Mysteries of the Earthsea

Chapter 703: belief

This seems to be the workshop of the factory. A large amount of kelp was quickly stirred into minced kelp by a machine mixed with flesh and blood, and then sent to the next room along the conveyor belt.

   "What do they want so much kelp for? I accidentally broke into the food factory of the Heike family?" A trace of doubt flashed in Charles's mind.

   After feeling the abdominal cramps weaken at a very slow rate, Charles, who was hanging upside down, thought for a while and walked to the front room.

   In another room, there are also all kinds of weird and complicated machinery here. While the machinery is spraying steam, it mixes the minced meat with some kind of white pulp.

   Charles continued to walk down the workshop, and after processing, pieces of green table-sized cardboard were made.

   When seeing the regular bone template stamping out the pattern of waves and ships on it, Charles' pupils instantly shrank to a minimum.

   These are echo coins! The Echo Coin circulating in the entire Earth Sea actually circulated from here! !

   Before Charles came back from the shock, his stamina and hairs stood up in an instant, and someone was looking at himself, "No! I was found out!!!"

   Charles's body came out of the mint in an instant, and when he quickly crossed a few walls again, he was suddenly enveloped in cold sea water.

   Charles didn't want to escape the joy of being born, he shook his hands desperately, trying to go upstream.

   When the above scene appeared in front of Charles, his expression became very ugly.

   The above is not the sea, but another city hanging upside down,

   Charles has no time to think so much. The gaze behind him is accompanied by wishful thinking. No matter what it is, they must have the ability to see through and be invisible. If the inking continues, I am afraid I will be arrested again! !

   Charles's body quickly gleamed a few times before disappearing in the upside-down square building.

   "Cough cough... Cough cough" Charles leaned against a black stone tablet and coughed violently. The blood pouring from his mouth reminded him that if he were to use the teleportation to continue, his stomach would be dangerous.

   It seems that Charles was lucky, those things didn't come to this room, the gaze disappeared. Charles lay on the stone slab and gasped.

   After a short rest, Charles's hand rubbed lightly on the stone slab, only to find that something was wrong on the stone slab.

   Panting, he turned around and looked around. He saw something engraved on the creamy black stone stele.


   "This...what is this?" The things on the stele seemed to have some kind of magical power to hold Charles.

   "Magic spells?" "Ancient gods words?" Charles kept touching with his hands, muttering his conjectures in his mouth. I don't know why, this thing gave him a feeling of deja vu.

   Suddenly, Charles looked up suddenly, and he saw a spider the size of a small house crawling down the black web above.

   His abdomen is tightly wrapped with silk thread around those densely trembling brains, which come in various colors and shapes.

   Charles has seen this spider. When he first arrived in deep space, he had fought it with T of the Foundation.

   At first, he was only killed when he was seriously injured and dying. Now there is one intact here, and Charles feels desperate.

   "Wrong, this is mathematics." A middle-aged man's voice came from the spider's mouth.

   "What?" Charles asked subconsciously, and he felt that the whole world was beginning to become unreal.

The huge spider came to Charles and looked at the things on the stele with those dozens of red eyes, "I said this is mathematics. Do you know the four basic forces of the universe? These forces dominate not only the atoms but also the entire universe, and These are my calculations."

   "Does the power of the gods really cannot be understood? I don't think so. Since they cannot be observed and cannot be detected, this does not mean that they cannot be calculated."

   "The laws of the whole world are interrelated. As long as I can penetrate the four spin forces of the world, then we can fundamentally understand what gods are."

   Saying this, the spider looked at Charles with dozens of large and small red eyes, and followed the terrifying head slightly. Charles clearly saw dozens of his reflections in the scarlet eyes.

   "Rather than borrowing power from unknown sources, we should wield our own weapons. Mathematics is our weapon. It will not lose control or betrayal. It will always help us."

   "We humans?" Charles looked at the spider in front of him, wondering why he always wanted to laugh, "Who are you?"

   "Charles, I told you at that time, I am engaged in scientific research, I am a member of the GK Council in the T6 Foundation."

   Hearing this, all kinds of information flashed in Charles's mind, and the Feuerbach clone and Piper appeared at the same time when they first arrived in the dark.

   is the tacit understanding between the Heike gods and the Foundation with the trioctahedron.

   I think again of the ordinary human tone, whether it is Piper or Poglo, and the stack of Echo Coins in the workshop just now.

   Charles realized in an instant that the foundation was always under his nose.

   "What is Pibo's code name in the GK Council?" Charles suddenly asked What about Poglo, who has been monitoring our movements in the Great Keng Fortress? ""A2"

   "Where is the pie with a godly power?" "O5"

  Although these people look strange, they are members of the GK Council! The gods of the Hike tribe are the foundation! !

   Charles lowered his head and smiled, "It's amazing, your life-saving skills are really amazing. The disaster 1,000 years ago didn't kill you."

After T6 paused for a while, his voice said with a heavy voice: "No, you are wrong. At that time, except for the seven people who merged into the God of Light, everyone else died in the foundation. Destroyed."

   "That day, sleepy 003 opened his eyes, no one can resist."

   seems to know what Charles is thinking now, T6 caught up and said: "We were not members of the Foundation at the time, but we are actually experimental subjects of the Foundation."

Speaking of this, T6’s voice was a little bit self-deprecating, “Do you think it’s funny? At that time, we hated the Foundation. We were the tools in their hands to experiment with various projects. In the end, we became Lost them."

   "But, Charles, you have to understand. In this case, someone has to stand up. Humans are just ants in front of them."

   "We must save ourselves. The Foundation is never a certain group of people. It is a belief. The race that saves everything is a belief. Whoever inherits this belief is the Foundation."

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