Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 740: Two People Flirting! Frightened Rebels (Please Collect! Please Subscribe!)

Some people even couldn't help shouting out the words "Long Live Her Lady Queen".

However, among these people, there is still a group of people who are not very kind.

They stared at Acedes and Zhou Yang's every move at this time with pubic eyes, and at the same time they began to think about the next plan in their hearts.

As long as that thing is released, if it explodes directly among this crowd, it can definitely cause the greatest lethality.

This is a very strange artifact.

It will be accompanied by the characteristic that the more lives it kills, the more powerful it will be, and this strength will increase geometrically.

This is like a nuclear weapon, which continuously increases the range of damage by geometric multiples at the moment of explosion.

It is the best opportunity to break out in this most lively crowd.

The expressions of these people have become extremely fanatical now. If it weren't for the fact that they were hiding in the crowd, their abnormal behavior would have been discovered long ago.

These people occupy almost all sides of this square.

When Acedes took Zhou Yang's arm and was about to walk down the steps at the highest point of the square, these pubic-eyed people raised their heads and looked at the other companions in their respective directions.

They looked at each other and nodded first, then they hid in the crowd again, and then took out a sphere covered with black tentacles.

Thick mucus continued to flow out of the sphere, and the mucus began to burn violently on these people's dry hands.

This made the guys with pubic lice eyes grunt, but soon they began to imagine the lethality caused by the moment this thing erupted.

This thing will definitely kill Acedus and that so-called big shot!

This is the last resort they have carefully prepared for a long time.

Nine such spheres will burst out with powerful lethality at the first moment of triggering. They will first kill all civilians, and then use the geometric multiple killing effect brought by killing civilians to enhance their capabilities, and then target directly at Acedes. and that mysterious big shot.

No matter how strong you are, as long as this weapon bursts out, even the people at the top of the pyramid will still die!

As long as this weapon explodes!

Just explode!

This lice-eyed person became more and more fanatical, and at the moment when Acedus and Zhou Yang reached the last step [all these guys hidden in the crowd immediately pinched this tentacle-covered sphere.


These lice-eyed people waited excitedly for the loud explosion.

They have long been ready to dedicate their lives to this.

But what about the explosion?

They reopened the eyes that had been tightly closed, and then looked at their own people suddenly.

The tentacled ball is still there.

But the ball didn't explode now, but remained like a ball, and nothing happened as they expected.


This is clearly different from what was planned.

These people can't understand why this happened.

Why didn't the ball explode?

Zhou Yang: "Acedes."."

Des: "Huh?"

Acedes raised his head and looked at Zhou Yang with tender eyes.

Zhou Yang: "You are beautiful."

Zhou Yang stretched out his fingers and rubbed the bridge of Acedes' nose softly.

Acedus' face turned completely red, and the crowd burst into cheers.


Why didn't it explode?!

The group of guys hiding in the crowd looked at the thing in their hands in disbelief. Why didn't this thing explode with the power they expected?

They are very sure that this thing must be able to cause incomparably huge lethality.

And this thing is a kind of terrifying weapon purely for killing.

This kind of weapon will never stop if it doesn't kill enough creatures.

But now this thing has aroused nine of them, but none of them broke out.

The nine tentacled spheres squirmed in their respective hands like a harmless thing.

~Want to know why it didn't explode?"

A cold voice rang in the minds of these people.

They stared around in shock.

whose voice is it

"You are too sloppy, this thing should not be used like this, if you want to know how (Li Zhaozhao) uses this thing, I will show you the real usage of this thing."

As soon as the words fell, the nine people in the crowd, including the sphere they were holding, disappeared in place at the same time.

The sudden disappearance of nine people in this crowded crowd is not worth mentioning at all. Even the ordinary people who are closest to these people are only slightly puzzled why the people in front of them suddenly disappear, but their main energy is also concentrated In the flirtation between Acedes and the big man, why someone suddenly disappeared was quickly forgotten.

Zhou Yang: "Okay, now I'll show you."

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