These speculations of Charles were based on observations of the Foundation's actions. Although the Foundation said it was secretly protecting humans, Charles did not see what they were protecting.

   If it is said that their plan to stop the Pope at the beginning was only unsuccessful under the obstruction of the God of Light, then it is still the past.

   But when the sun was killing the Dihairen, they also did not rescue them, just watched the people on the island die.

   When they needed to search for darkness to save the Earth Sea, they still had no intention of contacting the Earth Sea humans, and were carrying out their own plans alone.

   Although it is said to save the earth and sea, but observing their previous actions, it is very subtle.

   Charles still remembers when he met Aaron's oath to the Foundation on Dreamland Island in 041.

   "We are fighting in the dark, so that the people of the world can live in the light and protect people from the threat of abnormal projects!!"

   "The world always says that our experiments are cruel to annihilate humanity! But this is the necessary way for the continuation of human civilization!!"

   "All the beautiful emotions that we humans care about will be transformed into lofty beliefs that are as solid as a rock! In order to protect their existence! We must go on! We will become the last line of defense between humans and various supernatural projects!!!"

   "This war! We must win! This is not only for ourselves, but also for our race!!!"

"I, Aaron Lee Hochner, swear an oath here! I volunteer to become a Foundation C-level staff member! I promise to be absolutely loyal to the Foundation, obey orders, strictly observe discipline, and keep secrets! We control! We contain! We protect!!! Everything is for all mankind!!!"

   In the kind of situation that he knew he could not get out of the 041 dream at all, his words must be from the heart, the emotion contained in the voice is absolutely impossible to fake.

   This kind of hot emotion, his determination to just give everything in order to believe, he also didn't see it in those Foundation members.

   The original foundation was all for all mankind, Thaksin, but Feuerbach, as the foundation, said that they were all for all mankind, and he felt fake.

   Still the same sentence, don’t just look at what a person says, but what he does.

   It is difficult for Charles to believe in any organization, even if it is the so-called Foundation for All for Mankind.

   "But these do not affect our cooperation. The intelligence and technology they possess is what we need most at the moment."

   "Well, I think so too. I will do everything you need to guard against them and spying on intelligence. You just need to continue to manage the above things."

   "Isn't it a bit too early to start defending the Foundation now?" Jenny in a robe walked over and said.

   "Huh! Is it early? Then you Xihaiyu guarded me and Charles from the beginning of cooperation, how late is it?" Julio's Jenny was speechless.

   "Working together does not conflict with keeping back defenses. It can be done at the same time." Charles explained to the woman in front of him.

   Just after Charles had finished speaking, the white and silver metal disc ticked twice before re-projecting the passionate Feuerbach.

   "After discussing with each other, the doctors of the council decided to tell you this data. After all, you even know our existence, and there is no point in hiding it."

   Hearing what the other party said, the discussion in the tent stopped immediately, and the governors looked at Feuerbach at the same time, waiting for him to continue.

   After looking around, I felt everyone's eyes cast over, and Feuerbach said with a smile: "It's 002 on it."

   Hearing this, Charles' pupils shrank to an extremely small size in an instant. The God of Futan was 003, and the thing in the sky was actually one step ahead of him. What kind of existence is this? !

   "002? What is that? What do you mean?"

   "Is there no other name? Who knows what this broken name represents."

   "Yes, I will name my son so casually."

   The governors talked a lot.

"be quiet!!"

"be quiet!!"

  As Charles and Julio spoke at the same time, the tent instantly became silent.

Feuerbach cleared his throat and continued: "It's not easy to explain to you, just tell you that, whether it is the so-called magic of the West Sea, or the relics you have stuffed into your body, there are some All the weird things on the island come from Him."

   Hearing his words, Charles felt no surprise in his heart. Whether it was that the wizards felt full of magic after reaching the surface, or that everything would gradually become relic as long as it approached the sky, it showed that this was affected by something above.

   "What is 002? A god?" Julio already knew the foundation's naming method from Charles.

   Feuerbach shook his head, "It's really hard to explain to you. It's okay to say that it's a god, but your so-called way of naming gods is very one-sided."

   "All conscious organisms that cannot be understood and observed are called but the difference between them is much greater. Can the feasters be the same as Futan?"

   "Since they are both gods, which one is stronger than God Futan or 002?" A governor asked some people.

   "I don't know." Feuerbach said this very confidently.

   "We can't get close to him, so we know very little about it. Whether it's a drone or the Foundation's strongest mobile task force, as long as it gets close to 002 , they never come back."

   "We can't know what happened to them. We can know the existence of 002, which is also deduced through the efforts of scientific researchers for nearly a hundred years."

"But now the Foundation has a general guess that his color should be purple, and all the purple light outside comes from him. In fact, this light contains a lot of things, but in our human eyes, the only thing we can observe is color. , This has to be said to be a bit sad."

   "I don't know what it looks like, what abilities it has, or whether it's a living thing. The only thing you can know is its color. Isn't it different from not saying?"

   A dissatisfied female voice rang from the governor crowd. Although Charles did not see it, he could still accurately identify Anna's voice.

Feuerbach shrugged, and replied helplessly: "It's you who wanted to ask. We didn't say that we know a lot. If it weren't for the door opened by 007, we wouldn't be too lazy to go up here. Human habitation."

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