Mysteries of the Earthsea

Chapter 611: Variety

Charles frowned at the squirming flesh and blood on the ground, thinking about the other party's words in his mind.

This kind of thing combined with the relic fusion can indeed greatly increase the power of the explorers, but the fatality rate of the relic fusion is a troublesome problem.

"Do you need to absorb now? I can help you by myself."

A meat sucker protruded from Piper's mouthparts, and it held the live meat on the ground and moved towards Charles.

"Wait first." Charles reached out and blocked Piper's sucker.

"Don't guard us like this. Your death will do us nothing. Our interests are one. For example, your wife, she used to cooperate with Ledger, who killed us and robbed us of our things. "

"But you see, we did not retaliate against her, because we know that in the face of the destruction of the Earth Sea, all disputes can be put down."

Charles glanced at Anna and then shook his head, "No, I just want to ask you only this thing? Have a whole body of a god, but only made such a thing?"

Seeing that Paibo didn’t understand, Charles explained: “For example, from the ruins of the Foundation, I found a way to integrate the relics into my body, and then used this power as a catalyst to continuously improve the technology. Years have already begun the industrial revolution."

"Since you have a corpse of a god, then your acquisition shouldn't be that way?"

Charles felt that the other party had hid them, and the gods were extremely dangerous, but the body of a **** was also a rare treasure mountain, and God knew what good things could be found inside.

Don't forget, the Foundation used Futan's power to create the God of Light, and they definitely have more.

"Yes, we have indeed gained a lot, such as the God Envoy and the Heike Clan. These are all created by us, and we have many things that humans cannot understand."

"But you can't use these. It's also useless for finding darkness. You also don't need to know. If they were useful, we would have brought them back to the darkness."

"Really? Is there something shameful hidden?" Anna guessed the other party's details.

Piper didn't want to see Anna very much. "You are not qualified to talk to me. The previous matter is not over. The ship that sank to the bottom of the sea represents your betrayal."

After it finished speaking, he turned the huge mouthpart back to Charles. "Do you want to enjoy this blessing now, or do you plan to use it after experimenting with others?"

"I have tried it on people, and I repeat again, our interests are the same now."

"Wait, I have the power of other gods in my body, so it's okay." Charles touched the weird tattoo on his neck. Although his skin was almost gone, the tattoo on his neck never disappeared.

"It's okay, the two do not conflict. Whether it is a relic or something else, in the end, their origin is the same."

Looking at the fleshy sucker in front of him, as Anna narrowed her eyes, the door next to her suddenly opened, and Linda walked in from outside.

"Let me try it first. As a doctor, I am also curious about how it changes the structure of the human body and how it improves the ability of relics."

After Charles glanced at her, he didn't say anything, a fist-sized flesh sucker stuck directly to Linda's bald head.

Slowly, her body gradually trembled and her eyes turned white. It didn't seem like this situation was transporting something, but rather she was sucking brain fluid.

Piper's worm body began to twist slightly, the rhythm was slow and weird, and the process was quickly over, and it only took less than two minutes in total.

There is nothing unusual about Linda except for the red circle mark on her head.

After returning to normal, she began to check her body quickly.

"My body hasn't changed at all from the physical level, but my ability seems to have undergone some special changes."

As Linda said, her body dived abruptly, and her legs plunged directly into the floor.

"Not only can I pass through other people's bodies, but I can also pass through myself. My abilities have been greatly improved."

As she talked, her body was sinking continuously, and after speaking, her body was completely submerged into the floor.

In a few seconds, she walked out from below again. "I feel that I can traverse everything now, no matter what objects, I can even traverse flames."

Seeing Linda's change, Charles couldn't help being surprised. This improvement was almost a qualitative change.

"You go out, I'll talk to you later."

Upon hearing Charles' words, Linda nodded silently and walked out of the room.

"I don't need my crew to find the way for me. I don't want you to control her." Charles looked at Anna on the side.

Linda obviously didn't come by herself, and it was even less likely that she was right at the door.

"Oh, I was discovered by you. It won't be anymore. This is the last time." Anna said with a smile.

Piper next to him was a little impatient. "I'm very busy, please decide quickly."

Charles looked at it, "Come on, give it a try and see how much my strength can increase."

The moment the round flesh sucker was directly attached to Charles' wrist, the surroundings were instantly filled with noisy sounds.

He found that he had come into a strange world, all colors were constantly changing, and he was constantly getting smaller and spinning, falling towards this world.

In this illusion Charles couldn't perceive the existence of time. I don't know how long it had passed before he returned to his room again, with Piper and Anna beside him.

"How do you feel?" Anna asked with a hint of curiosity.

Charles raised his hands, and the transparent tentacles were constantly shaking on the back of his hand like hair. They were no longer outsiders. They were completely integrated with Charles's body.

Charles has a feeling that the current appearance is the original appearance of the transparent tentacles, which was severely suppressed on the ring before.

With a move in his heart, a tentacle stretched out from the opposite wall, and as he thought, he rolled up the black thorn on the cabinet.

Gradually, more and more tentacles appeared in the room, and the whole room instantly turned into a sea of ​​tentacles, moving with Charles's thoughts.

When Charles felt a bit of pain in his head, he knew that he had reached the limit, and if there were more tentacles, his spirit would be overwhelming.

Looking at everything around him, Charles couldn't help but think of a question. "What are the relics and where did their abilities come from."

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