Mysteries of the Earthsea

Chapter 612: select

Relics, as special items of the Earth and Sea, no one knows how they existed, and why they have these special abilities, humans cannot crack them.

Human beings simply determined their abilities through their own crude explorations. As long as the value generated by the good side overshadows the bad side, then it is a valuable relic.

On the contrary, if it is a relic with great side effects, it is waste, and the only end is to throw it away or use it to deceive people.

But thinking about it carefully, this understanding is very one-sided. The so-called relics are not produced for human use. Their birth has their own meaning.

Above the surface of the earth is the existence that can catalyze the production of new relics. I don't know what exactly it is, but it is reasonable to guess that the relics of the Earth Sea are very likely to come from the surface.

Just as Charles thought of this, his mind suddenly flashed, and a very terrible conjecture appeared in Charles's mind.

"Anna, you said...Is it possible that something from outer space slowly approached the earth, which gradually caused the relic of the objects on the earth, and eventually caused the complete extinction of the surface civilization, so the Foundation will take the rest People come to Earth Sea?!"

Hearing Charles's guess, Anna shook her head, "Is it so important? Thousands of years ago, you don't care what he does."

"And according to your statement, that's not right, then how did you say the gods of Earth Sea came from?"


Before Charles might be over, Anna interrupted him directly. "Don't think about it, are you planning to change your career to study the past history? Didn't you find that your ears have grown out?"

Charles was taken aback for a moment, and then he touched his dark ear hole with his hand, but unexpectedly touched a human ear.

When Charles walked to a mirror, he found that his ears had really come back. Not only did the ears come back, but the missing flesh and blood on his face was also refilled.

It's just that the flesh and blood used to fill it is dark red, which is obviously not Charles' own flesh and blood, and it looks a bit like a flame-shaped blood scab.

The skins of the two colors on his current face merged with each other to piece together a human face. It looks weird indescribable.

"This...what's going on?" Charles touched his severed hand with his hand and found that it had only grown slightly forward, but there was no sign of limb regeneration.

"This medium also has the ability to treat human physical trauma, but this is not of much use." Piper answered Charles' doubts.

"It seems that that piece of meat has come to your face and fills the part of the vacancy you are missing. This is not bad, at least it is much better than your previous skull head." Anna touched his face with her hand. Skin and flesh, jokingly.

After careful inspection, Charles didn't care too much about just the appearance changes. In fact, he didn't care much about appearance.

"We also need something that can isolate the radiation from relics. Do you have any ideas?"

Even if the Narwhal can fly now, if this situation is not resolved, exploration will still be impossible.

Otherwise, as soon as you go up, both the food and fuel on the ship will become relics of unknown ability, and there will be no way to explore the next.

Piper nodded his shocking head at Charles. "Before you come back, I have considered this issue. The organisms used for isolation will be sent to your ship before you leave."

Charles sneered in his heart, as expected, he was still hiding himself. These monsters living in the sea of ​​mist may have more strength than all human beings on the surface.

It's the end of the world now, and these guys are still hiding themselves.

Seeing that the problem was solved, Charles didn't want to say any more. After briefly discussing the details, he let Piper leave.

The huge black and white floating worm disappeared, and Hals couldn't wait to rush out. He wanted to experiment with his newly acquired ability.

Now that his tentacle ability has been strengthened, the lightning ability should also be strengthened.

However, just as Charles was about to walk out, a pair of soft white hands gently wrapped his arms around Charles's neck from behind. Those were Anna's hands.

With a hint of resentment sounded from Charles' ears, "Charles, you have gone, it is really possible that you won't come back... I am really worried about you."

Charles could feel his wife's affection. "Anna, don't worry, I'm ready, and self-estimating, my current strength should reach Tier 12."

"What's the use of being prepared? What's the use of being strong? Which danger do you encounter that can be resolved? Really, don't go, you may be able to find the darkness, but if you don't find the darkness, we may be able to pass something else Way to survive."

Charles' pupils shrank slightly, and he quickly turned around to look at Anna. "Have you found another way?"

"New Territories City, do you remember? We can live there, as long as the gap is sealed, it is a perfect refuge."

"There is Dawning No. 1, where food can definitely be grown, and fresh water can be lifted from sea water."

Hearing Anna's plan, Charles was not half happy. "How many people can the New Territories City pretend? It is estimated that even the people on Hope Island pretend to be dissatisfied."

"As long as there is enough food for people, it will be our new home in the future, and we can live there safely."

Charles looked at Anna a little strangely, "If this happens, the entire Earth-Sea Alliance will be disintegrated in an instant, and they will no longer do everything to find the but to survive. Hope to kill each other!"

Don't worry, they can't find it. Besides, I didn't say not to let them look for the darkness. They looked for them. I just don't want you to go. We now have a way out. "Anna smiled and blinked.

After thinking carefully, Charles patted Anna's shoulder with his hand. "No, I may be a selfish person, but if I do, I am afraid that even I will despise myself, that would be tantamount to betraying everyone."

There was a trace of irritation on Anna's face, a black scaly tentacles stretched out from her chest, directly knocking Charles' arm away.

"How can I talk to you without listening? The **** of light died in the hands of those guys in the sky! Do you think you are better than the gods or something?"

Seeing Anna’s dissatisfaction, Charles explained patiently: "I know. But we cannot escape. This is the fate we must face. This is the last living space for mankind. This is no longer the difference between two lives. This concerns the destiny of all mankind."

"And compared to living a humble life in a closed underground cavern, I would rather die on the road to find darkness."

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