Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 758: The Miserable Experience Of Sato Fujiwara! The Members Of The Group Who Sharpen Their K

Everyone has selfishness, big or small.

A person with great selfishness is like the God of Tiedan, who has an incomparable desire for power and status, and he will do anything for status and strength.

And people with little selfishness are like Xiao Bu, who only know that they like their big brother, happy water in the fat house, and playing video games and watching dramas for snacks.

Or people like the sweeping monk just want to live in one place for their own selfishness, but in the end they can't help their inner desire for peace and take the initiative to intervene in everything, but if the sweeping monk really abandons everything and dedicates Although the sweeping monk can do "410" to everything about himself, he will definitely hesitate.

And Zuo Wei hardly hesitated when answering Zhou Yang's question, which shows that he has no other options for this question at all.

Zhou Yang: "Then do you have nostalgia for that world? Do you want to continue to watch Hikari Shinto gradually go higher?"

Ping An Chess Player: "It would be a lie to say that I don't want to, but I am a destined person. My mission is completed, and I have ended everything

Zhou Yang: "Then what if I say I can let you fulfill your wish?"

Tie Dan Shenhou: "The management is wise! I don't want such a kind person to disappear in vain. If possible, my world welcomes you at any time, Mr. Zuowei.

Acedes: "Me too, it happens that I really want to learn how to play chess recently, if Mr. Zuowei, you simply disappeared, those of us who tried hard to learn chess skills from you would also lose a good opportunity ?"

Anonymous old monk: "Amitabha, playing chess is also one of the things I love most in my life. So, if Zuo Wei's benefactor can really do something for you in the future, I will do my best to help you."

Hearing these people's concern for him, Zuo Wei's long-lost heart beat violently again.

He has never felt so truly like today that he can actually have a human-like life again.

In the Heian era, he was somewhat unwilling to accept his own death, but with time he has gradually seen it.

But even if he looks away, it doesn't mean that he will give up if there is a chance to really live.

Wouldn't it be a fool to give up such an opportunity?

Ping An Chess Player: "Would you offend the gods if you do this?"

Acedes: "Hehe, what are gods? In our respective worlds, how many people have already killed gods. If the so-called gods in your world really don't open their eyes, we will kill them!"

Kuang San: "I agree, I agree, if it were me, I would do the same, now you are a part of our group, and also a part of our big family, if the group members are in trouble, of course we must do our best to support and help La!"

Sun Wukong: "Although I don't know what you guys are talking about, it feels like you guys are about to fight again, so count me in!"

Tsunade: "I haven't made a move for a long time, I will never give up this good opportunity this time, and I'm a rich man now!"

Tsunade also specially showed all the group members her current points reserves. She now has more than 3,000 points, and spent a lot of them, and most of them are obtained by signing in. It is quite difficult to say 0.....

Orochimaru sent a photo at this time, and that photo is his points reserve: 73,000.

Kuang San silently issued his own points: 64,000.

The rest of the group members also silently sent out their points reserves.

Tsunade: "Enough of you guys! Anyway, I have to go this time, I've been itching for a long time! Orochimaru has the ability, you come too, watch me blow your head off!"

Orochimaru: "Are you going to fight the gods or are we alone?"

Tsunade: "I only target you, who makes you always angry with me? I have reached the limit."

Zhou Yang: "Sawei, let me ask again, do you want to see with your own eyes the moment when Shinto Hikaru became the strongest chess player, and truly live in this world to witness it with your own eyes?"

Zuo Wei: "I think! But, if it will bring you trouble, I don't think so. I don't want to bring trouble to you lovely family members.

Zuo Wei at this moment also completely treats the group members as the so-called family members, and he does not want the family members to cause trouble because of his own troubles 1.$.

Acedes: "Trouble? No, no, as long as it's about our family, it's not any trouble. Zhou Yang, quickly open the talisman leading to Mr. Zuowei's world. We can't wait to meet the gods of that world." After a good theory, why does such a kind person have to be treated as a tool man at will?"

The fate of Acedus in this life is almost completely under his control.

However, she also understands the helplessness of those who are choked by fate.

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