's time to fight, and he himself applied to join the battle circle but still only wanted to pick up the loopholes, Zhou Yang naturally couldn't give him any good looks.

This kind of person sometimes just needs a proper beating, otherwise he may make some moths in the future.

But what is certain is that as long as he is strong enough, Orochimaru will never be able to touch his limit, then Orochimaru will always be honest, this cautious guy will never take risks.

Well, Orochimaru has also entered, so all that is left is to observe this strange city by yourself.

He could also see the weirdness of the city's "807".

On the surface, this city should have completely become a dead city, and the people inside should be completely wiped out.

But in fact this is not the case, it is just an appearance.

Like Orochimaru said, it's an illusion.

But the person who can release such a powerful illusion is definitely a very strong reincarnation.

This is the real big boss.

It seems that the final enemy is about to appear.

Zhou Yang narrowed his eyes, then sat cross-legged on the void, and began to quietly observe every move of the blood-colored city.

Inside the Scarlet City, Tony has put on the latest armor from Jarvis and started the battle.

Tony: "So many, so many! There are so many blood-colored dolls, why are there so many? It's like locusts!"

Sun Wukong: "These blood-colored puppets are not reincarnations at all, but each of them has physical combat power that surpasses ordinary reincarnations. It is really terrifying. If such reincarnations are allowed to wreak havoc, the world will really be miserable."

Jin Shining: "Sun Wukong, if you say you can't beat these puppets, then admit it quickly, so that we won't waste time continuing to compete."

Sun Wukong: "Golden Twilight, I think you are actually a little afraid of my combat power, right? You see, I can kill dozens of these dolls with just one Kameha qigong, but what about your weapons? How many did you kill?"

Jin Shining: "Hehe, not too many, just one more than you."

Tony: "Look at Sun Wukong, Jin Sparkle's words are so irritating, why don't you hurry up and fight back, and work harder to kill the enemy?"

At this time, Tony regained his armor and self-confidence again, and then began to boo at the side without being afraid of big things.

Sun Wukong is really a person who eats this set. His attack frequency has been raised to a new level again, and his instant killing ability is rising in a straight line.

Anonymous old monk: "I feel that there is always an endless supply of these puppets, and I always feel that something is wrong. Have we entered someone else's trap?"

While fighting, everyone also did not forget to exchange the results of the battle with each other.

This is the benefit of quantum communication equipment. At least when they are fighting with each other in the same time and space, this communication method is more efficient than the group system.

However, it is only limited to the fact that everyone is in the same area, otherwise the group system function is more useful.

Orochimaru: "I think the old monk makes sense."

Monkey King: "+1"

FB: "+1"

Anonymous old monk: "You all think my words make sense, so you should do something, don't just let me think about it!"

Orochimaru: "Actually, I have been thinking about one thing. This city gives me a very familiar feeling."

Tony: "Familiar feeling? Tell me about it?"

Orochimaru: "It's like I used to transform and needed a cocoon to wrap myself, and this city is like a cocoon, isn't it? Have you ever thought that we have become the nourishment of this cocoon, and all the energy released have become the nourishment of this cocoon?"

Anonymous old monk: "You say it like this, it seems to be true..."

Wukong: "By the way, where is the management? He must know more."

Jin Glitter: "Maybe hiding somewhere?"

Zhou Yang: "I think I still need to silence you for a while longer."

Zhou Yang appeared among the crowd without knowing when.

This ability of elusiveness made everyone unaware, adding to Zhou Yang's inscrutability.

Wukong: "Wow, administrator, do you have any opinions now? How about you talk about why this happened? Is this really a big cocoon?"

Zhou Yang: "That's right, the snake's guess is right."

Zhou Yang took a deep look at Orochimaru, and Orochimaru dodged guiltily. Zhou Yang looked straight into his eyes.

Orochimaru did discover these 1.5 details just now.

And it was discovered at high altitude.

However, he has never confessed this matter to everyone too early.

Zhou Yang understood what Orochimaru was thinking.

He wanted to wait for the cocoon to completely transform into a butterfly.

He wanted to test where his fighting limit was.

So I thought about fattening an enemy as much as possible, and then came to test myself.

Orochimaru is really fat, Zhou Yang thinks that when he returns, he must go to Orochimaru to beat him up.

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