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Chapter 769: The Legendary Sai! It's Show Time For The Sweeping Monks! (Please Subscribe! Pleas

Someone once even doubted whether this might be Taya Yukihiro's own trumpet or something.

However, anyone who has ever played chess with Taya Yukihiro knows that the chess playing technique of this person named SAI on the Internet is an ancient technique, which belongs to the technique of Honinbo Shusaku, a legendary chess player in ancient times.

And Toya Yoshihiro is a chess-playing technique that belongs only to his own style.

Until finally Taya chose to play against SAI on the Internet, people's doubts were dispelled again.

In the end, Tayayuki Hiroshi conceded defeat on the Internet, and SAI completely disappeared on the Internet and never appeared again.

SAI seems to have become a person who really never existed.

But when a dusty young man wearing ancient hunting clothes came to his house with an ancient letter, when he saw this young man with his own eyes, he was sure that this must be the network Sai, the strongest chess player in the world, is right.

Zuo Wei: "That's right, it's me, I'm here to complete the agreement between the two of us in 04, face-to-face for a game of chess!"

On the Internet, although it was Taya Yukihiro who conceded.

But both of them knew that the matter would not end so simply.

On the surface, it seems that the two sides have never had any communication, but Zuo Wei knows that Taya Yukihiro definitely prefers that the two sides have a face-to-face round.

Taya Yukiyo also believed that the strongest chess player on the Internet must think so too.

It's just that SAI never appeared, which disappointed Taya Yukihiro.

And today, he finally came!

Taya Yukiyo: "Come in, please."

Taya Yukihiro's hands trembled slightly.

His butler Kiyofuku looked at Toya Yukihiro's performance in disbelief.

Is this still the strongest chess player he is familiar with?

Why do the strongest chess players tremble?

This was not trembling due to illness or other problems. After following this master for so many years, he understood that it was the trembling of the master's excitement.

He was thrilled to have a real opponent.

real opponent?

Is that the young man?

How is this possible? That person is so young, probably in his early thirties at most, this kind of person can be compared with the master?

Taya Yukiyo welcomed Sawei into his home in the way he thought was the most solemn way to receive his most respected chess player. At this time, he noticed that there were two other than Sawei... No, one person? Hmm? Seems like two people?

what happened?

Are you dazzled? Why are there two people at one moment and one person at another?

Zhou Yang's body is infinitely ethereal, and it is actually very difficult for ordinary people to discover Zhou Yang's existence.

This is not intentional by Zhou Yang, it is because he now has the ability to completely control the rules, the rules are a part of his body, the influence he creates invisibly will make ordinary people unaware of his existence.

"Please come in."

Taya Xingyang was not sure whether it was one person or two people, which made him very confused. In order to avoid embarrassment, he chose to use your address to invite Zhou Yang and the sweeping monk to enter.

The three of them followed Taya Yukiyo to the room where Taya Yukiyo was playing chess just now.

As soon as Zuo Wei came in, he noticed a chess game that had already been played, and he walked over directly with great interest.

Zuowei: "Mr. Taya, are you playing chess with yourself? The styles of Heizi and Baizi are exactly the same as yours. Now Heizi has the advantage."

Taya Yukiyo's eyes lit up: "Do you also think that this is just an advantage rather than Heizi's victory?"

Zuo Wei nodded: "That's right, I also think that black pieces have the advantage in this game, and white pieces should have a way to turn defeat into victory, but I... can't seem to find any way to break this game. "

This made Ta Yayuki Yoshihiro's happy heart drop a little bit.

It seems that this young man named SAI is also unable to decipher it.

However, Taya Yukiyo was not so surprised. When he played chess on the Internet, Taya Yukiyo just thought that Zuowei was a chess player who was on par with him or at most a little stronger than him.

It is precisely because they are evenly matched that Taya Yukihiro looks forward to the next face-to-face game between the two sides.

Now this wish has finally come true.

He couldn't wait to take 640 again in the next room and put the two chessboards on the ground.

Taya Yukihiro: "Mr. SAI, without further ado, let's have a game right now, without any formalities!"

Sakai: "That's exactly what I want, but I'm not actually called SAI, if you can, you can call me Fujiwara Sakai.

Zuo Wei said his full name at the beginning, which is also his respect for the other party.

Taya Yukihiro nodded seriously: "I understand Mr. Fujiwara Satoshi, by the way, there is this..."

Zuo Wei understood that this was Ta Ya Xingyang, but he didn't know the names of Zhou Yang and the sweeping monk, so he explained: "This is called..."

Zhou Yang nodded at Zuo Wei, indicating that Zuo Wei can say whatever he wants.

Zuo Wei himself was not sure if he could introduce Zhou Yang and the sweeping monk to an ordinary person, but with Zhou Yang's permission, he felt much relieved.

Zuo Wei: "This one is called Zhou Yang, and there is another one, you can call him a sweeping monk."

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