Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 741: City Of Eating Time Enchantment! The Limit That Mortals Cannot Cross! (Please Subscribe

Where is this place?" The nine people looked around in shock with their eyes wide open.

It was extremely dark here, but in the darkness they could vaguely see some tentacles wriggling on the ground.

These tentacles are much larger than the tentacle-covered balls held in the hands of these nine people, and they are also much more terrifying.

Zhou Yang's voice appeared right in front of these nine people, but it wasn't Zhou Yang's body right in front.

Zhou Yang looked at his palm, then touched it and said, "I'm not very familiar with this power yet, but it seems to operate pretty well."

These people glanced at each other, and then swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

Everyone present knew Zhou Yang, wasn't he the man who appeared next to Acedes just now?

Why are we here? And why is this person here? Where is this place?

Zhou Yang: "The things in your hands were originally intended to be used by 010 to kill me and Acedus?"

No one answered Zhou Yang's words, because they were completely frightened by this weird thing.

They've always been the ones doing mystical and diabolical things in the past.

But it was the first time they encountered such an evil thing imposed on them by others, which made them all fall into a mental panic.

Seeing that no one answered him, Zhou Yang simply stopped talking nonsense.

Zhou Yang: "Well, I will give you a chance, a chance to live, tell me how many of you still belong to you in this world, tell me one more, you can live for one more minute, if you tell me all, Whoever finishes speaking first will survive.

These people looked at each other.

Does this mean that they are looked down upon by the enemy and given alms to them to survive?

"I said! We still have our own people here, and nine bosses. These bosses should all be in a mysterious meeting hall now!"

"You betrayed us! How dare you do that?!"

Zhou Yang killed that guy indifferently, and then said with a smile on his face: "Go on, you can live for one more minute now, by the way, everyone else should work hard, because the last time you live Thirty seconds left."


Incomparably depressed and fearful emotions began to breed and spread in everyone's hearts.

They had never been so afraid of death.

They were originally a group of fanatics, they should not be afraid of death.

But why are they now afraid of death?

"I said it, and I said it too!"

"Shut up! I said it first!"

"I said it first! Go to hell with me!"

Fear of death made the eight surviving people completely lose their self-control, and they all frantically attacked their own people. In the end, only one person was still alive in front of Zhou Yang with bruises all over his body.

Zhou Yang gave these people a slightly longer chance of surviving, because he might tell himself some information and intelligence he wanted.

"Huh, (aech) huh, that meeting hall is in a monster mountain range, I'll take you there."

Zhou Yang was smiling.

My own mental interference seems to be quite useful.

Recently, Zhou Yang found that some abilities that he had never paid much attention to in the past are now gradually showing their unique uses.

For example, during interrogation, you can use mental blows to crush the opponent's mental defense in the fastest time, or you can directly release a group recovery technique in the ordinary world last time, and even the entire city will recover together. undisturbed.

However, in fact, none of these skills can be said to be small skills or small abilities.

These abilities may be called stunts for anyone else, but for Zhou Yang, this is really a small skill that is not worth mentioning.

At the same time, in a mountain range full of powerful monsters, in the deepest part of the mountain range, in the dark chamber, nine cloaked men surrounded by different energy bodies all felt restless at the same moment.

"Have our people successfully released? According to the time, it should have been released, but why didn't I feel any fluctuations in the release of energy?

"Did it fail?"

It shouldn't be, no one can stop that kind of thing, even if these people are discovered in advance, those spheres will automatically explode at the designated time, even the strongest existence at the top of the pyramid can't stop the explosion of that thing. "

While everyone was discussing, they didn't even notice that there was already a person in this meeting at this moment.

It wasn't until a few seconds later that the nine people suddenly realized that a tenth person suddenly appeared among them, and it appeared almost without warning, without any awareness at all.

"Who are you?!"

The nine people got up from their seats almost at the same time and faced Zhou Yang at the same time.

Zhou Yang looked at the nine people indifferently, and then looked down at the guy kneeling at his feet trembling with fear.

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