Mysteries of the Earthsea

Chapter 703: Catch

With the rapid return of darkness, the sea water was once again printed in almost all black dark green, which was a familiar color to Charles. The sky blue water had already disappeared from his mind, and the sea water should be dark green.

   At this moment, Charles suddenly thought of something. He turned his head and looked towards the darkness. The huge black circle was exuding darkness, and its size was also gradually getting smaller.

   Looking at the black ball in front of him, Charles felt very uncomfortable as if he had blocked something in his heart.

   This thing in front of him is his only friend in the three eighthedrons. The friendship between the two is very sincere, this kind of emotion is very pure, and there is nothing in it.

   But the current friend is going to disappear, and he brought it down by himself, "Friday, this is your home, you are home."

   Facing Charles's statement, the darkness did not respond. It was still floating there and diminishing. Perhaps when it returned to the Earth Sea, its self-consciousness spawned by 002 had disappeared.

   Charles, who was helpless, was pulled by the black ring, quietly looking at the darkness facing him, his sorrowful mood seemed to be attending the funeral of his good friend.

   He thought that everything was over, the earth and sea were saved, and everything was over.

   But just as the darkness was reduced by half, the black sea under Charles' body began to boil.

   It's not a small piece of sea boiling, it's the entire sea boiling completely! As if something was going to come out of it.

   "Swish swish~!" The tentacles that were as thick as a tall tower, and suckers shining with evil light, shot out from the boiling sea. They were wrapped around the dark surface and dragged toward the sea.

   Charles felt very anxious in his heart, but in order to deal with the trioctahedron, his body is now very weak and unable to resist.

   Suddenly thought of something, Charles turned his head to look at the huge Ped next to him. It might be able to defeat the thing in the water with the power of a god.

   But in response to Charles's cry, Paide took a cold look with his three giant eyes, and then let go of the darkness with one hand!

   Without Paide's restraint, the darkness and Charles were pulled by those touches and plunged into the sea at a very fast speed.

   There was a "plop", the moment Charles hit the water at a very high altitude, it was as if he had hit the concrete floor.

   The sea water boils, but the temperature is bitterly cold. Charles suddenly opened his eyes in the cold water.

   The last picture he saw was that an extremely magnificent city was slowly rising from the sea.

   Suddenly Charles felt a pain in the back of his head, and in the next second, he instantly lost consciousness.

   I don't know how long it has passed, but in the dimness, Charles had a very long dream.

   He dreamed of people he knew or not. His head became huge, all his heads filled the entire sky, and his expression was distorted and roared loudly at him.

   Charles didn't know what this dream represented, but when he woke up leisurely, there was no time to think about the things in the dream just now, because he found himself hanging upside down on a pure white wall.

   Charles looked around blankly. It was a classroom-sized room. There was nothing but himself. Not only the walls were white, but the ceiling and the floor were all white.

   The memory before the fainting slowly returned, and Charles's face gradually became unusually ugly. Now the situation is obvious. The pseudo-gods of the Heike tribe weren’t trying to bring the darkness back from before.

   They already had a way to survive underwater, and they joined together to save the earth and sea in order to take the darkness of the earth and sea as their own! !

   This is extremely bad news. He possesses a weapon of Ped's strength and the same strength as the gods.

  Since they are hostile to the Earth-sea humans, judging from the current strength of the Earth-sea humans, there is no way to fight back.

   "Darkness was taken away by them, doesn't it mean that the retreating water of the earth sea will rise again?" A more terrifying conjecture appeared in Charles's mind.

   Just when Charles was thinking about it, there was a "swipe" sound, the door suddenly opened, and a deep diver walked in. He looked at Charles condescendingly with that white fisheye. "How do you feel now."

   Charles looked at the green scales on his face, with a sneer on his face, "It seems that these pseudo-gods have been hooked up with Fatanism a long time ago."

   Faced with Charles' ridicule, the deep dive did not respond, and continued to ask: "Do you feel your body recovered?"

   "How do you feel?"

   "Are you hungry? What would you like for dinner today?"

   Facing these simple questions, Charles didn't want to answer any of them. "Call Pibo here, I want to have a good chat with him."

   "Sorry, he is very busy right now and can't see you temporarily. Three hours later, I will come and ask again." After the diver said, he turned and left the room.

Charles clenched his fists and tried to break free, but he found that his body seemed to have become a magnet and was firmly sucked on the Charles was not discouraged, he closed his eyes quickly Thinking about how to get out of trouble, if the long-term ordeal taught him anything, it is the determination to never give up even in difficult situations.

   Half an hour later, Charles opened his eyes suddenly, and his body instantly disappeared from the wall and flashed out of the wall.

   When he was out of trouble, Charles's body was already invisible. He found that there was a spacious corridor outside, and he seemed to be on a certain building facade.

   Charles kicked his feet and hung it upside down on the ceiling with the power of his boots. After quickly looking around, he began to use the power of the relic and kept flashing upwards.

   No matter where it is, or what conspiracy these pseudo-gods have, they must get out of here!

  With the continued use of the relics, Charles' abdomen began to turn upside down, and he stopped immediately when he felt colic.

   I have to rest for a while, or if my stomach ruptures again at this time, then things will be a big trouble.

   Charles clutched his stomach, squatted on the ceiling and waited for his body to recover in peace. While waiting, he was thinking about how other people were and whether they were also caught.

   But thinking about the situation at the time, the opponent's most powerful combat power followed him back to the sea of ​​mist, so Anna and Shining shouldn't be hurt too much.

   I decided that Charles would have time to look at the situation in the room. There is a strong smell of sea here, and there are continuous patches of dark green kelp underneath.

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