Myriad world god level chat group

Chapter 783: Enthusiastic Group Members! The Power Of Time! (Please Subscribe! Please Collect!)

Zuo Wei still wanted to say something, but seeing the determined look in Lion Heart's eyes, his heart was shaken.

Lionheart: "This is my home. My homeland is not always peaceful. The world needs me, so I will fight to the end.

Huoquan: "Uncle, I like your character! My home must be guarded with my own hands!"

Lori'an: "This uncle touched me a lot, and I thought of a good song again!"

Kuang San: "How do you say it's so sad, I just want to have a good fight now! I can't absorb these things here, and time makes me very unhappy!"

"Seven Six Three" Acedes: "I like this old man, he is much better than those weak guys in our world who are afraid of this and that every day! Old man, are you interested in going to my world? I will give you a The position of supreme commander has all the sense of honor."

Lion Heart: "This is my home, I'm not going anywhere, if I go to other worlds to live a peaceful life, then my heart will not be able to accept it."

Zuo Wei: "I know, but Mr. Lionheart, are you sure you want to resurrect and continue to fight for this world? Obviously you have fought once and sacrificed for it, you don't owe this world any more."

Lionheart: "There is no sense of honor that is owed or not owed, and fighting for the homeland is not owed to anyone. This is what I have to do.

Zhou Yang gave Zuo Wei an encouraging look.

This is the choice of Lion Heart, to fight for honor, to die for glory, this is also the slogan of Lion Heart all the time, when Zhou Yang saw Lion Heart for the first time, he knew that Lion Heart would never survive, even if he himself With only the last bit of strength left, he will also raise his own hammer material.

Zhou Yang: "Let's do it faster, Zuo Wei. Now I can feel that the enemy seems to be moving around. We can't waste any more time here."

Zuo Wei nodded quickly when he heard it, then looked at Lion Heart with respect and said: "Mr. Lion Heart, you are one of the bravest people I have ever met, and I admire people like you very much. If you have the opportunity If so, you too can become a member of the group.”

Lionheart: "Member? What's that?"

Fire Fist: "It's a big united family. We are a group that helps each other. If the family has any difficulties, just like Uncle Lionheart, you will selflessly fight for your homeland. We will fight for our family selflessly!"

From the very beginning, Lionheart felt that these people were very unusual.

Everyone has an indescribable power.

"Are you going to help me protect the homeland together?"

Zhou Yang: "Guarding your homeland is your business, but now your homeland has a group of our enemies, so you are responsible for protecting your homeland, and we are responsible for dealing with our enemies." 11

Although Zhou Yang appreciates the lion heart's sense of honor, it doesn't mean that Zhou Yang will help others casually, and he is not a bad person. After all, this world is the home of the lion heart. What this world needs more is the people of this world to protect it by themselves. If you simply want to rely on external help, you will fall into the bottom line.

Unless Lionheart is really qualified to be a member of the chat group, then it will be a matter of course for them to help each other as a family in the future.

Zhou Yang already knew it in his heart.

Lion Heart nodded, and then said to Zuo Wei: "Young man, please help me recover my body, let me be born again, and fight for this world again..."

Huoquan: "Uncle, I'm not a young man, Mr. Zuowei may think that your ancestors are rich."

Lionheart: "What?"

Kuang San: "Stop talking nonsense, get it done quickly, my hands are already itchy!"

Tsunade twisted his neck to show his fighting spirit: "It's been a long time since I had a good fight, this time I want to verify how strong I am."

All the members of the group are gearing up at this moment, and Zuo Wei no longer wastes time, helping the lion heart full of honor in front of him recover his body.

Zhou Yang thought to himself, this may be considered a pity that a world has been completed.

This kind of hero should not die so easily, just like Whitebeard in One Piece, Whitebeard will fight to the death for his family, and Lionheart is the same, especially in today's chat groups.

Lionheart found that his soul was reinjected into the armor that wrapped his dry bones, and soon Lionheart felt the majestic life again.

Kuang San: "Although this old man is a little old-fashioned, he also reminds me of some good memories. Let me give him some benefits."

After finishing speaking, Kuangsan also raised his hand gently along with Zuowei, and a force of time was pulled from his body and entered the armor.

The power of time can be equivalent to the power of life at certain times, even more powerful than the power of life.

After being injected with the power of time, Lion Heart found that his body began to recover rapidly.

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