Mysteries of the Earthsea

Chapter 722: Fives

On the ruined Broken Heart Island, Charles was standing next to 005 with Shining, his one-eyed wide open, and his expression was extremely shocked, looking at the woman in front of him covered in black bandages.

The original sentence of the God of Guangming was explained at this moment. He who wanted to take the believers to leave the earth and sea and take refuge in space was deceived. The God of Guangming who got in from the hole fell into 002's body. In the end it ended up like that.

Charles swallowed hard, and asked 005 in front of him: "Who lied to him? Is it you?"

But 005 immediately rejected Charles's conjecture. "No, as I said before, I am a spectator, and I don't intervene. Think about it, who is doing everything to protect humanity?"

The three of them all turned their heads to look in the direction where SITE6 once existed. In all likelihood, the group of lunatics who can do this are the lunatics of the Foundation.

"Foundation? Can they deceive the God of Light?"

The corners of the mouth of 005's black bandage rose slightly, revealing a secret smile. "It's the Foundation, but not this batch, but the previous batch."

"The last batch?" Charles's mind couldn't turn around for a while, "but the last batch of GK councils has clearly merged into the **** of light!"

005 nodded slightly, "Yes, the first batch of foundations, from the moment they reached the Earth Sea from the surface, did not plan to leave at all."

As her hand lifted lightly, some black debris floated up from under the sea, and finally formed several huge stone tablets in front of her. The stone tablets recorded some words, "This is the second generation foundation for their predecessors. Please read our records for yourself."

Charles seems to have seen the look of the stele. The stele used to record various mathematical formulas in T6 was also like this.

"My fellow citizens, after fifteen years of research on what happened to the previous generation of foundations, the intelligence agencies and I finally figured out the secret."

"They have been lying and deceiving everyone. For the people below, they lied that as long as they worked for a certain number of years, they could retire and return to the surface. But from the point of SITE4 execution found in the center of the earth (see Appendix 1), this is A scam, all retired people will be ruthlessly killed."

Charles recalled the incinerator disguised as an airplane in the Foundation building that he had seen in the center of the earth, and the gray ashes of the vast plain outside the building.

"For the first generation of core decision-makers, they used something to distort all the memories of the earth and sea, including themselves. I have a probability that this object is related to 1189-1 and was found in the 104-431 sea area. Of end-of-life hard drives (see Appendix 2) prove that they have been in contact before,"

"According to the information collected by the ruins of V9, they brainwashed themselves, recognized the center of the earth as the surface, and regarded the 002 inside as the gods from the universe, who completely destroyed the surface of the earth. They are the last hope of mankind and must be found and overcome 002's approach."

"However, the data found through the otter reconnaissance (see appendix 3) after they believed that it was impossible for humans to defeat 002 or even 003, they changed their goals, and the previous generation of the Foundation decided to take the remaining humans away from this place, which is no longer suitable. The earth where mankind lives, go to other planets to create a new home for mankind."

"Based on the above analysis, I personally suggest that there is no need to deliberately execute Pope Ledger, God of Light. His goal is doomed to fail. Even if God of Light comes out in the end, he will only go to the center of the earth and keep close to 002 and eventually destroy himself."

"Do you still remember how the science department discovered the chromatic particles? It was an impact! The collision between the God of Light and 002 allows us to collect first-hand information about the battle between the gods, which can be more helpful for us to analyze the power of the gods."

"I personally think that K9's concern about the impact on the surface world is nonsense. The power of the God of Light accounts for only a few thousandths of 003. It faces 002 which is equivalent to 003. This experiment is very impressive. Safe. Famous: SITE8 Research Department T6-1."

"So.... So the GK council that formed the God of Light deceived the God of Light?" Charles looked at the slate in front of him and found an unbelievable truth.

"Yes, the God of Light may doubt other people, but he is the only one who cannot doubt his own. In the end, he was deceived by the partnership of the seven people who made him."

005 lifted the black bandaged right foot and stepped on the ground soaked with seawater. "The First Generation Foundation knows that the human civilization on the surface is really fragile. They can't stand any impact from the earth and sea. They can't let it Anything in the Earth Sea goes to the surface, including themselves. They are afraid that after their death, the deterioration of the Foundation will pose a threat to humans on the surface."

So they modified their memories to make themselves think that the surface of the earth has been completely destroyed. Their mission is to rebuild the glory of mankind. In order to protect the remaining compatriots, they even deceived themselves, but they seemed to have deceived too much.

After that, 005 did not go on, but Charles, who had experienced it, did not need him to explain. As a result, the God of Light fell into 002's arms as expected by the Second Generation Foundation, and eventually died.

005 walked over slowly, gently touching the black cat in his arms with his hand, while slowly circling around Charles. "Both generations of foundations are doing everything they can to protect the seven billion people on the surface. Now it's your turn, Charles, what is your choice? Do you plan to extinguish the fire of the foundation? "

Charles opened his mouth without hesitation, UU read but was stunned for an instant, he didn't know what to say.

After a long pause, he raised his head and looked at 005 beside him, "Why are you so interested? What does this have to do with you?"

"Of course there is a relationship. This is about the gambling game between us. Remember what I said when I was in the prison of the Foundation? As long as you can meet my requirements, then I can give you two wishes. A powerful desire for a price."

As 005 touched the black cat's head, the cat opened her mouth and spat, and two white **** the size of table tennis floated in front of him.

"The two wishes, as long as you say them, I can help you realize what I can do, for example, let you have a stronger strength than the previous foundation, and for example...I can help you Return to your original world."

Back to the original world? Back to that innocent age? Charles's hand was unknowingly tight, but his small hand with the gleaming palm released his clenched hand.

Charles did not answer 005's words, but carefully observed the completely different **** in front of him. "What is your purpose for doing this?"

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