Mysteries of the Earthsea

Chapter 713: Explorer

Looking down at Nini, who was two heads younger than herself, Shining reached out and touched her head lightly, and said softly, "Don't do anything, I just want to play with you in a bad mood."

   "Okay, okay, the teacher just didn't assign homework today, where are you taking me to play?" Nini said happily, and put her hands on each other's hands.

   At this moment, a group of fiercely arguing boys passed by, and they seemed to be arguing about whether Mihir's uncle was a real explorer.

   Anxiously, with a flushed face, Mihir danced his arms and defended something, and made it clear that they would understand when they came to their home and saw it.

When she saw Nini’s eyes showing the same curiosity, Shining blinked and took her hand and followed the boys behind, “It’s okay. If you want to see it, please watch it. We are friends. There is no need to accommodate every time. Me, friends should be equal."

   Nini raised her head and smiled happily, "Thank you, Shining, you are my best friend!"

   Shining looked at her innocent smile, browsed the same thoughts in her consciousness as what she said, and sighed slightly.

   She knows that the other party has not changed, but she has changed. She can no longer get along with her good friends as before, because the realm of the two is so different, and she can easily guess any reaction of her.

   Shining's following did not attract the attention of the students. Looking at the hands of the two holding together, they thought this person was just Nini's family.

   Shining's outstanding appearance also didn't attract much attention. Instead of paying attention to such useless things, they are now more keen on arguing about whether Kirill's uncle is an explorer.

   A large group of students crossed the streets and alleys, and finally walked into an exquisite villa. When their feet were on the smooth floor, everyone's discussion suddenly became quieter.

  The unfamiliar environment made some children's faces start to show surprise. Mihir never told them in school that his home is in the heart of the island.

   "Come on, my uncle's room is here, he should have come back so late." Mihir ran to the front, excitedly leading the way for his classmates.

   With some anxiety, they came to the door of a room on the second floor.

  Mihir was about to knock on the door, but found that the door was not closed at all. With a creak, the door opened, and a bald-headed man sitting in a pile of wine bottles rolled over with a lifeless gaze.

   "Uncle Klass, my classmates want to see you. They don't believe you are an explorer. Can you tell them that you are a real explorer?"

  Mihir's words did not get a response from his uncle. Kras, who put a half bottle of wine against his mouth, stared at the sparkle with his bloodshot eyes.

   As an explorer who can return from the surface, he is good at strength, otherwise he would not survive at all. Klass saw something wrong with Shining at a glance.

   As he removed the wine bottle, the turbid brown liquid flowed down his dirty beard onto his swollen belly, and then he said: "Khill, go and ask your mother if it's done at night."

   "Don't mind, I'm not malicious, I just think it's—" Before Shining was finished, Klass instantly took out a flintlock with a huge muzzle from his back and pulled the trigger at her.

   The bullet engraved with black inscription shot out from the barrel, tumbling with a cloud of black air, hitting Shining's head, and then penetrated through the back of her head. There was no wound at the position where the gunshot wound should have been left.

Seeing that the heat weapon was ineffective, Klass rushed forward with a grim expression. He bit the gold teeth on the back groove hard, his body was quickly covered by green scales, his legs were brought together to form a tail, and he instantly turned into a half-human, half-snake monster. .

   Following the rapid swing of his tail, Klass turned into a green afterimage.

   After a tail threw his nephew out, Klass began to attack Shining. His stormy attack could not cause any harm to Shining. Instead, he paralyzed the following children on the ground and screamed.

   Just when Shining was hesitating whether to take Nini to other places to relax, Dip, who was in the form of smoke, floated in from the door. "Who fired the shot just now! Hope to do things in three places on the island! Stop those who don't want to die!!"

   "Swipe!" Klass shrank to the corner in an instant, his slender scarlet snake core constantly vomiting, staring at Shining vigilantly with the yellow snake pupil.

   "Oh~!" With a snake mouth, a woolen doll with buttons as eyes was spit out by him, opening his sewn mouth and smiling silently to Shining.

   "Huh? Shining? Why are you here?" Looking at the girl in front of him, Dip looked very surprised. Following his inquiry, he quickly learned what happened.

   "I just heard the gunshots and I wondered why it was such a serious matter. It turned out to be a misunderstanding, so who, don't be so radical, this is the governor's daughter. You are going to hurt her. Beware of the captain skinning you."

   Seeing that the people in three places knew the person in front of him, the spirit of Klass disappeared in an instant. After being decadent, he grabbed the doll and walked towards his room.

   "By the Shining, does the captain have any news? Didn't he contact you through the diary?" Dip asked with his hips akimbo and anxiously asked the girl in front of him.

Seeing the other party shaking his head, Dip showed a trace of regret on his face, and said annoyedly: "Where is the captain? There is no movement at all. Will it be another three years to change it? The bandage guy doesn't know what's going on. Saying that you haven't been in contact with your mother for so long, I am really not responsible at all.

   At this moment, a green head with no eyes stuck out from the door, and Dip said as he walked towards him: "Norden, don't come in either. It's a misunderstanding caused by Shining."

   Looking at the surrounding mess, Shining thought for a while and took Nini back into Klass’ room, "Don’t you want to know the story of the explorer? You can ask."

   Nini hesitated to look at the classmates who were crying at the door, "Why don't you forget it, let's go back."

   "How can I forget it, things are always done halfway, this is not a good habit." Shining pushed Nini toward Klass.

"Um... um.... Hello, Kehir's uncle, I am Kehir's classmate, today I came with my classmates to be curious about your story, are you really an explorer?" Nini cautiously said while peering at the woolen doll next to Krass, who was half soaked with wine.

"Gudong Gudong~" Klass threw the empty wine bottle in his hand and looked at Shining with a trace of pain, "You ask me about this? Isn't Charles also an explorer? He is still the strongest one. You can ask him to go."

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