Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 782: Watch The Lionheart Resurrection! New Members Of The Chat Group! (Please Collect! Pleas

The sound of the piano makes people feel peaceful, and in the music, one can feel a kind of respect for the warrior who died in the armor in front of him.

There are countless people in the Lori family who hate violence as much as Lori An.

But because of their fate, they had to go through all this.

Thinking of this, Lori'an couldn't help feeling more and more empathetic emotions blending into the violin.

Except for Lori'an, the rest of the group members found that the shining soul began to show obvious changes because of the music.

This soul body has more and more physical states, and finally becomes an adult male.

The man was suspended in the air with his eyes closed.

Soon the man slowly opened his eyes and looked at the surrounding environment and himself in astonishment.

Lionheart: "This is me, have I already gone to heaven?"

Zuo Wei: "It's really a miracle that someone has recovered to the current state at the soul level while only retaining the spiritual will. Although this is also somewhat related to Lori's violin, it is still very shocking."

Lionheart noticed the person who spoke, he stared at Zuo Wei and said: "Asian? Sure enough, I am really dead, but the environment of this place is so familiar

Why does it look so much like my castle?"

Fire Fist: "Uncle, to be precise, you should be dead, but you haven't entered the kingdom of heaven yet!"

Lionheart was stunned: "Didn't enter the kingdom of heaven? Then I am... Wait, is this really my Eichen World castle?"

He turned his head and looked in disbelief at the self who had been turned into dry bones inside the armor sitting on the first seat.

He has been an atheist all his life, but now he has seen the most unbelievable thing in his life.

I turned into a soul body, and at the same time there appeared a few ordinary people who were obviously not dressed like fighters.

By the way, there is also a punk young man playing a violin. The music of this violin is really nice, which makes him feel very comfortable.

Zuo Wei: "Mr. Lionheart, you are indeed dead now, but because of some special circumstances, I can liberate your soul and let it return to its proper place for reincarnation, but now you can be with other people who are already insignificant. Yousi's soul is obviously different, maybe you can become like me."

Lionheart: "Become like you? I don't want you to be so weak."

After speaking, Lion Heart looked back at his armor and his body that had turned into dry bones.

Is that right, I'm still dead after all, but I don't know what's going on in this world, whether the omnics in this world have been completely defeated.

Zhou Yang: "Lionheart, although omnics have not been completely defeated in this world, humans and omnics have reached a certain degree of harmonious coexistence, and there will be no more violent wars between the two sides in a short time."

Of course, the premise of all this is that the world still maintains the past track.

Now that the world has been infiltrated by crazy reincarnators, the plot line will definitely start to change.

What Zhou Yang and the others have to do is to bring the world back on track, and not allow these guys to destroy the world at will.

This is also what the group chat system wants the group members to do to maintain the stability of each world.

Lion Heart: "Really, then I can rest assured, at least human beings survived in this world after all. In fact, I thought a long time ago that humans and omnics should be able to coexist peacefully."

0...asking for flowers...

Omnics are artificial intelligences born in this world.

At a certain point in time, the machines that were originally intended to serve humans suddenly appeared with a personality and soul that was truly similar to humans, and humans began a protracted tug-of-war with omnics in their struggle for rights. Many places are hated.

This has many similarities with many artificial intelligence-related movies and animations. [054301504

Zuo Wei: "Mr. Lionheart, now I plan to take you back into my chess pieces, and then when you return to my world, you can choose a life of peace and freedom that you like to be resurrected. This should be a sacrifice for you The best reward ever."


Lionheart: "You mean I can be resurrected?"

Zuo Wei nodded: "That's right, I can only do this for you, I don't know what else I can do for you."

Lionheart: "Then can I be resurrected here?"

Zuo Wei: "Mr. Lionheart, you want to be resurrected here? But it will be safer if you go back with me in the form of soul and body. In the world I live in, people are very peaceful, so you don't have to think about it anymore." anything…………"

Lionheart: "Although I don't know your name yet, I thank you for using your magical ability to make me what I am now, and you are willing to give me a chance to be reborn, but if possible, I would prefer to be reborn here , to fight for the world again."

Zhou Yang would have expected Lionheart to do this.

This is a knight full of honor. They don't care about their own life and death or anything else. He cares more about whether he can die for honor.

ps: Ask for collection! Ask for subscription! Ask for monthly pass! Ask for flowers! Ask for evaluation tickets!.

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