Mysteries of the Earthsea

Chapter 771: Secret Earth Sea

   Chapter 790

   Hearing T6 talk about the declaration of joining the foundation, the other scarred members of the GK Council looked at the scales above, also opened various vocal organs, and shouted hoarsely with him.

  They can't do anything in the face of the gods, but this doesn't mean they can't show their unchanging instincts to this thing.

  At this moment, they seem to have returned to the day when they shared the oath, the day when they were all human beings.

  "All the beautiful emotions we humans care about will be turned into rock-solid lofty beliefs! In order to protect their existence! We must go on! We will become the last line of defense between humans and various supernatural projects!!!"

  "This war! We must win! This is not only for ourselves, but also for our race!!!"

   "Me! T6!!!"

   "Me! K9!!!"

   "Me! V3!!!"

   "Me! A2!!!"

   "Me! O5!"

   "Me! D4!!!"

   "Me! C7!!!"

   "Me! N8!!!"

  "We swear an oath here! Absolute loyalty to the Foundation, absolute loyalty to mankind! Obey orders, strictly observe discipline, and keep secrets! We control! We contain! We protect! Everything is for all mankind!!!"

  When the last sentence was yelled out by them using all their strength, their bodies were instantly shattered by the cracks, leaving only their reverberations gradually dissipating in the air.

At this time, at the very edge of the sea of ​​mist, few of the Broken Heart Islands of the Heike tribe had sunk. A half-tilted wall melted instantly, and Charles, who was almost torn in half, fell out of it. .

Under the interference of 004, the transmission of the central computer was very unstable. His whole body was less than half of his skin, his right hand was twisted into a twist, and his face was cracked. Although his appearance was very miserable, he did not. dead.

  Just a few seconds after Charles fell on the ground, with a flash of white light, Shining appeared beside him in an instant.

   Seeing that he was not dead, tears gushed from Shining eyes, she opened her hands and threw directly into Charles's arms.

  The sparkling voice is full of grievances. "Dad, you scared me to death!!"

With the support of his daughter, Charles quickly stood up. The severe pain on his body did not distract Charles. He turned to look in the direction of SITE6 and paused for a while. The white mist on the sea gradually dissipated, and the darkness of the earth and sea enveloped everything. .

His torn mouth bled with blood and roared over there, "You lunatics! Don't think that there is nothing great when you die!! Lao Tzu is here to tell you! I, Gao Zhiming, will definitely not become the next foundation!! absolute!!"

   "You shit, lofty ideals, never want to throw it on me! You misunderstood the wrong person! I am such a selfish person!!"

   "Dad, don't tell me, you are seriously injured now." Shining stretched out her white palm to stick to Charles's wound, her flesh and blood quickly merged into his body, filling the void for him.

   Just when a few tentacles stretched out from the legs and entangled Charles's completely curved right foot in an attempt to break it in, her delicate face instantly appeared extremely solemn.

  The slender body instantly swelled, and hundreds of tentacles stretched out from it. Accompanied by the momentary inversion, the tentacles directly wrapped Charles in and protected it firmly.

  She was going to take her father away in the next second, but she soon discovered to her shock that her teleportation ability had actually failed.

  In the collapsed temple nearby, a woman in a black robe and black bandage walked out slowly, holding a cat in her hand. "Don't rush away, I'll say a few words to your father."

   Without waiting for Shining to move, the scarred Charles staggered out of the tentacles. He knows the person in front of him, she is 005.

   "I have to say that they are a group of people worthy of admiration. The human species can do this step, which is the limit they can do." 005 looked at the direction of SITE6 with emotion.

  Looking at the **** in front of him, Charles didn’t want to follow the other person’s topic. He thought for a while and said, "What is your purpose?"

  005 also did not follow the other party's topic, "This time the foundation has completed its mission, and the fire they left behind should indeed be accepted by you."

There was a trace of sarcasm on Charles's face, "Mission? Their mission is to kill us and contribute to their mission. Sorry, my level of awareness is not that high. Both foundations are gone. I don't want to be the third. "

  005 shook his head, "Let me tell you a secret, a secret that the Foundation has to guard when everything is exhausted. After you listen to it, maybe your mind will change."

   "You said, I'm listening." Charles pushed away Shining's extended hand, and quickly gestured with his fingers to make her go, but Shining stubbornly did not intend to leave alone.

   "The world before you was not destroyed, it still exists."

  The other party's words made Charles's mind clouded, and his body couldn't stand still for an instant, and the things buried deep in his memory poured up.

  The school he used to go to, the younger sister at home, the harmonious parents, what he tried to find, they did not disappear?

  005 walked in front of Charles, she raised her right hand that was entangled in the black bandage and crossed it in front of Charles, "You looked for the surface and looked in the wrong direction. Who told you that the surface must be above the sea?"

  The hand wrapped in the black bandage quickly flipped over in front of Charles and turned into a palm face up and palm back down. "Can't the real surface of the earth be under the water?"

  Charles looked at the jet black water next to him, and then at the rock formations above his head, his mind suddenly filled with thoughts.

"The surface is under the sea? That's this mysterious sea, which is all upside down! The place we went before was not the surface at all! 002 is not lying on the atmosphere! The space it is in is the center of the earth at all !!!"

  This extremely shocking concept caused Charles's entire worldview to collapse in an instant. He did not expect that the time he was closest to the surface was actually when he arrived at the abyss and trench that sealed the God of Futan!

  Charles' breathing is getting His heart is trembling slightly after crystallizing, as if he wants to beat again.

Shining next to    bit her lip and flashed her father quickly. She looked at 005 next to her with guard in her eyes.

"No, it's not right, what you said is likely to be false! If you really follow what you said, then why did the God of Light treat the center of the earth as the surface of the earth? As a **** with the power of the **** Futan, such a simple difference, he It's impossible not to know!!"

   "Yes, under normal circumstances, the God of Light can be easily distinguished, but you should think about it, and think about what He said to you before he died."

  Charles' thoughts quickly retreated, back to the moment before the God of Light was dying, and the last words he said sounded in his ears.

  "They deceived me! They deceived us all!!!"

  005's voice sounded right in Charles' ears at this time, "Why did he mistake the center of the earth for the surface? Simple, because he was deceived."

    Volume Three (End)



  (End of this chapter)

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