Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 759: The Face-To-Face Meeting Is Reopened! Group Activities Of Group Members! (Please Subscr

If it was anyone else, Acedus would not care about their life or death.

But if it is a member of the group, she is willing to help this favor for free, especially to help a kind person like Zuo Wei.

The ruthlessness and cruelty of today's Acedes are actually much weaker than in the past.

This group made her feel the warm environment like a family again, and she also hopes to use her strength to protect everyone in this family.

Anonymous old monk: "Amitabha, this poor monk also really wants to know what kind of heartless guy the so-called god in that world is."

Tie Dan Shenhou: "I also want to go to witness, Mr. Administrator, can we all go?"

This time, almost the vast majority of group members who are still bubbling hope to go to Zuo Wei's world to help Zuo Wei.

Fight for Zuo Wei's rights that should belong to him.

It seems that there has never been a situation where all the members of the group are dispatched 04.

Zhou Yang's heart suddenly moved.

He felt that this seemed to be a good opportunity for collective dispatch.

All group members have the opportunity to join the group offline.

As for the gods of Zuo Wei's world or the will of the world, Zhou Yang didn't take it to heart at all.

Zhou Yang, the supreme god in the world of high martial arts and high energy, has been slaughtered, how strong is a god or will in an ordinary world?

Of course, the saying that the lion fights the rabbit with all its strength is extremely correct, and Zhou Yang also agrees with this statement.

But if all the group members are mobilized, isn't this already the lion fighting the rabbit with all its strength?

No, it should be the prehistoric beast fighting the rabbit with all its strength.

It's an understatement for all of them to dispatch all the members to be called wild beasts.

The members of the group are now more powerful than each other.

Therefore, Zhou Yang initiated a function for all group members.

This function is also a hidden function that Zhou Yang has hardly used, and it will finally come in handy at this time.

Zhou Yang: "All the members of Aite, how about we go to face-to-face together?"

Xiao Bu: "Wow, wow, I'm going, I'm going! Let's go to Mianji together, administrator, your idea is very good! Why didn't I think of it just now?"

Anonymous old monk: "My knowledge is shallow. May I ask the benefactors what is the meaning of Mianji?"

Kuang San: "It's also the first time I've heard this term."

Foodie king of Great Britain: "Me too."

Little boss: "+1"

Fire Fist: "+1"

J: "+1"

I'm a slime: "+1"

Marquis of Vauban: "+1"

Ping An Chess Player: "Although I want to say +1, but as a small expert in interrupting and repeating, I still want to interrupt and repeat."

Zhou Yang: "Slime, don't pretend. If others say they don't know about Mianji, I will believe it. If you don't know, I won't believe it even if you kill them."

Slime: "Master Administrator is really clever, I do know, but I don't want to tell others."

Xiao Bu: "Oh, it's actually a very simple word, go to the same place to play together, referred to as Mianji, this time all our group members will come to an offline meeting together, and the scene will definitely be very shocking!"

Lin Jiuye: "Interesting and interesting, I want to go too!"

Dad: "It's interesting, I'm going too!"

Tsunade: "Interesting and interesting, I want to go too!"

Ping An Chess Player: "Interrupt the re-reading, please stop repeating, let's face the basics together!"

Kuang San: "Wow, you chess player is so filthy, what did you just say?"

Ping An Chess Player:

Misaka Mikoto: "Don't bully the rookies, let's discuss the base! No!"

Liu Angxing: "Since this will be a large-scale noodle gathering, I will bring my best kitchen utensils and the best ingredients. All the noodle-based food will be handed over to me!"

Jin Shining: "Then I'm worried that you are going to die of exhaustion. Don't you know how many people are in our group now? And we still have so many foodies here! For example, Xiao Bu, or the curry stick patient."

Foodie King of Great Britain: "Jin Shining, I think you owe a spanking again, do you want to let the group leader spank you again?"

Spanking has become a taboo for Jin Shining. When the foodie king of Great Britain uttered these words, the area where Jin Shining is located suddenly experienced extremely violent fluctuations.

"King Arthur, you wait for me, I will spank your ass with my own hands if I have the chance!"

Ying Zheng: "This emperor will bring the best treasures, and then distribute them all to you as a gift for the first group meeting."

If anyone in this group has the most money, it must be Iron Man, but if anyone has the most treasures, it must be Ying Zheng.

The supreme emperor of the Qin Dynasty, in terms of the dynasty alone, even a stool with legs are all antiques, not to mention the treasures specially selected by Yingzheng.

Foodie King of Great Britain: "I don't have anything now, but I can show you my sword skills and so on,"

Ping An Chess Player: "Wait, everyone, aren't you going to come to my world to deal with the gods? Why don't you take it to heart at all?"

These people have been discussing the matter of Mianji, which is quite an understatement, and Zuo Wei is a little confused.

ps: Ask for collection! Ask for subscription! Ask for monthly pass! Ask for flowers! Ask for evaluation ticket!.

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