"My dad didn't tell me those things, and I'm not very curious." Shining said calmly with his arms folded.

   Klass laughed and nodded approvingly, "Yes, those things really can't be told to the family. Since he doesn't tell me, I will tell you and tell my story."

   He held the bottle with his severed right hand and looked at the ceiling, as if he was reminiscing about something, and gradually there was something else in his numb eyes.

"The surface is dangerous, it is really dangerous. There are more and more weird things than in the sea and more deadly. Every mission has a high probability of not returning. At the beginning of the departure of the crew, we are still in the mood. Grief, but in the end, we are completely numb."

"Oh~! I have been waiting for the day that belongs to me. I always thought that the next one was me. To tell you the truth, I am really not afraid of death at all. I even look forward to that day, looking forward to being in another world. Reunite with everyone."

   said this, with a trace of pain on Klass’s face, “But after the entire ship’s people were changed several times, I just survived. Why can I survive? I am obviously ready to die.”

   Suddenly tears flowed from Krath's eye sockets, and he started yelling while holding the wine bottle. "Each of them has a reason why they can't die!! Why is it that I am the one who lives!!"

   Nini's red eyes seemed to be frightened, and she leaned back on Shining's body.

   Klass wiped the tears and snot on his face, raised his head and took a sip of wine.

   "George, first mate, the most optimistic person on our ship, his wife has just given birth, and always likes to show off to us with pictures of his son every day!"

   "Noah, Da Guanlun, he has repeatedly emphasized his retirement plan to me, and he wants to make up for all the time he owes his grandson!"

   "Jeouk, ship doctor, he is the one we read the most. All crew members who don't know how to write letters want to find him. He wants to be the governor. He wants to prove to his father that his original choice was not wrong!"

"Leo, Ershui, he said more than once that he absolutely can't die. If he dies, other men will play with his women and use his pension. For this reason, he suffers serious side effects and just takes it. Four life-saving relics."

   Klass spoke to every one of the dead crew members seriously, and gradually the exaggerated expression on his face receded and returned to the previous state.

When he finished reading, he smiled bitterly and pointed at himself with his finger, "I, Captain Sailor, on the Maid’s Love, I am the only one who has no worries. I happened to be the one who survived. If I can, I’m willing to **** with him. Anyone can change it."

   The room became quiet, and the cry of the children outside disappeared somehow.

At this moment, a young woman ran in the hallway outside, and she asked her brother in a panic, "Klass, how come our family ran out with so many crying children? What about Kehir's teeth? Knock off one? What did you do?"

Looking at the anxious faces of his relatives, Klass put the raised wine bottle on the ground again, and he staggered to the other side, full of alcohol, and said with some emotion: "Dear sister, thank you for so many days. Take care, I'm leaving, I'm going to set sail again."

   Hearing this, the young woman suddenly became anxious. "What is going out to the sea! You already have an island! What are you exploring! Stay on the island for me!"

   Klass had a wry smile on his face, he lowered his head and leaned on the other's shoulder, "I have discussed the island with the Explorers Association, and left it to you. This is what you deserved when you pulled me back."

   "When I first got on the ship, I always felt how happy I would be if I had my own island one day, but reality is not the same."

   Shining blinked. "The Governor's Office has issued a new decree, and the Explorers Association has stopped issuing any exploration missions. Compared with the current situation, we need to revive the prosperity of other islands."

   Klass turned his head to look at the girl who said this, "I see, thank you. Say hello to your father for me, thank him for saving Earth Sea."

   After he finished speaking, he walked to the door, and while walking, he hummed a song from the sea softly.

"We have the ocean and the power...Where should we wander... Yoho... Yoho... Let's sail together and raise the flag... Some people have rested, some are still alive, and others continue to be at sea Sailing..."

  On the street, Shining led Nini out of Keshill’s house. She looked at the back figure who was entangled by the young woman but insisted on walking towards the pier with a complicated expression.

   When she saw the other person disappearing in the street, Nini said in a tangled way, "They are different from what is written in the book. Kehir's uncle looks very painful."

   "He is not afraid of death, but he is afraid of living." When Xingyan said this, she was a little emotional.

   Nini thought for a while and then raised her head to face her and asked, "Shan Jin, is that the same with your father?"

   "I heard from my mother that he was crazy than this for a while, but then he came out. Just come out and it's fine, I hope this person can also come out."

   "That's it..." When Nini discovered that the explorer hero actually existed like this, her outlook on life changed drastically.

   She was still thinking for a while, maybe she could also become an explorer and a hero, but now she has no ideas at all, and the explorer looks extremely painful.

  On the way back, seeing Nini's mood a bit depressed, Shining decided to take her to other places to relax her mood, "Don't think about it too much, how they have nothing to do with you, I will take you to see my new toy."

   "New toys? Didn't you say that you have grown up and stopped playing with toys?"

   "This is different."

   As Shining took her hand, the surrounding environment changed instantly. They came to the top of the crown of the world, but this time they were not in Charles' room, but on the roof of that building.

   On the empty roof, a large circular cylinder is cast from pig iron. This short cylinder is extremely large~www.ltnovel.com~ with a width and length of more than ten meters.

   There are some hills of stones and forests of mushrooms in the big tank, and some small people the size of fingers live in it. It's like a miniature world.

   Shining picked up Nini, flew over the short tank, and slowly passed over it.

   Just watching those little people talking, sleeping, singing and dancing around the fire, Nini felt very interesting.

   "Shiny, how come you have so many villains? Where do they come from? It's so interesting!"

   "I found their island and grabbed some of them. You look good." Shining fingers disappeared into the air out of thin air. When they came back, they had already pinched a writhing black mouse.

   When the mouse was thrown into the low tank, the pot suddenly exploded in it, and the little people started to contain the foreign object with various homemade weapons.

   Seeing the mouse turn the little people on their backs, Shining smiled knowingly. "How interesting, it's hard to find such interesting things now. For them, I am their god."

   The next second, a tabby cat was put in. The tabby cat did not chase the mouse, but showed its paws to the little people.

   Seeing that the tabby cat's teeth just bit a villain, with Shining waved slightly, the mouse and tabby cat disappeared instantly.

   Shining removed her disguise, and the little people immediately noticed them. Everyone in the low tank knelt on the ground, bowing down to Shining.

   "Look, are they interesting?"

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