Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 771: Destiny Chess Game! Global Attention! (Please Collect! Please Subscribe!)

Satoshi Fujiwara, who has recovered his body now, really has a lot of things he wants to do, and what he wants to do most is to go to Hikari Shinto and tell Hikari the good news that he has regained his physical body. In the future, he can witness Hikari Shinto's glorious moment , this is a very desirable thing.

At the same time, he would also like to thank Zhou Yang.

But at this moment he noticed that Zhou Yang had already left this world with the group members this morning.

They all have their own things to do in their respective worlds, and being able to live as freely as yesterday without thinking about everything can actually only be regarded as a kind of spice in the lives of each of them.

If it is really necessary to let them be free for the rest of their lives, those who are destined to stand on the top of the peak are definitely unacceptable.

At this time, the huge amount of information that can be added in a minute is restored in the group. These people are really machine guns, and there are always endless topics to talk about.

If you want to thank Zhou Yang, you can wait until the next time you see Zhou Yang in person. Zuo Wei feels that it is not formal enough to just thank Zhou Yang in the group.

So 787 is going to meet Hikari Shindo now.

Zuo quickly left Ta YaYingYang's home.

But at this time, Toya Yokohiro's child, Taya Ryo, obviously hadn't recovered from the pinnacle match between his father and Sato, and his expression was bloodshot with excitement for this reason.

"Taya Ryo, help me find something to eat with the butler, I'm already a little hungry."

Butler: "You don't need it, young master, I will prepare food for you now!"

Ta Yaliang: "Father, where did you find him? It's amazing! Why didn't I know he existed?"

Taya Yukihiro: "He is the online chess player SAI you told me about in the past."

Ta Yaliang: "What? That's him! Sure enough, I've always felt that his chess playing style is too similar to that one just now, but now this SAI seems to be somewhat similar to his father's chess playing style, yes Yes, father, you also have similar chess-playing skills with Dingfu."

Soon Taya thought of something.

Both sides are learning from each other's strengths.

This is a very scary thing.

Learn quickly, use it on yourself quickly, and quickly integrate with your own chess skills.

Both his father and that SAI are truly top chess players, and I am afraid that no one can compare with them. He even doubts whether he can reach the level of his father and this SAI.

Taya Yukio: "My child, remember that the future will belong to you, and nothing can stop it."

Faced with the wavering in the child's heart, he, the father, must of course take the initiative to assume the role of guidance.

Taya Ryo's eyes lit up again.

What his father said was right, the future will belong to him, and he gradually became convinced that sooner or later he would be able to catch up with his father and SAI!

Seeing his child quickly recovering his confidence, Taya Yukihiro twitched his satisfied mouth indiscernibly. This is his own child.

Well, the next step is to get ready to eat something.


At this time, there was another sound of adding water made of bamboo tubes in the courtyard.

(aech) Tayayuki subconsciously looked towards the courtyard, and then he noticed the chess game he had placed there yesterday and hadn't cracked it yet.

By the way, I have learned something from Sakai Fujiwara, maybe I can break this chess game.

Taya Yukihiro confidently walked to the chess game that he hadn't cracked yet, and at the same time picked up a cup of tea that had just been brewed.


Ta Yaliang: "Father, what's wrong with you?"

Taya Ryo continued to immerse himself in confident self-encouragement, until he heard the sound of tea and teacups falling on the ground, which brought him back to his senses, and then looked at his father curiously

Taya Ryo: "Father?"

Taya Yukihiro turned his back to Taya Ryo, so Taya Ryo couldn't see what happened to his father, so he had to walk over in doubt.

When he saw his father's expression, Taya Ryo's expression was stunned.

The father, who always had an expressionless expression, opened his eyes wide and opened his mouth at this moment, as if he was in shock.

This shouldn't be the expression that his father should be able to show at all.

I don't know when, it seems that it has been difficult to cause obvious changes in father's expression.

Even when his father faced Fujiwara Saku just now, there was only a slight change in his facial expression and a little excitement in his eyes.

Ta Yaliang noticed that what his father was staring at was the chessboard.

He also subconsciously looked at the chessboard.

Toya Yukiyo: "Broken.....Cracked....Who did it?"

Ta Yaliang looked at the chess game on the chessboard.

He didn't see anything special, it seemed to be a very ordinary game, the white pieces had an absolute advantage, and it was a crushing level advantage.

Ta Yaliang didn't know about this game of chess, but Ta Ya Xingyang knew about it. The chess game that he couldn't break through all kinds of hard work has been cracked now, and it was completely cracked, and Bai Zi finally fought back.

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