Mysteries of the Earthsea

Chapter 664: Earth Sea Conference

When the Narwhal slowly moved into the stronghold, everyone was stunned. There were five exploration ships in total, but only one came back. What have they experienced? Didn't they go to negotiate with the foundation? How could it be like this?

   However, when Charles announced that he had reached a cooperative relationship with the Foundation, everyone's faces were full of joy, and the dead crew members were immediately left behind.

   Although it is a pity to die, the situation of the living is more important than that of the dead.

   Soon, in a spacious tent, the Earth Sea Conference was held again, and Charles once again saw the faces of all the governors on the surface.

   But compared with before, the number of people is a bit smaller. If the previous governor had more than one hundred people, then they are only in their early 100s.

"This is a dark map. The Foundation is also exploring. The places they explore are much larger than ours." With Charles lightly pressing on which metal disk, a three-dimensional map like a nebula appeared on his before.

The whole map presents a spindle shape, the bottom is very narrow, and the top is large. Each point on the top is not a planet, but a floating island, or other things. Each point has a different color, black, Mostly dark purple.

   Before Charles could speak again, Feuerbach's head was suddenly projected beside the map.

   "Good evening everyone, let me introduce to you the specific situation of the entire dark sky and sea."

   As he gently pulled the map the size of a football in his hand, the entire projection map instantly became larger, covering everyone in. The Governor of the Earth Sea was surprised to see where he had seen it.

"Different colors have different dangers. Generally speaking, the black ones have been thoroughly explored and eliminated the dangers, but we cannot completely relax our vigilance. After all, the above are very lively, maybe something goes up again. Up."

   Feuerbach pointed to the two floating islands Charles had previously explored.

   "The purple nebula represents the danger, which also represents the dangerous area and dangerous active "things"." His finger re-pointed to the area where 005-3 exists.

   "Yellow represents the unknown, and the place here is changing at any time."

   At this time, Annie, the representative of the Western Sea Region next to it, asked: "Do you have any such dangerous information? We need to know as much as possible."

   Feuerbach glanced at her contemptuously, "You know you are not an explorer when you look at it. You see, our respected Captain Charles will not ask such a naive question."

   "When you know something, then you have been affected. I don't know that sometimes it is not to harm you, but to protect you. The less you know, the safer you are."

   Charles looked at the purple nebula with a solemn expression, thinking in his heart, "Are these places where the surface gods live?"

   "Please forgive her for her abruptness. The West Sea Region was not very enthusiastic about exploring the island itself before. This Mr. Foundation, what do you call it?" The Explorers Association president Jax looked at Feuerbach in midair with a smile.

   "Feuerbach, although this is not my real name, you can call me like that."

   "Mr. Feuerbach, please tell us where you are looking and what we need to do."

  Jax smiled and spoke humbly.

   Feuerbach did not answer immediately, instead he cast his gaze on Charles, who was silent next to him, and cast a questioning gaze at him.

   "You said, I'm listening."

   Feuerbach bowed slightly, folded his hands slightly, the map returned to the size of a football, and he swiped his finger to the right.

   "We are exploring to the right in an all-round way. The entire dark air and sea is huge, but it is not without boundaries. As long as we explore its boundaries, their center will be the dark anchor point."

   Charles looked at the dotted map, and said in his heart: "How much has the darkness of the earth and sea expanded on it? The Foundation has been exploring for so long without even touching its borders?"

   "I have a question. Why do you only explore the two sides and not the top? What if you said that the dark anchor on the top is above?" Julio's aggressive voice sounded inside the tent.

   "Because according to our exploration, the highest darkness can only be so high, and the existence above it can't be offended." His finger drew a stroke on the top of the map.

   "What is it?" Anna with sharp eyes stood out from the crowd.

   Feuerbach turned his head to look at Charles again, "Captain, this has nothing to do with our next cooperation, shouldn't you need to answer?"

   "Knowing this information will threaten our lives?"

   "That's not enough, it just doesn't matter. If you really want to know, please wait a moment and I will ask for instructions."

   After finishing speaking, Feuerbach's figure disappeared from mid-air, and there was a buzzing sound in the tent, and the governors were talking in groups of what had just happened.

   "You were the first to contact them. How much do you know about the Foundation?" Julio came to Charles and asked.

   "Not much more than the information I collected before, they should be established 1,000 years ago by surface humans to contain and study anomalous phenomena, events, individuals, etc. in the world."

"Simply put it is a relic. There were nearly 7 billion humans on the surface. If these things are not controlled, they will definitely be dangerous to people, but they can also have psychological effects on people around the world, causing panic and disrupting human daily life. , So they need to protect the world in secret."

   "Judging from the current situation, they should have been unprotected at the time, otherwise the surface would not become what it is now."

   Next to the Discovery Association President Jax came over. "How do you know that they are secretly protecting the surface, rather than using relics to rule other people? I don't believe they are so selfless."

   "It's very simple, because I came here at the time. I tell you clearly that there was no trace of them on the surface at that time."

   Hearing what Charles said, Jax didn't ask anything, and smiled and held his one-sided frame.

   "Since they are so selfless, do you think they are reliable?" Julio stopped and asked.

   Charles frowned and shook his head slightly. "Unreliable. Judging from the information I collected before, the Foundation from below the surface should have been erased by the gods."

   "We don't know what the background of this foundation is, and even if they are the original foundation, 1,000 years have passed, and more than a dozen generations have passed. I can hardly believe that their organizational mission has not changed a little."

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