Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 770: Sweeping Monks Play On Behalf Of The Group! The Game Of Legends! (Please Collect! Pleas

Taya Yukio: "Is that so, if you two have nothing to do, you can also use this chessboard to play two games, or if you want to do some other things, I can ask the housekeeper to help you solve them.

Zhou Yang smiled: "No need, just play a few games with the sweeping monk."

After finishing speaking, Zhou Yang sat up cross-legged on the ground casually, and the sweeping monk also sat on the ground opposite the chessboard where Zhou Yang was.

Sweeping monk: "Administrator benefactor, old monk, I used to know some chess skills, and I hope you can give me some advice."

Zhou Yang stretched out his hand: "Please enlighten me."

It was only at this time that Toya Yukio was sure that there were indeed three people besides Zuowei, and the third person felt too ethereal, why did he feel this way?

It made him puzzled.

But now he is still focusing more on Zuowei.

At the same time, he also noticed that the sweeping monk and Zhou Yang both sat cross-legged instead of kneeling. It seemed that these two people were not locals, and he did not know how Mr. Fujiwara Sawei met these two.

"Mr. Sato Fujiwara, please sit down."

Toya Yukihiro solemnly sat down first, and then stretched out his hand to ask Zuo Wei to sit on the opposite side of the chessboard.

At this point, a formal game that has been going on for an unknown period of time has finally begun.

I don't know how long the game has passed.

Toya Yukiyo just felt as if the sky was dark once, then white again, and then dark again.

During this time, he even had a feeling that his spirit was about to be drained.

But he was also quite excited, because Zuo Wei was really powerful.

The way the two sides think about playing chess is completely different, and Taya Yukiyo finds that he has completely found a new way to improve, and he has learned a lot from Zuowei.

At the same time, Taya Yukihiro can also feel that Zuowei is also making continuous progress in the process of playing against himself, and both sides have learned a lot from the opponent's chess moves.

Both sides are super geniuses in chess.

The duel between geniuses and geniuses has always been something that people yearn for, and the two of them are completely addicted to it.

In the end, both sides got the result that Zuo Wei still won the half son.

The chess skills of both sides can be said to be impeccable, and neither side has made almost any mistakes.

But the facts are here, Sawei is indeed stronger than Toya Yukihiro, but Toya Yukihiro is fully confident that he will be able to defeat Fujiwara Sawai.

At the same time, Sawai Fujiwara also understands that Toya Yukihiro will work hard to catch up with him, and of course he will not choose to slack off so easily.

The two sides will be the most difficult opponents, and no one can easily relax.

Taya Yukihiro: "I'm already old, not as young as you, and we've been down for two days and one night, I've never been so excited.

Taya Yukihiro's child, Taya Ryo, the fateful opponent of the protagonist Shinto Hikaru in Go Soul, has returned home at some point, and when Taya Ryo saw his father playing against a person, he was also in deep trouble. in.

Is his father so strong?

In the past so many years, Ta Yaliang never knew that his father could be so powerful. It turned out that his father always suppressed his own chess skills when playing chess with others, and didn't fully show his potential?

He has infinite admiration for his father, and of course for this young man in ancient hunting clothes.

"Sir, may I ask your name!" Ta Yaliang looked at Zuowei excitedly.

Sawai Fujiwara looked at the child he was familiar with. He had met this child many times because he possessed Shinto Hikari in the past, but this time should be the real meeting between the two parties.

Sawai: "My name is Fujiwara Sawai, you can call me Sawai."

Zuowei also admired this child quite a lot, because of his existence, Shindo Hikaru worked harder to learn his own chess skills, and no longer simply regarded chess as a kind of entertainment.

And Zuowei can see the shadow of his father from Toya Ryo, the child with unlimited potential will belong to this child in the future, and of course the child he values ​​very much, Shinto Hikari, is not bad either.

Taya Ryo: "`~ I remember your name!"

Toya Yukihiro glanced around: "Huh? Mr. Fujiwara Sato, where did your two friends go?"

Zuo Wei: "They left late yesterday, and we are a lot of people who came here to play together."

Is that so, Taya Yukiyo nodded, not too surprised, he turned his head and saw the chessboard that had been neatly arranged (De Nuohao) and cleaned up.

The two should have played a few rounds, but I don't know who is stronger.

Taya Yukihiro: "Does Mr. Fujiwara Sawei have any plans? If not, we can have some food. After playing chess for more than a day, my old body is almost unbearable. Look at my housekeeper, it is already gone. Watching you die with cannibalistic eyes."

Taya Yukihiro pointed at his butler in a half-joking way, and the butler could only smile at Zuowei apologetically.

Zuowei: "Let's forget about today, Mr. Taya Yukihiro, please rest well, I also have other things I want to do."

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