Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 729: Cocoon Of Infinite Blood Sea! Orochimaru's Secret Results! (Please Collect! Please

Sun Wukong: "The administrator is so powerful! So since this is a big cocoon, how do we break it?"

Zhou Yang: "It's very simple, that is, in the very center of this city, I have discovered the core of this cocoon, destroying that core, that is, the real owner of this cocoon, can solve everything, but I have an idea."

"what idea?"

This is the question that almost everyone asks in unison.

Zhou Yang: "The cocooning enemy may now think that we have fallen into his well-prepared trap, but has he ever thought about why he himself has not fallen into our trap? Do you really think we are so easy to deceive? ?”

Jin Glitter subconsciously glanced at Monkey King.

Sun Wukong also noticed Jin Shining's gaze, and he stared back at 04.

Sun Wukong: "What kind of eyes do you have? Do you mean that I am easy to be deceived?"

Jin Shining: "I didn't say that, you think so yourself."

Sun Wukong: "When the matter is over, I will challenge you! Let you taste my strength."

The anger of a Super Saiyan, and a Super Saiyan whose future has almost no limits, Zhou Yang felt that Jin Shining had really provoked the wrong person.

Did he really think that Sun Wukong is only the third stage and it's over?

But Zhou Yang also wanted to see the battle between the two most famous yellow-haired Monkey King and Jin Shining. This kind of discussion among group members is also beneficial to the whole group, so he didn't stop it. This happened.

Jin Shining: "Okay, I'll be waiting for you."

Jin Xingxing is naturally fearless, just now when he and Monkey King competed to kill the enemy, they were almost at the same level, but Jin Xingshan thought that he hadn't used his full strength, so he must be stronger than Monkey King.

However, this sentence is also applicable to Sun Wukong, he also did not use his full strength.

Anonymous old monk: "Please calm down, everyone, let's listen to the management's opinion together."

Everyone quickly quieted down, and then quietly looked at Zhou Yang.

Zhou Yang smiled slightly: "It's very simple, the other party wants to treat us as nourishment for the cocoon, then we can actually do the same thing in reverse."

Sun Wukong: "Take cocoons as nourishment? But we don't know blood energy?"

Zhou Yang shook his head: "No, it's not about using fireflies as nourishment, I mean to control this rhubarb instead.

Hehe, you are talking about your plans right under my nose, do you really think I am deaf?

In the void, it seemed that no one noticed that a pair of eyes had been staring at them from the very beginning.

The owner of these eyes is naturally the real owner of this big cocoon.

The entry of these strong men was one of his plans from the very beginning.

Other cities are an introduction [it is just an introduction that he intends to use to test the strength of these powerful people from various worlds.

Facts have proved that these strong men are really strong, so strong that it makes him drool.

These are supremely delicious.

If you can eat one, you can upgrade him to a higher level. How about eating a group?

I'm afraid he will be directly promoted to become the real king of reincarnation, right?

However, he was also very cautious, and did not reveal his intentions by passing the car.

But now his intentions have been seen clearly by these people, but now he is completely confident.

I took the initiative to get into my cocoon, so I don't want to go out again.

The core proposed by Zhou Yang is actually a trap. As long as these people really dare to directly destroy the core, the core will instantly erupt with a powerful blood energy far beyond imagination, and then completely devour everyone.

But this kind of devouring is too rough, he likes to chew slowly and savor the taste of strength improvement, he doesn't like this kind of violence very much.

But just in case, he still kept this rear army.

And now one of these people actually suggested not to destroy the core in a hurry, but to find a way to control the cocoon instead, he almost laughed out loud.

What a bunch of 367 idiots! The longer you delay, the stronger I will become. How can there be any way to control myself? If there is such a thing in this world, it is only the current king of reincarnation Only then can this kind of thing be done.

"Hehe, you guys discuss the plan slowly, I'll just watch you quietly."

The owner of these eyes was extremely proud and sneered in his heart.

Zhou Yang's eyebrows trembled at this time, but it was an extremely subtle and undetectable movement, and almost no one noticed his subtle change.

Zhou Yang: "Okay, then we will divide the work and set up the formations around the core, Orochimaru, should you contribute something?"

Orochimaru's expression was unnatural: "Well, what are you talking about?"

Zhou Yang: "You can temporarily share the mind-altering formation that you have recently researched."

Orochimaru's expression changed.

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